Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: on October 17, 2004, 12:55:21 am
Minus 5 in Calgary with snow falling. I'm in heaven :-) This is what hot tubs are all about :D
Snowed yesterday here in Northern Minnesota to, but 3 weeks ago it did also. Had 19 degrees F for a low so far.
Yep best time of year to tub.
Our first significan snow coverage usually doesn't occur till our Thanksgiving (late Nov) But I have my season pass lift ticket and am ready to go, but will be ready to golf another time or two if possible. Yes, tubbing in a snowfall is great. Especially in the wee hours.
:P I thought lows of 43 were nice!!! LOL!
:P I thought lows of 43 were nice!!! LOL!
34 has been the official low so far, but I've had to scrape ice on windows twice before work. Made me later for work.
;D Late is defined as after the boss arrives. ;D
Minus 5 in Calgary with snow falling. I'm in heaven :-) This is what hot tubs are all about :D
"Come on, I'm tellin' you, it's great. I opened up all the windows...the air is cold, the tub is boiling hot...It's like Sweden, man. Sweeeeeden!" - Kramer
It snowed last night in western North Dakota!
The temp this morning was balmy 16 outside and 101 in my spa. This is my favorite spa time of the year. No bugs, no storms, and no more yard work!!! Yes let it snow!
Yes- Let it Snow-But please, not too much too soon.
We received about 8" and my wife's parents who live about an hour north of Edmonton got over 18" of snow last night! :o I gurantee he was out with his tape measure every hour too! ::) ;D
I never even considered that fact when I purchased a corner lot house. MOOCHO shoveling! >:(
75 degrees here, ya'll can keep the snow! :P
Of course it's getting in the lower 50's (brrr ;) ) at night finally. Make for more comfortable hot tubbing in the evening.
In Ottawa last night the temp went to 32F / 0C. Went in and looked up at the stars. Hard to see with all of the steam rising out of the tub. LAst summer I could see the stars no problem but last night was a tad more difficult. A new experience here. Love the cold outside air while sitting in warm water with the jets on. :D
In sunny Dallas, Texas, the forecast high is 92, Low 65. Anything below freezing is just not right. Love the heat!