Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Max78 on January 06, 2005, 08:32:25 pm

Title: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: Max78 on January 06, 2005, 08:32:25 pm
Is there any difference in the following 2 products (besides the Nature2 is not bromine compatible).  I use dichlor and currently have a Spa Frog.  I have an Optima with an ozinator.  Can I use the Nature2 in place of the Spa Frog?  Also, my dealer told me to put the Spa Frog on TOP of the filter and not inside of the filter.  The Nature 2 says to put it inside the filter.  If I can use the Nature 2, should I lay it on top of the filter also? It is time to replace the Spa Frog and just wondered if I could use the Nature 2 instead.  

1) Nature2 Spa Purifier -  An insert that fits inside hot tub filter cartridges.  Sanitizes and purifies by releasing silver ion into the water.  Nature 2 is an odorless system, used with OxyShock. May also be shocked using sodium dichlor (chlorine). Lasts 4 months.Not bromine compatible.

2) Frog Mineral Purifier -  A spa filter cartridge insert.  Purifies by releasing small amounts of natural minerals into the water.  Maintained using Oxy Spa and a small residual of bromine or chlorine. Lasts 4 months.  From Leisure Time.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: ttodd1 on January 07, 2005, 08:37:52 am
I asked this same question awhile back and as one of the experts said "it's like comparing Coke to Pepsi, not much difference".  Of course the fact thaat N2 can't be used with Bromine.  Putting the cartridge on the filter is fine.  I've used both (with dichlor) and really have seen no difference in the way it works in the water.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: bulmer4nc on January 07, 2005, 10:34:04 am
We use the Frog with Bromine and put our Frog inside the filter.  For us it seemed to be more effective that way.  If you put it in the filter I think you need at least 4 hours of filtration a day.  Currently we're doing just that, 4 x 1hour per day.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: Max78 on January 07, 2005, 03:12:43 pm
Thanks for the replies.  I also run 4 filter cycles a day at an hour each.  I just wondered what the reasoning was for putting the thing on top of the filter vs. inside like it says to do in the instructions.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: tony on January 07, 2005, 03:46:56 pm
I have used both the Spa Frog and Nature2 cartridges for over a year each.  No difference, IMO.  You do not want to install the cartridge inside of a newer Sundance filter.  The circ pump draws through the micro clean filter on one side and the two speed pump draws from the pleated filter.  Placing it on top of the filter insures protection whenever water is moving.  BTW, Nature2 makes a cartridge sold by Sundance called SunPurity that fits in the bromine compartment in the filter weir door.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: ttodd1 on January 07, 2005, 04:36:09 pm
Yes they do but it also cost more than the "regular" one.  I would just get the regular one and lay it on the filter.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: hottubber on January 08, 2005, 01:52:02 pm
What you should do is use the recommended chemical system that Sundance already has in place. The Sun-Purity with dichlor is the best for your situation. Do away with the Frog. The Sun-Purity system is designed by Nature 2 for Sundance Spas. Just install it in your brominator at the filter once every 4 months and use dichlor as you are already.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: Max78 on January 09, 2005, 11:14:51 am
The Frog is what my Sundance Dealer gave me with my start up chemicals.  Is the brominator standard on the Optima weir door?  Since I've just used dichlor, I've never noticed.
Title: Re: Spa Frog or Nature2?  
Post by: ttodd1 on January 09, 2005, 05:26:31 pm
I think it may be standard on all of them (I have it on my Cameo).  But as I said the SunPurity cost a bit more than the one that goes in the filter.  If you have the Frog, use the Frog.  As I understand you can still use dichlor with it or bromine.  It will keep the water just as good as the N2.