Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: East_TX_Spa on March 04, 2005, 02:24:16 pm

Title: California, Here I Come...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on March 04, 2005, 02:24:16 pm
Heading to beautiful Vista, CA to get my Top Gun wings.  I love to talk about spas, but I don't know if I'm up for 4 straight days of it!

Anyway, everybody have a good week and sell lots of spas! 8)

Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: PoolToSpa on March 04, 2005, 02:34:25 pm
Have a safe and fun trip! :)
Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: Chas on March 04, 2005, 02:35:28 pm
What's your handle?

Mine, believe it or not, is "Chas."

Creative, no?

Ask about me - but don't claim to be a friend or they might make it tougher on you.

Have fun.

Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on March 04, 2005, 02:37:30 pm
Have a safe and fun trip! :)

Thank you!

Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on March 04, 2005, 02:40:06 pm
What's your handle?

Mine, believe it or not, is "Chas."

Creative, no?

Ask about me - but don't claim to be a friend or they might make it tougher on you.

Have fun.

TERMINATOR is my handle.  (Might have to look up Sarah Connor while I'm in CA ;D)

Chas, did you go through Top Gun with Homeboy?  He's my boss and says he knows you.

Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: Mendocino101 on March 04, 2005, 02:43:45 pm
Have a great trip....

If you have an hour to drive north stop in and say Hi.... :D
Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on March 04, 2005, 02:45:31 pm
Have a great trip....

If you have an hour to drive north stop in and say Hi.... :D

Thanks Mendo.  If I had time I would love to do some sightseeing and visiting.  From what I understand, they have us going from 9 am to 9 pm every day, kind of like spa boot camp.

Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: poolboy34 on March 04, 2005, 03:01:19 pm
oh yeah they's all spas all the time!!!!!  I didn't attend the "top Gun" training session, but I did get a chance to take a 3 day training session at the vista plant.  Scott is an excelent teacher, and an even better person.  You will trult be the "terminator" when you get back, b/c your customers will all say the same thing.."We'll be back.........with a sample of our new spas water."  Our session was instense, and they said that the Top Gun session is even more intense.  The only bad part of the trip for me was not having more time to get out and enjoy the warm sunny weather!!
Title: Re: California, Here I Come...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on March 04, 2005, 03:07:54 pm
 You will trult be the "terminator" when you get back, b/c your customers will all say the same thing.."We'll be back.........with a sample of our new spas water."

;D ;D ;D That was really funny!