Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: trp3383 on October 12, 2019, 07:33:13 am
Hey everyone. So my wife and I are starting the adventure of spa ownership. I'm 5'9 and my wife is 5'6 and were looking for a tub that had good foot jets, and neck/shoulder jets. I live in South Jersey and don't have many options locally
. The closest dealer started selling hottubs this past spring and only carriers bullfrogs. The only other local one sells hot springs. There are 3 other dealers within 90 mins. Those options are artesian, south seas, hot springs, bullfrog, dream maker, and maax.
I'm looking for a 7ft non lounger model and I'm trying to stay between $6-8k. So far I've reached pricing on a few models over email and they are all pre tax.
Bullfrog x7 - $7400 steps, cover and lifter.
South seas 748B - $7,000 includes steps, cover lifter, and frog @ease
Captiva 49 - $8700 Dual Foot Blasters cover, lifter, steps
Captiva elite 55 - $8400 cover, lifter, steps
Hot Spot Rhythm - $7400 cover, lifter, steps, chemicals, breaker box
Caldera Vanto - $6999 cover, lifter, steps, chemicals, breaker box
Caldera Reunion - $8200 all in
Caldera Salina - $8900 all in
Master Twilight ts 7.25 - $8400
l'm also not sure on what filtration options to get and also ozone. I plan on using the frog@ease system because I've never owned a spa or pool.
I'm going make the rounds next week and dry test as many as I can. Only 1 place offers wet testing and not sure what models they have for that. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks
Only one dealer offering wet test?! That's bogus.
This is a big investment that will take up a of of space, be a focal point and hopefully last 10-20 years. The wet test will be the single most compelling bit of research you can do.
I'm very surprised they all don't offer that. Tell the dealers that don't offer wet testing that you are favouring the one that does and see if they change their minds.
Or ask them for referral to a customer that will have you over to their place for a wet just kidding (couldn't contain myself)
I am in a similar boat also in NJ. We will probably go look within the next few weeks. Is the Bullfrog dealer you spoke to in Toms river?
I stopped by a caldera dealer today. They offer wet testing, just waiting on them to get a vanto in stock. Priced at $6999
I got the Caldera Vanto down to $6300 plus tax cash deal.
That would include the cover, pro lift 2, steps, chemicals and ozone. Found another dealer that has south seas, bullfrog and caldera on the floor with wet testing.
Wet test. Like many have already said. If they will not provide a spa for you to wet test, then what else won't they do for you once they have your money?
You need to wet test. Do it. This is a lot of money and if you don't know if the tub feels good, the ergonomics are preferable, the jets are what you like, then you're taking a huge, and simply unnecessary, risk.
Then do research on the dealer. If they have tons of poor reviews, what makes you think your situation will be different when you need service?
I hope this helps. Good luck moving forward.
I found another dealer that has the vanto but in the lounger available for a wet test. Also got a price on a caldera reunion for $8200 all in. Hopefully I can wet test that one. I like the seating arrangement more and the filter is hidden in the corner, but you do lose 1 corner seat with it.
Reunion upgrades from vanto are
Euphoria foot Jet
two 2.5 HP pumps, opposed to 1.5 HP pumps
Circulation Pump
75 sq ft filter opposed to 65 sq ft
Fresh Water Ready
Reunion is a real nice tub. Not sure how you are getting it that cheap. That’s a great deal that most dealers wouldn’t go anywhere near.
He said he'd throw in a year of the salt cartridges also, I'm guessing it comes with it already. I've been to 3 stores so far, and this guy is by far the best. Reviews are plenty and top notch also.
He said he'd throw in a year of the salt cartridges also, I'm guessing it comes with it already. I've been to 3 stores so far, and this guy is by far the best. Reviews are plenty and top notch also.
No it doesn’t come with it. That’s another $300-$400 add on
Wow, he did say that would be the first tub sold with that system and wanted to see how it goes.
Is he a new Caldera dealer? I have a lot of those systems out including one in my own backyard. Have had pretty good luck so far with them. What’s included in that price besides salt system and three pack of cartridges? You are getting a package that should sell for at least 3k more included. Sounds like he’s just trying to get some in the field and isn’t worried about making money on them.
Comes with the cover, steps, lifter.
Sounds like a great deal. I guess next stop is wet test. That tub has been in my top 3 of all hot tub sales this year. Great tub
I see that the reunion says freshwater salt ready. Does that mean all you need are the cartridges, or is there another add on? Also I found a dealer that has the florence in the utopia series for a wet test. If we like the seating and jets in that one, would it be a similar experience to the reunion?
I see that the reunion says freshwater salt ready. Does that mean all you need are the cartridges, or is there another add on? Also I found a dealer that has the florence in the utopia series for a wet test. If we like the seating and jets in that one, would it be a similar experience to the reunion?
You need the salt system as well though if he's giving you the cartridges then I'm sure he's giving you the salt system. Florence will be similar but you will have more control over where jet power is going, 2 foot blaster jets, touch screen controller, more lighting options and a bottom pan instead of the sheathing underneath
I also got pricing on a Master twilight ts7.25 for $8400 plus tax.
Sorry can’t help you on Master prices. Not sure what they go for these days. Nearest dealer to me is a couple hours away from me. There is a couple of guys on this board who recently purchased Master. Maybe they will chime in on what they paid.
