Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Pmgerrard on May 29, 2021, 02:21:57 am

Title: Gecko 3 flashing dots
Post by: Pmgerrard on May 29, 2021, 02:21:57 am
We have a little 2 seater hot tub which uses a gecko astrel micro-spa pack.
It’s now 15 years old and has recently developed a fault where the 3 flashing dots are triggered

Hot tub hits target temperature (I’ve tried various temps)
Three flashing dots appear
Tub very slowly cools but stops heating beyond current temperature. Instead it means the pump stays on all the time as it realises it’s below target temperature.

If you power off for a bit and restart tub will heat to target temperature again, but then shortly after the three dots issue reappears

I’ve had a specialist out to visit who has checked for flow issues, pressure switch and temperature checks. But frustratingly the spa pack was completely glued down so can not get into the main electrics. Tried the obvious such as removing the filter and seeing if that impacted but no change.

Looking like it’s going to need a brand new pack, but before I do that does anybody have any other ideas.
Title: Re: Gecko 3 flashing dots
Post by: CanadianSpaTech on May 29, 2021, 06:16:00 am
Did your "specialist" jumper the pressure switch by removing the 2 wires and attaching them together (paper clip) and bypassing the pressure switch and you still got 3 dots?
See page 13 here:

I'm replacing a pressure switch before $$$ the complete unit if you are just going to throw parts at it.
Title: Re: Gecko 3 flashing dots
Post by: Pmgerrard on June 03, 2021, 12:18:47 pm
Yes. They did... and same problem