Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: golferm on October 25, 2004, 02:04:34 pm
Wondering if any Jacuzzi owners out there have used anything but the good old measuring cup / spoon for dispensing Bromine / Chlorine.
As Jacuzzi doesn't have the neat Sundance chemical dispensing system, I'm looking for something that's a little easier (lazier) to use.
I found I was getting green water after missing just one day of Bromine, and in my past experience, I never had that problem with a floating dispenser, however I never liked it when actually in the tub.
Any thoughts ?
I'm not sure if spa frog works on my tub or is available in Canada
Though I am not a Jacuzzi owner, there are many of us that use a simple tsp. to dispense dichlor resulting in consistently crystal water.
I use Dichor and use the cup thingy. I did find it anoying at first until I bought bakers tsp cup thingy. The one with the long handle on it. It makes it so easy so scoop out the perfect amount of dichlor and its that simple. I have never used bromine and I don't thhk I will. I like the dichlor, it really is easy and my water is always clear.
Well it seems that manual dispensation seems to be the norm.
On the issue of Bromine vs. Chlorine / Dichlor, I am also very frustrated on how sensitive Bromine is. Or is it a function of new water ? As I mentioned in the original post, I can't seem to leave the tub a day without the water turning cloudy or green, and that's with not heavy usage (2-3 times per week)
BTW, I've used Chlorine in the past with very good results (and it's only a one part system)
Thoughts ???
....dichlor or die......
.....spare the dichlor, spoil the tub......
.......they can have my dichlor when they pry it from my warm, wet, sanitized hands.......
Down boy, down..... ;)
You almost make it seem like you have a chemical dependence problem with it ... ;D
Dichlor is the method of sanitization that Mr. Sappy approves of.
He also uses the long-handled TABLESP00NS spoken of above. Or so I hear, anyway.
Dichlor and bromine powder seem to have the least impact on chemistry. Dichlor being the better of the two in that regard. Tablets of tri-chlor (3)or bromine(4) are quite low in pH. Although a more convenient and automatic sanitizing method, the tablets do create more work in terms of managing water balance.
Down boy, down..... ;)
You almost make it seem like you have a chemical dependence problem with it ... ;D
;D Good one ;)
Dichlor. It gives you more control over variations in the use of your spa.
Dichlor. It gives you more control over variations in the use of your spa.
Good point. Chemical dispensers have settings. They are great if you have consistent usage. If usage increases your settings need to increase otherwise you are under-sanitized. The reverse is true also. Under-sanitizing can affect bather health. Over-sanitizing can shorten the life of covers/pillows at the very least.
Down boy, down..... ;)
You almost make it seem like you have a chemical dependence problem with it ... ;D
Hey, anybody seen my needles?...... :D
Seriously Windsurf, How do you really feel about Di-chlor?
Seriously Windsurf, How do you really feel about Di-chlor?
Ask Doc.....there seems to be a steady stream of UPS trucks toting 5 lb. canisters of AllClear up the driveway...... ::)
I think the only way to be completely accurate is to count out each grain of Di-chlor individually. I know it takes exactly 438 grains every other day to keep my spa water clear. That is assuming an ambient air temp of ...... lets not start that again.
I'm kidding.... about counting grains. I do however wish I had a measuring thingy. I just toss in what looks to be a tsp.
I do however wish I had a measuring thingy. I just toss in what looks to be a tsp.
Christmas is right around the corner! Be a good boy and.....who knows???......:D