Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Holgmi585281 on June 25, 2019, 04:05:15 pm
So you will be pleased to know our Master Spa HL8 here in the Uk has been up and running nearly 3 weeks now. To give some real life running costs i metered the spa daily. We have it set to 39°C constantly or 102°F.
The ambient temperature outside is around 15°C or 59°F daytime nearer 10°C on an evening. We only use it mainly on an evening when its dark as the view is superb and its extra peaceful at that time of night. We use it for around 2hrs every night..
On the odd day we havent used it the spa uses 5to 6 kwh of electricity maintaining 39 degrees . On the days its in use it uses 10 to 12 kwh.
In monetary terms it uses £0.80 per day ticking over maintaining and £1.60 per day in full use. ($1 to $2 ) . The build quality i find to be excellent in every respect. On tickover it is barely noticable its hush quiet. On full its pretty quiet too. The insulated cover works superbly. The temperature barely alters at all covered. Im not sure how that compares to other peoples warmer climates but i am very happy with our choice. We have an excellent well respected dealer which i know is important. Here in the UK we dont hear of any problems with Master Spas like apparently you do in the USA. I have talked personally to many people who have them and they cannot speak highly enough of their ownership experiences. The forums over here are full of complaints of substandard Chinese made spas. We also have lots of online companies just selling cheap spas here (no showrooms). People are so focussed just on cost. You would be pushed to find any bad MasterSpa reviews here and that seems strange. I understand the tent sales problems you experience but in fairness Master Spa does tend to get slated on a regular basis and to a point where it becomes unbelievable. Jetting wise its not as powerful as some out there i know but it certainly has the power to give a fantastic massage. Chemical wise we are using bromine to sanitise. Bromine tablets in the inline filter. The chemical levels have been easy to maintain since the initial fill up where TA and PH were sky high on the first day . We are slightly limited here compared to the USA and Canada on the many manufacturers but we couldnt be happier with our little piece of opulence. Im sure it will give us great service for many years to come judging by the reputation they have here too. Whatever Hot tub you have enjoy. Happy hot tubbing 😁. Mike
I would not be surprised if MS has paid people or put up fake posts like this to try and shed there terrible reputation.
Here in MN they are sold as a middle of the road option (they are middle of the road) and they seem to be very energy hungry in the winter.
Whats the serial number off your tub?
And I would be equally unsurprised if other manufacturers have done the same thing. It's just so easy to s**t on Master and so many people are eager to do it.
The OP has PM'ed me a few times and has posted pics of his tub. I doubt he has been paid to post a fake review. That's just a knee jerk, get-in-line-and-join-the-Masters-haters-group reaction.
Other critics have said that you have to meter the tub to get a true read. The OP takes the time to do that and convert the number into dollars and then gets cast into the faker category. Not at all surprised.
I put my tub into service on October 1st, 2018. I took a far less rigorous approach and added up my hydro bills for the seven months from Nov/17-May/18 and compared them to the seven months Nov/18-May/19 and determined that I paid just over $50/mth more with the hot tub than without. I understand that my method doesn't consider weather and other usage differences, but it's a ball park number that I expected to see. Go ahead and criticize if you want, and further dismiss the OP's findings. But my gut is telling me that Master does NOT go crazy on the hydro as so many people here would have you believe. Furthermore, my tub has powerful jets......guess what? More powerful jets=more hydro!!!
The hate-on for Master is not going to change. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter. If you're happy with your tub, then you're happy. I am happy, so is the OP and so many people he has canvassed.
Forums are about educating and sharing experiences. I bet 95% of the haters are dealers who have an agenda that is not in sync with the (especially new buyer) end user's needs and wants. It's too bad that people just can't past the tent-sale arguments and remain focused on badly misguiding the newbies.
I would not be surprised if MS has paid people or put up fake posts like this to try and shed there terrible reputation.
Here in MN they are sold as a middle of the road option (they are middle of the road) and they seem to be very energy hungry in the winter.
Whats the serial number off your tub?
Geez well hello to you too and welcome to the Forum. :o
Do you need a picture of the serial number too?
This review is suspicious for two reasons
1. the amount of posts from new forum members with over the top glowing reviews of master spa. It happens at a noticeably higher rate than any other hot tub manufacturer.
2. the number of historical objections covered. The reviewer seems to hit on every major issue with master, from noise to build quality, to sales practices.
On a side note, you're using it for 2 hours each night?!! at 102 degrees!! WOW. I've never heard of that. how do you find the time?
