Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: wmccall on December 29, 2004, 03:05:53 pm
Didn't realize tubbing could be dangerous. Went to get in late night and heard a big splash. Ice had begun to fall off the nieghbor's tree and hit inside the tub. We were all sore, so I put up the umbrella. Nothing big enough to get through that came down.
Didn't realize tubbing could be dangerous. Went to get in late night and heard a big splash. Ice had begun to fall off the nieghbor's tree and hit inside the tub. We were all sore, so I put up the umbrella. Nothing big enough to get through that came down.
BILL!!!! :o You can't believe how my heart goes out to you guys! You can't get a break! Your in my prayers buddy!
Any damage?
I just wanted to add, considering how your month has gone.... if you see the shadow of a bird flying over you I would advise you to DUCK!
It was just a thumb sized piece of ice from the neighbor's tree that I will have cut off shortly. You can't hire a tree person up here these days, they are working 24/7
I was picturing a 6 ft icicle with bomb letters printed on it!
Several years ago I sold a Grande to a customer in the mountains with a 15,000 Sq Ft home. His roof was 3 stories above the spa and he had an 8 ft icicle break loose, go through the cover and penetrated the shell on the bottom! Thank goodness no one was in the spa at the time. I wish I still had pictures!
BTW, in case I haven’t mentioned this, I truly appreciate your positive attitude and humor throughout your ordeals with ice storm, power failure and wreck! I don’t know that I could have been as upbeat about it all! 8)
Several years ago I sold a Grande to a customer in the mountains with a 15,000 Sq Ft home. His roof was 3 stories above the spa and he had an 8 ft icicle break loose, go through the cover and penetrated the shell on the bottom! Thank goodness no one was in the spa at the time. I wish I still had pictures!
Wow, I never thought about Icicles at all, glad my tub is not near an overhang next to my house. I guess insurance would cover that loss?
Actually, that may NOT be covered! >:( A hot tub is (for insurance purposes) considered "personal property." Personal property is covered for "named perils" only. (as opposed to your house which is usually covered for "accidental direct physical loss" or "accidental damage.")
Most homeowner's policies have 12 - 14 named perils. The common ones are: Theft, Fire, Wind, Water, etc. So unless your policy names "falling objects" as a named peril. . .Ice falling on personal property would not be a covered loss. Bummer eh? But a hot tub melted by a nearby fire would be a covered loss (damaged by a named peril.) ???
Now about Wmmcall's tree, that depends! If my own tree falls down because it's dead/rotten = no coverage for damage to my own personal property (hottub or patio furniture. . .named peril only.) But if it hits my house the house is covered (structure is covered for accidental damage, NOT named perils.) If my tree gets knocked down by wind (named peril) both the damaged personal property and structure would be covered. Confused yet? ??? ??? ???
Finally, if my tree falls down into the neighbor's yard, damage to the neighbors stuff is covered regardless of why it fell. That's because I'm "liable" for the damage (property damage or bodily injury) my tree causes someone else. My neighbor's stuff would be covered by my "liability coverage" which is a separate coverage under any homeowner's policy. Your policy has separate coverage limits for:
Structure coverage: $xxx,xxx
Personal Property: $yyy,yyy
Liability coverage: $zzz,zzz
and different "coverage rules" for each of those categories. :o
If it all seems just too confusing, remember: 1) Don't try to understand this stuff while drinking! 2) Call your agent, they are trained in this stuff. (In fact, people actually get degrees in insurance. One of the basic ones is called a CPCU. :o )
we now return you to your regularly scheduled forum (imagine theme from the twilight zone here)
Man, I'm with Stu, you guys can't seem to catch a break!
Ever heard of hibernating? ;)
Glad it was only a small piece of ice, would hate for the tub to be hurt, when you guys seem to need it the most (for healing purposes)!
You've had a great attitude through it all, I agree with Stu on that too! What are you going to do when OSU wins?? :P
:D Couldn't resist! STAY SAFE!!!