I see the master has a neck and shoulder seat, 2 master foot Blasters and larger jets. How are the jets on the reunion?
I just purchased a master spas MP LSX900 (top of the line that Master offers). MSRP around $16,000.
I got it for around $12k, with dream lighting, cover, hydraulic cover lifter, stairs, ozone, 3 pumps + circ pump
See below for pricing sheets on Caldera and Marquis I reviewed from a local dealer in MA about 7 months ago. I'm sure the prices are still close
Hope this helps! Good luck
Marquis Pricing:
( (
Caldera Pricing:
( (
Accessories Pricing:
( (
I just purchased a master spas MP LSX900 (top of the line that Master offers). MSRP around $16,000.
I got it for around $12k, with dream lighting, cover, hydraulic cover lifter, stairs, ozone, 3 pumps + circ pump
See below for pricing sheets on Caldera and Marquis I reviewed from a local dealer in MA about 7 months ago. I'm sure the prices are still close
Hope this helps! Good luck
Marquis Pricing:
( (
Caldera Pricing:
( (
Accessories Pricing:
( (
The Caldera list is missing the newer models.
I see the master has a neck and shoulder seat, 2 master foot Blasters and larger jets. How are the jets on the reunion?
Jets are pretty powerful in my opinion. I have the Geneva and the jets are plenty powerful for me
We ended up wet testing a bullfrog r7 which we didn't like at all. Then got in a caldera florance and we really liked it. Pretty much the same layout as the reunion. So now its between the reunion and salina. So the reunion is at $8200 and salina is at $8900 all in.
damn those are cheap prices.
damn those are cheap prices.
Which one is there better deal? I can make the size of the salina work if I need to.
Both great deals. Difference in my price for both is about $800. But my prices are much higher then what you are getting. I don’t get why a dealer would sell so low and throw in a bunch of stuff for free on top of it. If it was me I would probably go with the Salina. I like having that 4th corner seat.
I was thinking the same thing with the corner seat but they didnt have this model on the floor. It looks the the filter area protrudes into the tub taking up room. It's also going to be mostly just the wife and I, but I also want to fit 4 adults comfortable. It's also 70 gallons bigger, is that going to more of a pain?
No more then where the filter goes in on the corner of the reunion. Obviously being a bigger tub you will use a bit more chemicals and spend a little more to heat it but it shouldn’t be a drastic difference.
Ended up going with the reunion for $7695 plus tax for polymer steps, prolift 2, salt system and year supply of salt cartridges. Said caldera is 6-8 weeks out right now.
Ended up going with the reunion for $7695 plus tax for polymer steps, profit 2, salt system and year supply of salt cartridges. Said caldera is 6-8 weeks out right now.
Congrats. Great tub and deal. 6-8 is probably accurate. I’ve been ordering about a truck a month and they have been closer to the 6 week point right now. Much better then April-June. What color combo did you end up going with?
Ash cabinet with the artic white shell.
Ash is my favorite cabinet on that tub and I have Arctic white on my tub at my house
So now that the tub had been decided on and ordered, I had the time to mock up where it was going on my paver patio. The pavers have 6in of crushed concrete under them and slopes away from the house. I've attached the tub layout and it drops 1 3/4in over 10ft. I've thought about ripping some pt 2x4s but would rather not. Is this pitch going to be an issue? (
That is quite a pitch and more then I could live with. If they are pavers, perhaps you could pull them up and regrade where the tub is with some effort but for very little cost.
You're really going to notice that difference in the tub. The waterline is going to be big time slanted. I would flatten out the base for sure.
I would have to pull the pavers and cut them because it's a 45° herringbone patter, so that's a no go. I saw the spa level-r but I dont want critters under it.
You'll regret it if you don't somehow flatten out the base.
So the tub was delivered today and I'll be wiring it up and filling it tonight. The inside is supposed to be insulated with fibercor but not sure they remembered to put it in. I took the panel off and I dont see anything insulating the pipes. I've attached a picture. (
They don't put Fibercor in the equipment area, what you are seeing is normal. If you were to remove any of the 3 other sides or bottom you would find the Fibercor.
You won't find insulation in most spas in the equipment area. You generally need to keep that pretty cool for the equipment to work well.
If it gets super cold... you can get an optional insulating blanket... you just got to remember to take the thing out during the springtime or you can fry your equipment.
Got it wired up and running. Took my time testing the water and dialing it in. Jump in for an hour and couldn't be happier. Gotta bring the CA down with a vanishing act tomorrow. Thanks for all the info
Hi trp3383,
I've gone through this 3 months ago, so I couldn't pass by and not to give you my 2 cents. I bought SaluSpa AirJet. Don't be scared, yes, it's inflatable hot tub. To be fair, I hadn't known that they exist, until we bought one. For me, it's a good option, because it's compact, movable, lightweight. It was in the backyard, but now it moved to the house. Of course, there are disadvantages too. Inflated hot tubs are said to be not durable. I don't know is this true, but I suppose so. Anyway, for the first 3 months, everything is perfect. You can check this info ( It helped me, maybe you'll find it useful too. I dunno which one is the best, as you see I'm not savvy in hot tubs, but we (me and my husband) satisfied with our one.