nah nah nah nah.............nah nah nah nah........hey hey hey......Euphoria!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Glorious spatopia!!! The final hook ups took place around 5:30 PM. Tub was at 90 degrees by 11:00 PM. Checked the tub this AM and was at a perfect 102. Soaked with the entire family this evening. AHHH!!!! Can someone say HEAVEN!!!
Now some questions...after getting out tonight my skin feels rather tight. Does that mean I have the bromine set too high? I have the frog system with ozone. According to the test strips I was given my bromine is just right.
Where can I find these Taylor test kits that everyone talks about? I am rather paranoid about the water chemistry. I feel like I'm going to screw everything up. According to my dealer, the chemistry should be a breeze. I would know nothing about all the balancing necessary without this site. My dealer is great, but he has a real hands off approach to water care. He is a set the frog higher when using it, lower when not in use...shock once or twice a week kind of guy.
Any advice? Please don't say switch to dichlor. I may or may not do that at some point, but with the built in feeder I hate to NOT use it. Thanks in advance.