Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Lori on December 14, 2004, 08:30:02 pm

Title: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Lori on December 14, 2004, 08:30:02 pm
Well...this may not be as funny, but it is a story with a moral!

After a grueling Monday at work, I came home with a major migraine.  I slept for a bit, until my hubby came home, I then decided to get a quick soak in before dinner.  I get in and am really beginning to let things (stress, mainly) drain away.  I went to switch my diverter valve, so I could work my feet and calves.  It broke off in my hand!  Horror!!!

I got out, came inside the house to put some clothes on (it was getting cold).  I had hubby grab a flashlight and some pliers and help me fix the position to the middle (so that water is running out of all jets).  I threw in my chlorine and came inside.  I looked at my warranty (and pm'd a friend) and called my dealer this morning.

Now, my dealer stopped carrying tubs this past spring.  They basically sell patio furniture and pools now.  They have been in business for 30 + years and had carried HotSpring for 5 years when I purchased.  The service tech finally called back, he had been on the road all day and at 5:30 p.m. had time to return his calls, which I totally understand!  I feel for him, considering we are getting some truly cold air, and I'm sure I am not the only customer trying to get help.  He told me he would see if he had the part in stock, if not, he will order.

I just have to say, that even knowning now that they would quit carrying the tubs, I would buy from this dealer again.  I guess, technically, they could relegate me to a dealer 90 minutes away (my closest HotSpring dealer now), but instead, they are following through with their part of the sale!  Service!!!

I just had to give them a little praise!  Do not underestimate the power of a great dealer, no matter what brand they sell!!!  
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: stuart on December 14, 2004, 08:44:23 pm
In light of the situation, I don't believe it would be unreasonable to ask that HotSpring or the ex-dealer overnight the part....

Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: newtotubbing on December 14, 2004, 09:15:16 pm
It sounds like the dealer is doing the right thing here.  They do not want to lose any customer since they are still in business and you might buy something from them in the future.  I bet if you called HS, they would have overnighted the part to you.

Can you install that diverter knob yourself?

Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: stuart on December 14, 2004, 09:28:50 pm
It sounds like the dealer is doing the right thing here.  They do not want to lose any customer since they are still in business and you might buy something from them in the future.  I bet if you called HS, they would have overnighted the part to you.

Can you install that diverter knob yourself?


I agree with Jonathan, HS will probably send it to you. It really isn't that hard and I'm sure you can talk your hubby into doing it. If you want you can get a step stool and watch! ;) (sorry I couldn't resist) ;D

I just realized that I was poking fun at a woman that just ripped a part off of a spa with brute strength!
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Chas on December 14, 2004, 09:37:23 pm
There might be a reason this happened -  be sure the diverter isn't getting stiff. If so - have the tech clean it out and free it up before putting the handle on and driving away...
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: newtotubbing on December 14, 2004, 10:21:15 pm

Mine seems to be stiff one day and smooth on other days.  
Keep your minds out of the gutter!   :-[  LOL!!!!

How does the tech lube it up to keep it moving freely.  Again, minds out of the gutter!

Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: stuart on December 14, 2004, 10:26:20 pm

Mine seems to be stiff one day and smooth on other days.  
Keep your minds out of the gutter!   :-[  LOL!!!!

How does the tech lube it up to keep it moving freely.  


It can feel a bit stiff when you have the jets on high and also if you have not turned it for a while the seals will swell a bit.
Again, minds out of the gutter!
Biting my lip....biting my lip.... ;)
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: newtotubbing on December 14, 2004, 10:31:44 pm
Keep your minds out of the gutter!   :-[  LOL!!!!

This line had you in mind for sure Stuart!  ;D

Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: spahappy on December 15, 2004, 01:33:54 am
I find my diverter moves more freely when moved back and forth. Rarely does it require any lubrication though I do notice an increase in pressure when adjusted just right. 8)

Also, as additional information, if it seems very cold to the touch, I always recommend blowing... on it. I've also heard of extreme cases where people get it caught in the cover zipper. I certainly don't recomend that! :'( You may find it not function correctly for some time should this occur. ;)

Should this problem occur again Lori, might I suggest a more gentile touch as it usually reacts in your favor when done so. ;)



Hey Steve are you still out on the road alot? lol

New rule...No more diverter talk on the forum...

Spahappy :D
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: stuart on December 15, 2004, 01:40:41 am
Man! I really thought Bill would have a hey-day with this topic! How could he let such an opportunity slip by.....? ;)
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Lori on December 15, 2004, 06:57:09 am
I figured he would be first in line to jump in!  Hmmm...maybe he is contemplating his next response!

I'm sure HS would have sent me the part, but I wanted to give the dealer the opportunity to do right.  I hate going over someone's head if I don't have to (and that is what I feel I would be doing if I called the manufacturer before contacting my local service people)!  Isn't that why we tout buying from a local dealer?  Hubby looked at it and said he might be able to fix it, but it was dark and cold, and I don't know if I trust him to fix my tub!  LOL!  It is my toy!!!  (And just so you know, I had to stand on my steps to be able to make sure the light was getting to where hubby needed it.  

