Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: bobhol on November 10, 2004, 11:26:27 am
I am using dichlor to maintain and shock my spa as suggested numerous times on this forum . I t seems to work great but what is this MPS and why should I use it? thanks, bobhol
MPS is a non-chlorine shock. I use Chlorine regularly and once every couple of weeks I use MPS to shock. Others can explain some of the benefits of that. People that know more than me will tell you MPS adds to your TDS level significantly. My practical experience is that if my tubs gets a little cloudy, MPS brings it back faster than Dichlor. Usually if that happens I'm probably going to change the water in a month or less anyway so I don't worry about the TDS level.
is Spa-Lite by Spa Guard an MPS product? I use a pouch of this once a week. The instructions say it is safe to use the tub 15 minutes later. bobhol
is Spa-Lite by Spa Guard an MPS product? I use a pouch of this once a week. The instructions say it is safe to use the tub 15 minutes later. bobhol
In Canada, Spa-Lite contains:
pH buffer (dichlor is pH7, this buffer makes the addition of chemical pH7.5)
It may have a different formulation in the U.S.
I AM CANADIAN eh. Sound like a beer commercial? So I guess my peterborough Spa -Lite is the formula what-you -said., but what does MPS stand for and what should I buy ( in Canada). bobhol
Spa Lite does contain MSP but it has other stuff as well. It's a blend of MPS, dichlor, a flocculent/clarifier and a "PH buffer".
In essence it's an "all in one" product. I personally believe in the "less is more" approach - control exactly what you put in your water, if you only need to shock than only add shock, if you need a flocculent than add only a flocculent, etc. As for the 15 minutes, that would depend on how much you put in and what the levels are after 15 minutes. 15 minutes seems like a short time for shock to me.
MPS = Mono per-sulfate, or it's also known as Peroxy-mono-sulfate, or also oxy-monoper-sulfate. MPS in a nutshell is just an oxidizer that breaks down organics and oils in the spa very rapidly. The benfits are that you can use the spa 15 mins after applying it, and there is no odor to it. The draw backs are that it lowers the Alkalinity of the water over time, and as some have indicated increases the TDS of the water. 1-2 oz of MPS is usually more then sufficient for a shock treatment.
Store Manager for a D-1 & Caldera Dealer
Thanks poolboy34. I have been having a challenge with low alkalinity and maybe the spa -lite is part of it. Can I buy mps without additives to use as needed. bobhol
SpaLite will not affect your pH. That is one of the ingredients I listed above. How is your alkalinity?
Are you using chlorine or bromine tabs? These will have a negative affect on pH and TA.
Do you have friends who drink alot of beer and don't leave the tub? Children (12>younger)using the tub?
These types of people will errode your pH too.
I dont use tabs of any sort. we use the tub daily .my wife and I before we go to bed for 30 minutes or so. since we have had the tub ,about a month , my daughter and boyfriend get in as we are thinking of getting out. (He,s here a lot ,lately) I,ve put 4 t,spoons of dichlor in a small container and they apply it when they close up the tub. It gets more use on wknds as both my daughters friends show up. I,m tying to keep the water perfect and I,m learning on the fly. bobhol
Any adult who get caught "eroding my spa PH" will get permanently banned! EWW..........