Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: ebirrane on January 17, 2005, 04:26:04 pm

Title: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: ebirrane on January 17, 2005, 04:26:04 pm
Hey all!

Just went out today to put some chemicals in the tub and noticed about 20 ball-bearings resting on the seat.  They are silver and about the size of standard BB-gun ammo, maybe a little smaller.

I left a message with the dealer's service guy, but he is out on call and will call me when he gets in.  Any thoughts on where these things might come from?  The pumps all work as, it seems, do the jets.

Just got back from a long weekend and let friends use the tub.  I'd hate to have to ask them what they may have been doing that involved 20 silvery ball bearings.  :-[

Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: nicker on January 17, 2005, 04:41:06 pm
Ya I would hate to know what they were doing too?  I am not sure I would run the tub until you find out whats going on.  You wouldn't want bearings running through the pump.    ???
Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: Mendocino101 on January 17, 2005, 04:41:48 pm
I am sure one of the Hot springs guys will post to help you....but I wouuld have to think it is from the jets....somewhere
Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: Chris_H on January 17, 2005, 04:42:10 pm
It is from one of your pulsating jets.  If you remove all of the pulsating jets from your spa, you would be able to find out which one is missing the ball bearings.  It would be replaced under warranty.  Probably if you bring the defective one to your dealer they can just swap it out for you.
Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: hottubber on January 17, 2005, 04:59:04 pm
This is not uncommon for a spa that uses jets with ballbearings. Sometimes when the calcium level in the water is too high, the bearing race comes apart. This will cause the bearings to fall out of the jet, the water pushes them into the spa. Not a big deal, have petience, I am sure your dealer will take care of it for you.
Good luck, let us know how you make out ;).

PS...You don't think it could be buckshot, do you? ???
Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: Spatech_tuo on January 17, 2005, 05:50:16 pm
It'll be a simple fix by swapping out the old jet with a new one. The jet should pull out rather easily but let your dealer know and I imagine he'll take care of you one way or another.
Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: ebirrane on January 17, 2005, 06:59:42 pm
Hey all,

 Thanks for the replies!  ;D  I will investigate this evening and see if any jets seem like they have come loose.  Service rep guy didn't call, but he may not have gone back to the store after his rounds.  I'll give him a ring tomorrow.

Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: ebirrane on January 17, 2005, 07:00:23 pm

PS...You don't think it could be buckshot, do you? ???


No, BUT when we were digging out the concrete slab for the tub, I did find a few spent shotgun cartridges!

Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: doodoo on January 17, 2005, 08:18:08 pm
ebirrane. If your jets are all fine then I would ask your guests what 'toys' they brought with them while you were out.  ::)
Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: East_TX_Spa on January 18, 2005, 10:10:21 am
Chris H nailed it, they are the ball bearings from the rotary jets.  About 3-4 times/year we have a customer come in needing a new jet.  We just give them a new one to pop in.  Easy as pie.

Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: stuart on January 18, 2005, 11:08:36 am
Chris H nailed it, they are the ball bearings from the rotary jets.  About 3-4 times/year we have a customer come in needing a new jet.  We just give them a new one to pop in.  Easy as pie.


When you take those jets out they should pull straight out at you. When you replace them most dealers give you another retainer ring, if the 4 prongs pop back in too easily and don't feel tight then replace the retainer ring also.

BTW, don't force those jets in any way, you have 4 small prongs holding the jet inplace (believe it or not so does the water flow) and you can bend or break those if your not careful
Title: Re: Found Ball Bearings in my Grandee
Post by: Brewman on January 20, 2005, 04:33:27 pm


No, BUT when we were digging out the concrete slab for the tub, I did find a few spent shotgun cartridges!


Be glad that you dug no deeper!