This review is suspicious for two reasons
1. the amount of posts from new forum members with over the top glowing reviews of master spa. It happens at a noticeably higher rate than any other hot tub manufacturer.
2. the number of historical objections covered. The reviewer seems to hit on every major issue with master, from noise to build quality, to sales practices.
On a side note, you're using it for 2 hours each night?!! at 102 degrees!! WOW. I've never heard of that. how do you find the time?
Hi Silversun and good evening .
First off its easy to use it for 2 hours or so on an evening here in the UK its quite cool here at the moment although the forecast for Friday to Sunday its hotting up to 34°C outside daytime . Yay at last 😁.
I might have hit on your so called historical objections maybe because i did lots of actual research . I read all the things that were posted on here and on consumer affairs reviews etc. I did extensive research in the UK and found no evidence here of what you are eluding to. I therefore decided i would post a real world review on my actual findings. If you would like to visit facebook on the Hot tub superstore in Blackpool UK you will see a few days ago my lengthy review about my Master Spa there too.
Quite simply i found the hot tub surpassed my expectations and im sure i will be looked after should i need assistance by the company Hot Tub Superstore. They are without doubt first class and very professional.
During our lengthy late evening soaks we occasionally depart the tub to enjoy a cigarette and a latte. I buy tbe cigarettes too myself 😁
This review is suspicious for two reasons
1. the amount of posts from new forum members with over the top glowing reviews of master spa. It happens at a noticeably higher rate than any other hot tub manufacturer.
2. the number of historical objections covered. The reviewer seems to hit on every major issue with master, from noise to build quality, to sales practices.
On a side note, you're using it for 2 hours each night?!! at 102 degrees!! WOW. I've never heard of that. how do you find the time?
1.Master is actually a superior product that the end user likes!!!!! Why haven't those same people posted bad comments later on when they found out just how terrible Master is???
2.He thoroughly researched his purchase decision and addressed all the negative comments about Master and determined that they simply aren't true*
Never going to stop the hating. Never going to stop those pissed off dealers from infecting the minds of new purchasers, who because of the shady nature of the market, are already in murky waters and especially in need of unbiased advice.
*And 95% of which are posted by dealers with a chip on their shoulder about "questionable sales practices" that the end user simply does NOT care about. Beating my flipping head against a wall with the haters. Always a rebuttal, always a "but this but that", always hating. Always "middle of the road" always "inferior".
I'm not a dealer. I'm a consumer with first hand experience of master spas business practices. In my search I visited master along with many other dealers. I was unbiased and held no preconceptions about any hot tub. Master was one of the worst sales experience i've ever had. Not just in hot tubs, in anything.
And I definitely care if a dealer engages in shady business practices.
So, no. There's plenty of truth to the narrative that master engages in shady and deceptive business practices in the name of selling hot tubs.
I ended up buying a sundance and i've been very happy with the hot tub and the dealer. Glad you're happy with your purchase. Could it also be possible that Master owners have a chip on their shoulder from all the negative pub? From my perspective - someone who neither sells hot tubs nor purchased a master spa - it seems like yes.
but yeah. I'm sure Master have some happy customers too.
I'm not a dealer. I'm a consumer with first hand experience of master spas business practices. In my search I visited master along with many other dealers. I was unbiased and held no preconceptions about any hot tub. Master was one of the worst sales experience i've ever had. Not just in hot tubs, in anything.
And I definitely care if a dealer engages in shady business practices.
So, no. There's plenty of truth to the narrative that master engages in shady and deceptive business practices in the name of selling hot tubs.
I ended up buying a sundance and i've been very happy with the hot tub and the dealer. Glad you're happy with your purchase. Could it also be possible that Master owners have a chip on their shoulder from all the negative pub? From my perspective - someone who neither sells hot tubs nor purchased a master spa - it seems like yes.
but yeah. I'm sure Master have some happy customers too.
For the umpteenth time, I care about product quality not about how they penetrate their sales markets. That's between them and their dealers. I would much rather have a high performing tub than concern myself about their tent sales. The support I've gotten from my dealer has been terrific. The product is terrific. Go ahead and not buy a good tub because your social conscience is trumping your tub experience. I'll take those wicked jets thanks.
The only chip I have on my shoulder is for the newbies who are getting diverted from a solid product by the bulls**t they are hearing here. Case in point, this thread. The OP does a rigorous analysis and concludes that the tub doesn't cost a lot to run. But the OP gets dismissed a faker now. And me, well my methods are not rigorous, so I must be wrong, or lying.
