Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Spa_Tech on February 06, 2005, 04:38:02 pm

Title: Hot Tub Rentals- Feedback Requested
Post by: Spa_Tech on February 06, 2005, 04:38:02 pm
Business has been good- in fact, it been good enough that I think Im ready to experiment in expanding into some new revenue generators.

Ive kicked around the idea of renting small portable spas for the past couple of years and since renewal of my yellowpage advertising is forthcoming and a new truck is on the way (Which will need signage.) I thought Id seek the opinons of the forum goers.

Aside from the rental revenue, another advantage I see is using this as a marketing vehicle- Making them an offer to purchase the same spa they rent at a future date, applying the rental fee as a down payment. (But no, there will be no rent-to-own program.)

The disadvantage to this, is simply the liability insurance.

I've done the typical websearch and found that a few companies do this (most seem to be in eastern Canada), often using Softubs or trailer mounted acrylic spas- Little spas seem to be priced near $250 a weekend.

If you dont (or didnt already) have a spa, would you look at this as a viable opportunity to try it out at your pre-inspected home?

Too afraid of the 'cootie' factor?

Whats reasonable for rental fee?

Any suggestions?

Im open to opinions- post on...
Title: Re: Hot Tub Rentals- Feedback Requested
Post by: spahappy on February 06, 2005, 05:46:02 pm
There's a company that rents spas about 60 miles away from my town. They're full time farmers and don't sell hottubs so I have no problem recomending them to people.

They have two older 8 person spas that use propane to heat. This makes it easier as the spa jets can run off 110. From what I've heard back from people the spas are on a trailer and are pretty basic. The owner brings the spa over and fills it, gets the chems right, and gives a few operating lessons and leaves. He charged $150.00 per day and mileage and requires a deposit and quite a few forms signed for insurance.

People love it, in fact I'd been working with a couple for about 6 months but just couldn't close them. They called me around Christmas and asked if we rented hottubs. I recomended this company and they had a New Years Eve party in one of these spas. I called to see how it went and within a week I sold them a spa.

I think it could be a great sales tool. I also think it could be quite a liability.

Spahappy :D
Title: Re: Hot Tub Rentals- Feedback Requested
Post by: Q on February 07, 2005, 08:57:34 am
We here at Bubba's Tubs rent as well as sell.

We rent Softub 300s for $275 a weekend and $350 a week. One fellow liked it so much he bought a burgundy one we had at the store. Any rental fee can be used towards the purchase of ANY spa within 30 days.

It's a great marketing tool and can definitely lead to more sales. We advertise a nice bit with a trailer and truck. We put our Nordic Impulse on the back and cart it around. We haven't done as much as we like due to the owner's committments but the little we've done has produced a couple customers dropping by the store.
Title: Re: Hot Tub Rentals- Feedback Requested
Post by: Chris_H on February 07, 2005, 09:16:47 am

Here is a site of a rental place in my area.  Personally, I think it is more hassle than anything.
Title: Re: Hot Tub Rentals- Feedback Requested
Post by: Drewski on February 07, 2005, 12:55:04 pm
 Hey Chris_H:

Good link! The "photos" section ( seems to provide better reasons for renting (I'd suggest "scrolling" down...)

;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Hot Tub Rentals- Feedback Requested
Post by: Chris_H on February 07, 2005, 01:41:13 pm
Hey Chris_H:

Good link! The "photos" section ( seems to provide better reasons for renting (I'd suggest "scrolling" down...)

 ;D  ;D  ;D


Those are all my girlfriends...
Title: Re: Hot Tub Rentals- Feedback Requested
Post by: Steve on February 07, 2005, 04:19:20 pm
I'm mov'n to Philli!  :o

Sorry...didn't notice any hot tubs in those pictures... :-/ ;D