Anyway, we will see what he says today.  I think they only have one service tech now, and I want to give them the opportunity to do the service.  Besides, I can enjoy the tub with the diverter in the middle.  At least it is operative!  And Chas has a good idea, the diverter has always been easy to move with the jets off, but it is tougher with the jets running, maybe it does need cleaned out and lubed up.  How would I know that?  I am not mechanically inclined (or very little)!

I think I will trust the professionals with this!  Too bad none of you guys are close to me!!!

Steve,  ;)

Thanks Stuart!  If the service tech tells me it will be a wait, I'll suggest overnighting and trying to do it myself!  I will, however, be expecting some tips from you and the other experts about doing it myself!  ;D ;)

I really wanted some of the newbies on the board to hear a story about dealer support!  One of the most important considerations, in my opinion, when shopping for spas!!!
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: wmccall on December 15, 2004, 08:19:05 am
 I hate going over someone's head if I don't have to !

Here this will help.

Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Chas on December 15, 2004, 09:59:48 am
Too bad none of you guys are close to me!!!
Lori, I thought we WERE close....
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Lori on December 15, 2004, 11:36:22 am
Lori, I thought we WERE close....

Oh Chas, we are close, just too far a distance for you to travel to come fix it for me!  I doubt we could get you away from Cali!!  Especially to come to Oklahoma!  You would have to buy a coat, probably a parka since the temps have been in the 20's in the a.m. and low 50's in the afternoon!  Shoot, there isn't any snow, but you would be out of your element!!!  I wouldn't want to be responsible for you being cold!

:-* You are my favorite HotSpring dealer in Southern California!!!

Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: stuart on December 15, 2004, 12:00:06 pm

Here this will help.


I have to admit that when I first read the title of this topic I feared something catastrophic happened like the Oopah Loompahs revolted and ran off with her spa steps or something! ;D
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Chas on December 15, 2004, 01:41:16 pm
:-* You are my favorite HotSpring dealer in Southern California!!!

Thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Lori on December 16, 2004, 07:03:07 am

Haven't you heard?  The Oompa Loompa's are in production of the new Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Movie!

They don't have time to steal steps!!!   ;D
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Lori on December 16, 2004, 07:26:31 am
Ok, so here is an update.  The tech called yesterday, around 4 or so, and said he didn't have a part in stock.  He is sending a guy over that we will be on my side of town to assess the damage (so to speak).  I left the broken diverter valve (please, this is my layman's description, be nice  :P) with a piece of the shaft still attached.  The bottom of the shaft looks like a cross + and one of the pieces of the cross looks "sheared" off.

If he tells me it will be next week, I will contact HotSprings (I did the same when I needed my cover fixed).  I don't know how much good it will do to have the part overnighted, it takes a few days for them to be on my side of town.  And I need hubby to fix some other things, hard to believe, I know, but the tub is not the priority!   :'(

It has just been a really crummy week!  On top of this, my hot water heater has gone out, I broke my spa, and I could go on.  I can still use my spa, which is a life saver for me at this point!  If I couldn't use my spa, I would be jumping up and down!  My dealer may not be quick, but they are thorough.  We will see what he tells me after seeing the part.

I'm trying to have the Christmas spirit!  
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Chas on December 16, 2004, 10:20:07 am
I'm trying to have the Christmas spirit!  
There ya go!  I have found that no matter what, the part will take longer if the customer is the type to get upset.

If the customer is the type to count the minutes, the more likely it is for the unusual things to happen: UPS will lose it, it will get ordered wrong, it could get sent to the wrong dealer, it might get forgotten or be on backorder at the plant  - whatever.

So keep the right attitude - think of the people in China who don't have hot tubs at all or the people in Canada who can't buy Baqua or something - and it will help the part to arrive faster and the tech to get out there and take care of things faster.

Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Lori on December 16, 2004, 11:00:14 am
There ya go!  I have found that no matter what, the part will take longer if the customer is the type to get upset.

If the customer is the type to count the minutes, the more likely it is for the unusual things to happen: UPS will lose it, it will get ordered wrong, it could get sent to the wrong dealer, it might get forgotten or be on backorder at the plant  - whatever.

So keep the right attitude - think of the people in China who don't have hot tubs at all or the people in Canada who can't buy Baqua or something - and it will help the part to arrive faster and the tech to get out there and take care of things faster.


It has always been my philosophy that things happen for a reason!  There is a lesson in all this, I just have to find it!!!

Thanks Chas!
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: stuart on December 16, 2004, 12:57:29 pm

Haven't you heard?  The Oompa Loompa's are in production of the new Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Movie!

They don't have time to steal steps!!!   ;D

WHAT! The Oopah Loopahs are out of town? Bummer, now you truly are a minority.....!(but I'm sure a much cuter one ;))
Title: Re: Trouble in Lori Land!
Post by: Lori on December 16, 2004, 03:10:59 pm
 ;) Thanks Stuart!!!

I've been told...