Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: wmccall on December 31, 2004, 05:04:15 pm

Title: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: wmccall on December 31, 2004, 05:04:15 pm
Stay home, relax in the spa, Watch Regis till the ball drops and then go to bed.  I've been out working and running errands all day, and for some reason I think the entire world is out to get me today.

Concealed carry is legal in Ohio now.  I won't apply. If I did, there would be a lot less people around.  Heading to the hot tub.

On a totally unrealted note, well, I'll make this hot tub related.  Do any of you dealers have family working for you?  I will never , as much as I like this establishment, hand my credit card over to an 8 year old again.  Family businesses are fine, but lets be real here!   (It was a pizza shop by the way  ;)) If there is anyplace beside my hot tub I should be able to de-stress its a pizza shop.
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Bubbles on December 31, 2004, 05:11:25 pm
A prosperous '05 to all. Be well.
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Chas on December 31, 2004, 05:30:39 pm
On a totally unrealted note, well, I'll make this hot tub related.  Do any of you dealers have family working for you?  I will never again, as much as I like this establishment, hand my credit card over to an 8 year old again.  Family businesses are fine, but lets be real here!

Wow Bill - you gonna be OK?

Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: wmccall on December 31, 2004, 05:34:45 pm
Wow Bill - you gonna be OK?


The world is out to get me, if I can avoid the world for a few hours I should be ok.
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Lori on December 31, 2004, 05:38:50 pm
I'm telling you Bill, you need to consider hibernation!!!


But just remember, the whole world isn't out to get you, we still love you around here!

See, having a tub is so much more than hot water, it can be an escape from the world!  

Oh yeah, I got a floating thermometer for my tub last night for $3.50 at Circuit City (of all places)!  It is so cool!

May you have a peacefully quiet New Year, Bill!!!
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: stuart on December 31, 2004, 05:55:45 pm
You've earned a melt-down if anyone has buddy! Sit in your spa, close the world off and melt some of that tension away!

BTW, I thought of you yesterday! The whole time we were fixing that Gazebo we were talking about a new Hotwings place called the “Wing Stop” that just opened up around the corner. By the time we finished we were famished, cold and in need of a well deserved plate of wings! When we got there the door was locked and a sign that said they would be back later! I was on the phone with Drewski at the time and I’m sure he caught my utter dismay! Subway was a poor substitute….

You have a great New Year!
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Lori on December 31, 2004, 05:57:18 pm
I know I am not the "Wing King", the "Wing Queen", or even the "Wing Princess", but I think the Wing Stop has pretty good wings!

Sorry you missed it!
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: wmccall on December 31, 2004, 06:06:49 pm
we were talking about a new Hotwings place called the “Wing Stop”

This year we took a trip to Mecca, otherwise known as Buffalo and I believe the Wing stop was a participant in the National Buffalo Wing Festival.  Most places are even better than they are at these events, so I'll expect a full report later.


Everyone of my messages today will have a "Last edited by" statement at the end.
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: stuart on December 31, 2004, 06:12:53 pm

This year we took a trip to Mecca, otherwise known as Buffalo and I believe the Wing stop was a particpant in the National Buffalo Wing Festival.  Most places are even better than they are at these events, so I'll expect a full report later.


So now I can tell my wife that I'm going there on official business? :D ;D 8) (You have to understand, if the salad menu is not as large as the entree menu she thinks it's unhealthy!) :P
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: newtotubbing on December 31, 2004, 07:32:20 pm
Stay home, relax in the spa, Watch Regis till the ball drops and then go to bed.  

We are having some friends over and we are planning just that, eat a nice meal, fillet Mignon and King Crab, have a few adult beverages, relax in the spa and watch the ball drop.  Not necessarily in that order!

Have a Healthy New Year to all of the great people on this forum.

Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Chas on December 31, 2004, 10:10:45 pm
I know I am not the "Wing King", the "Wing Queen", or even the "Wing Princess"

Lori, I thought you were the "Princess of quite a lot."


Spa related. Raise the pH or something...

Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Vinny on December 31, 2004, 10:51:55 pm
You have to understand, if the salad menu is not as large as the entree menu she thinks it's unhealthy! :P

What could be more healthier than eating chicken. And they serve them here in NJ with celery. The sauce is made from peppers, what else is needed to convince anyone that it's healthy! ???

Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: mhraracing on December 31, 2004, 11:45:08 pm
Happy New year everybody.....15 mins to ball drop.

Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Chas on December 31, 2004, 11:57:21 pm
Happy New year everybody.....15 mins to ball drop.

That's odd, it's more like three hours here....

;D ;D
Title: Re: Happy New Year and my advice is.....
Post by: Lori on January 01, 2005, 12:35:37 pm

Lori, I thought you were the "Princess of quite a lot."


Spa related. Raise the pH or something...


Oh but Chas, I am!  I am also the Princess of a HotSpring Vanguard!

Just not wings!