Good luck newbie. If you're looking for me I'm getting in my high-performance tub for a soak. Over and out.
I'm not a dealer. I'm a consumer with first hand experience of master spas business practices. In my search I visited master along with many other dealers. I was unbiased and held no preconceptions about any hot tub. Master was one of the worst sales experience i've ever had. Not just in hot tubs, in anything.
And I definitely care if a dealer engages in shady business practices.
So, no. There's plenty of truth to the narrative that master engages in shady and deceptive business practices in the name of selling hot tubs.
I ended up buying a sundance and i've been very happy with the hot tub and the dealer. Glad you're happy with your purchase. Could it also be possible that Master owners have a chip on their shoulder from all the negative pub? From my perspective - someone who neither sells hot tubs nor purchased a master spa - it seems like yes.
but yeah. I'm sure Master have some happy customers too.
For the umpteenth time, I care about product quality not about how they penetrate their sales markets. That's between them and their dealers. I would much rather have a high performing tub than concern myself about their tent sales. The support I've gotten from my dealer has been terrific. The product is terrific. Go ahead and not buy a good tub because your social conscience is trumping your tub experience. I'll take those wicked jets thanks.
The only chip I have on my shoulder is for the newbies who are getting diverted from a solid product by the bulls**t they are hearing here. Case in point, this thread. The OP does a rigorous analysis and concludes that the tub doesn't cost a lot to run. But the OP gets dismissed a faker now. And me, well my methods are not rigorous, so I must be wrong, or lying.
Good luck newbie. If you're looking for me I'm getting in my high-performance tub for a soak. Over and out.
That is a key statement and great to see because while many here don't have much regard for Master and their products we all agree how important it is to have a good dealer no matter the brand.
It might help if people were a little more friendly to the newbies. I mean i logged in as a guest ages ago to peruse the forum and others to learn about hot tubs from what i thought were people who knew a damn sight more than i did.
In comparison i joined a UK based forum with maybe 2700 members(thats a lot for the UK market lol) and they were welcoming. I posted the same picture that i posted on here in show us your hot tub, it was of the resting place well before delivery on my decking. On here 477 views and one comment😁. Now i did mention on that post that it would be a Master Spa and hopefully i wouldnt end up in the beating a dead horse section . Maybe that is it the fact i mentioned Master Spa that gets an instant lets not even like the post. If so thats crazy. The reaction my post got in the UK forum was the entire opposite.
Like i said friendly would be better. Do i deserve to be slated straight away as a faker? . I dont think thats fair, i work damn hard,have all my life. We earn good money, house is paid for so no mortgage. I have no kids so i can indulge in things i like like cars and holidays, hot tubs etc. I certainly do not need a freebie from Master Spas or anyone else for that matter. This forum has some great informative posts and i have learnt a lot from it. I was brought up to be courteous and was told from a young age that manners go a long way in life. If everybody liked the same things life would be so so boring wouldnt it ?. Im not some keyboard warrior in any shape or form either. If my Master Spas hot tub wasnt up to scratch i would be the first to complain. Each to there own eh 😁 Mike
I'm not a dealer. I'm a consumer with first hand experience of master spas business practices. In my search I visited master along with many other dealers. I was unbiased and held no preconceptions about any hot tub. Master was one of the worst sales experience i've ever had. Not just in hot tubs, in anything.
And I definitely care if a dealer engages in shady business practices.
So, no. There's plenty of truth to the narrative that master engages in shady and deceptive business practices in the name of selling hot tubs.
I ended up buying a sundance and i've been very happy with the hot tub and the dealer. Glad you're happy with your purchase. Could it also be possible that Master owners have a chip on their shoulder from all the negative pub? From my perspective - someone who neither sells hot tubs nor purchased a master spa - it seems like yes.
but yeah. I'm sure Master have some happy customers too.
For the umpteenth time, I care about product quality not about how they penetrate their sales markets. That's between them and their dealers. I would much rather have a high performing tub than concern myself about their tent sales. The support I've gotten from my dealer has been terrific. The product is terrific. Go ahead and not buy a good tub because your social conscience is trumping your tub experience. I'll take those wicked jets thanks.
The only chip I have on my shoulder is for the newbies who are getting diverted from a solid product by the bulls**t they are hearing here. Case in point, this thread. The OP does a rigorous analysis and concludes that the tub doesn't cost a lot to run. But the OP gets dismissed a faker now. And me, well my methods are not rigorous, so I must be wrong, or lying.
