Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Pocosp on June 17, 2020, 01:20:48 pm
A friend I haven't seen in years stopped by. She looked great. Nice and tan. She didn't mention to me that her tan is fake. Maybe she didn't because the layers of lotion are not supposed to wash off in the shower. However the spa jets are like a pressure washer. The bronze dye is made to be perminant. Mr Clean Magic Eraser was the only thing that took the ring around the tub off, but it kept coming back. Even after I cleaned the filters, changed out the water and changed out the filters with new ones. Eventually by cleaning and recleaning the new first filter with Dawn dish soap I got it under control. I wish that someone gave me a heads up. So don't be shy about asking about that lovely tan!
A friend I haven't seen in years stopped by. She looked great. Nice and tan. She didn't mention to me that her tan is fake. Maybe she didn't because the layers of lotion are not supposed to wash off in the shower. However the spa jets are like a pressure washer. The bronze dye is made to be perminant. Mr Clean Magic Eraser was the only thing that took the ring around the tub off, but it kept coming back. Even after I cleaned the filters, changed out the water and changed out the filters with new ones. Eventually by cleaning and recleaning the new first filter with Dawn dish soap I got it under control. I wish that someone gave me a heads up. So don't be shy about asking about that lovely tan!
I'll never forget the spa I saw that looked like someone took a magic marker to the shell at the waterline. I immediately said something like "Did Elvira go in this?".
Having seen first hand what make-up, moisturizers, lotions, ... self tanning spray/lotion... I do I feel your pain. I've given countless spa orientations and always cover this subject plus if I see they have teenage daughters I chuckle a bit and amp up the warning!
LOL it's the absolute worst, about 6 months I ago I had a couple in here for wet testing, nothing out of the ordinary the wet test was at the very end of the day and only took like 20 minutes. The next day I come in and open that spa see what looked like a solid 1/2" thick mud ring around the water line, I've never seen something so nasty, that cannot be healthy for your skin or pores to apply that crap to your body can it?