Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: dynasty on May 06, 2020, 06:08:01 pm
Hello folks. Need your help on these tubs as I am completely new.
I have narrowed down my search to three tubs.
Caldera Geneva - 13k
Bullfrog A8L - 14k
Artesian Elite Dove Canyon - 15.5k
I wet tested the Caldera and it seemed ok but I am not 100% sold on it. The Artesian elite is by far my favorite from a looks perspective, I can wet test it but wanted input as I know most folks here say hot springs / caldera / bullfrog as top of the line. This Artesian elite has most of the optional features like the led panels on the outside, the diamond AOP etc but not speakers which i dont care about. The bullfrogs are nice but no way I can wet test as they dont have any of the A series on the floor and the jetpacks have me iffy to be honest.
What are your guys thoughts on the pricing for these tubs and experience if any. All three different dealers have good ratings on google reviews and come with 5 years parts/labor and their respective steps / covers and chemicals.
I dont need the tub for any real therapeutic needs and it would just be more for pleasure / socializing. Primarily want a lounger and 4-5 other seats to be able to have family / friends over.
well today i wet tested the Artesian elite and have to say I'm sold. Felt more comfortable than the Geneva in all seats.
So are you getting it?
Was it available in store? Or did you place an order to get it built?
Yup available in store.
does anyone have any idea though if that's a fair price for the Arestian?
I ordered a bullfrom a7l for several reasons.
1. every seat in any brand tub is different, angle, height, etc. Only the bullfrog let's you move the jet packs around so that you can sit in the seat you like the best and experience all of the different jets.
2. I'm 6ft2 and my wife is 5ft1. She will always being in the higher seat but again the jetpacks will allow her to have a different massage any time by just swapping them.
3. Liked their cartridge system for chlorine.
4. The jetpack variety is much broader than the built in jets in most tubs.
I just purchased an Artesian Elite Piper Glen. So to answer your question about price, I paid $15,462 before taxes. This includes all of the upgrades except stereo/sound system. It also includes the cover and lifter, plus the upgraded monarch elite steps. I got a 15% discount for cash payment and $535 discount for first responder. So, since the Piper Glen is the largest model, your price for the Dove Canyon might be a tad high. That being said, if it was available in-store and you don’t have to wait the 8-9 months like the rest of us, the premium price was worth it! I’d pay more to have mine here for the winter!
Has it been delivered and if so, are you happy with it?
Piper Glen and Dove Canyon are the same size, same price. Dove Canyon has a lounger, Piper Glen does not. That's really the only difference. And $15.5k is right on what I was quoted earlier this year.
Piper Glen and Dove Canyon are the same size, same price. Dove Canyon has a lounger, Piper Glen does not. That's really the only difference. And $15.5k is right on what I was quoted earlier this year.
Yes, Ref MC, you are correct. My mistake! I meant to say the Pelican Bay, not Piper Glen. The Pelican Bay is the model we purchased. We contemplated the Piper Glen for awhile, so I had Piper Glen on the brain. Here is what we were quoted for both:
Piper Glen: $15,445 + tax
Pelican Bay: $16,113 + tax
The above prices were with all upgrades except the sound system. As mentioned in my other post, we also received a 15% discount for paying in cash and a $535 discount for first responders. I didn’t mention it before, but we also received a $50 step upgrade rebate. So, with discounts, the prices were as follows:
Piper Glen: $14,491 + tax
Pelican Bay: $15,462 + tax
The Dove Canyon and the Piper Glen are typically the same price, so again, I’ll say that the Dove Canyon that dynasty was quoted, and appears to have purchased, seems to be a very fair price, especially if it was actually on the floor and available. Hoping dynasty will report back to us.
Artesian, like most manufacturers I assume, also had a price increase... so that might also be part of it. ;D