Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: ChuckDiff on July 10, 2000, 06:46:17 pm

Title: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: ChuckDiff on July 10, 2000, 06:46:17 pm
I have been looking at spas for awhile now and I think I may be narrowing in on the Dimension One Californian.  Does anyone have any experience with this manufacturer or model?  How is the $6,500 quote?  Finally, I was thinking about their "ultralife" white finish -- this tub will be outside --- any comments?  Your help is greatly appreciated!
Title: Re:Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: Joe on July 10, 2000, 07:24:39 pm
Take a look at to read what someone who doesn't care much for Dimension 1 has to say. Whether you agree or disagree, you'll get a little different review of D1 than what you've probably been reading.
Goodluck with your spa search.
Title: Re:Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: Spa Tech on July 11, 2000, 01:02:33 am
No major comments about D1's product-A little average maybe-but you could do worse.

But I did want to specifically address the "Ultralife" white shell. What most people dont take into consideration about choosing a white shell like the D1 or HotSpring lines have to offer, is that it is a high contrast material. It shows dirt very easlily and often is too bright to sit in if its in an unshaded area. Try to imagine it set in place at your home and note if its a shady area or not. Also take into consideration what it might look like dirty.

This may sound silly to some- but daily use can change the way you feel about your purchase.

Happy Tubbin'
Title: Re:Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: Jeff Curry on July 11, 2000, 01:37:01 am
I bought a Dimension One Nautilus in 9/99.  It was a 1998 floor model and I paid $5690, which included a cover cradle, redwood steps, cover,  difficult delivery (off of a 2nd story backyard deck), and starter chemicals.  The Nautilus and Californian are similar in size.  The spa has a full 5 year warranty and I got the Ultralife white shell.

I only considered Tiger River, Hot Springs and D1.  I looked at Sundance, but someone I know had leaking problems with their Sundance.  I choose the D1 because I thought I got a much better deal from them than HS. I wet tested the Tiger River and the spa wasn't comfortable for me.

D1 has some nice features like a bottom drain, 106 degree max heater, two jet pumps and a good warranty.  The white shell hasn't been a problem for me, but I drain and clean the spa every 3-4 months.

I spoke to an independent spa repairman that services D1 and Caldera for the dealer that I purchased my spa through and he's had only one leak from a D1 and quite a few leak repairs on Caldera Spas.  The D1 leak was caused by frozen pipes.  He told me that D1 recently switched from Balboa controls to some Canadian company (don't remember the name - may be Gecko) and he's had some problem with the new D1 controls.  My 1998 model has Balboa controls.  I haven't noticed a major increase in my electric bill and I keep the spa HOT (104 degrees).  Maybe $25/ month max and I use it every night.

Overall, I'm happy with the spa.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  

Title: Re:Re:Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: chuckdiff on July 11, 2000, 04:20:30 pm
Thanks to everyone who responded; I appreciate your time and this forum. Your comments were all helpful.  Happy tubbing!
Title: Re:Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: spaguy on July 15, 2000, 04:43:23 pm
dimension one is a great spa. 6500 is a great price, buy it...
Title: Re:Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: John on July 27, 2000, 04:08:05 pm
I was also looking at D1. Don't know if you bought or not. I had a real problem with their warranty. Both the salespeople and the website push the "lifetime" shell warranty. What they don't say is that after 7 years the only way they honor the warranty is if YOU PAY for all the following

1. Removal of the spa
2. Shipment to their factory in California
3. Shipment back to your house
4. Reinstallation of the spa

Can you see yourself ever doing this for a 7+ year old spa if you live far away from CA (I live in VA). Let's face it, this is a 7 year warranty at best and I think the sales approach is sleazy.
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: salesdvl on November 16, 2004, 05:25:20 pm
I wonder if Chuck ever got a spa.
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: Chris_H on November 16, 2004, 05:51:05 pm
Are you Chuck?  Why are you digging up posts from 4 years ago?
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: Dr_Eclat on November 16, 2004, 07:44:43 pm
D1 makes high priced mid-road spas. You can do better e.g. MarQuis, Caldera, Sundance, Catalina.
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: Chas on November 16, 2004, 08:19:23 pm
Interesting that all of these (four year old) posts are by "guests," and they all read in a very familiar way.....

Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: HotTubMan on November 16, 2004, 08:38:19 pm
Interesting that all of these (four year old) posts are by "guests," and they all read in a very familiar way.....


Very odd..
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: poolboy34 on November 16, 2004, 09:13:13 pm
D1 makes high priced mid-road spas. You can do better e.g. MarQuis, Caldera, Sundance, Catalina.

It's funny how when one company stands out from everyone else, everybody is quick to take pot shots at them.  I would hardly consider D-1 a mid road spa, and to even throw out the absurdity that catalina is in the same class is ludicrous.  They had a catalina booth next to ours at the state comparison in product, period.  Now Marquis and sundance i would put in the same category.  caldera is a slight step below.

Store manager for a D-1 & caldera Dealer

And yeah, who the heck has all this time on their hands that they;re digging up posts from 4 years ago????
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: salesdvl on November 16, 2004, 09:20:16 pm
I just clicked on the very last page to see what the posts looked like back then.  Kinda like a time capsule.

Dont everybody get all riled up now.   :D
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: Mendocino101 on November 16, 2004, 09:50:52 pm

 Now Marquis and sundance i would put in the same category.  caldera is a slight step below.

Store manager for a D-1 & caldera Dealer

Jason....I am glad to hear you say that...I have felt the same way Caldera is a nice spa and just a "slight" step down from Hot Springs.....D-1...Marquis...I think it mainly because of the filtration system not that it is not adequate...just not quite the same as the others mentioned....
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: rocket on November 16, 2004, 10:57:57 pm
I just clicked on the very last page to see what the posts looked like back then.  Kinda like a time capsule.

Dont everybody get all riled up now.   :D

VERRRRRY, VERRRRY, Interesting.  HMmmm
Title: Re: Dimension 1 - Any good?
Post by: poolboy34 on November 16, 2004, 11:12:51 pm
actually mendo, the filtration on the calderas is quite good.  we have no difficulties with the water in the showrooms.  The reason i say and feel they are a slight step below the Premium spas (Marquis, Hot Spring, D-1, & Sundance) is due to the construction of them, amount of insulation (while good, it's not as much as on the others i mentioned), alos the type of jets and the placement of the jets caldera uses aren't as good or well thought out as the other brands, the shells look great but the vacuum process they use leaves "pock" marks and indentations on the shells which to me makes them appear of lesser quality........these are just some of the slight gripes i have with caldera.  Am i being too picky about these reasons..............probably, but it's this attention to detail that seperates the leaders and innovators from the rest of the pack.

Another thing........i believe salesdvl mentioned that some of his tubs looked very similar to competeing brands's funny how some companies choose to follow the leaders instead of trying to do things their own way to differentiate themselves from the pack.  there are many tubs out there that look almost identical.........I was looking at artesians website today and thought boy these look familiar, and then i looked through some of our left over hawkeye brochures and sure enough.............looked awfully familiar.

Seriously, if you put a D-1, a Marquis, a Hot Spring, and a sundance all side by could tell that each was made by a different manufacturer. Some of these other manufacturers you just can't say that about them.  i guess that is one way you can judge the success of the leaders of the industry, is that everyone else tries to emulate them.

Store manager for a D-1 & caldera dealer