Good luck newbie. If you're looking for me I'm getting in my high-performance tub for a soak. Over and out.
I bought a GREAT product that I'm very happy with. It also came with the support of a great dealer. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive.
And sorry, no, my purchase decision was not based entirely on the reputability of the dealer. Dealer support was a factor in the decision making. But it didn't factor in nearly as much as the quality of Sundance, which I assessed to be better than master, and pretty much on par with with other brands.
And I assessed dealer sales tactics and the general impression I got as an indicator for how I would be supported after the sale. Because it absolutely matters. So don't tell me to overlook it, or that it shouldn't matter. I'm not telling you how to make your purchase decisions. I don't care.
Good for you that you're happy w/ your purchase. I don't fault you for buying a master. I'm just calling BS based on what I see and based on my own experience. And I don't see too many longtime forum members that are happy master spa owners. Maybe you'll buck the trend, who knows. Just don't pretend everyone who doesn't buy a master is settling for lesser quality to satisfy their moral conscience.
Me personally, I don't have really anything against Master in terms of product quality. In the past, their cabinets were questionable at best, but I know they have had a pretty big redesign here lately. I'm happy that you've had a good experience. I thought is that they have been a pretty good hot tub, perhaps even better than that... with marketing/sales practices that give the term "sale person" a really bad name. Which is generally a bad thing in my eyes.
I really try to read between the lines. I sell Hot Spring now, but I've dealt with Jacuzzi, MAAX, and Bullfrog in the past. I even had a close family friend be a Master Spa rep for 5 years or so.
I still think the best way to go about this business, specifically in the states, is to have a good support network. Lying to get ahead, might work for a bit, but never long term. Even great hot tubs need service, and tent events generally are sales only events.
No one deserves to be a hot tub orphan.
To swilly's point, his values are what they are. The fact of the matter is that newbies, by definition, are people who need help. Tent events, regardless of brand, are generally an area where you will get the manufacturers spin, and very little assistance.
If you come to my showroom, and I lie through my teeth about your hot tub, and you get it... guess what... you can come right back in here and talk to me about it. You have recourse.
Tent events will give you a pitch, close you hard, and in a lot of situations... leave you high and dry.
Most "newbies" don't want that.
However... it's a good way to sell. Just not the right way in my opinion.
Over 30 years in this, over 4000 posts on this forum over the last 20 years. And I get a "welcome to the forum"
I never jumped on the Master hater train, I started it after working on a ton of them and watching guys like Swilly come and go in a year or so.
....and watching guys like Swilly come and go in a year or so.
We shall see.
So you will be pleased to know our Master Spa HL8 here in the Uk has been up and running nearly 3 weeks now. To give some real life running costs i metered the spa daily. We have it set to 39°C constantly or 102°F.
The ambient temperature outside is around 15°C or 59°F daytime nearer 10°C on an evening. We only use it mainly on an evening when its dark as the view is superb and its extra peaceful at that time of night. We use it for around 2hrs every night..
On the odd day we havent used it the spa uses 5to 6 kwh of electricity maintaining 39 degrees . On the days its in use it uses 10 to 12 kwh.
In monetary terms it uses £0.80 per day ticking over maintaining and £1.60 per day in full use. ($1 to $2 ) . The build quality i find to be excellent in every respect. On tickover it is barely noticable its hush quiet. On full its pretty quiet too. The insulated cover works superbly. The temperature barely alters at all covered. Im not sure how that compares to other peoples warmer climates but i am very happy with our choice. We have an excellent well respected dealer which i know is important. Here in the UK we dont hear of any problems with Master Spas like apparently you do in the USA. I have talked personally to many people who have them and they cannot speak highly enough of their ownership experiences. The forums over here are full of complaints of substandard Chinese made spas. We also have lots of online companies just selling cheap spas here (no showrooms). People are so focussed just on cost. You would be pushed to find any bad MasterSpa reviews here and that seems strange. I understand the tent sales problems you experience but in fairness Master Spa does tend to get slated on a regular basis and to a point where it becomes unbelievable. Jetting wise its not as powerful as some out there i know but it certainly has the power to give a fantastic massage. Chemical wise we are using bromine to sanitise. Bromine tablets in the inline filter. The chemical levels have been easy to maintain since the initial fill up where TA and PH were sky high on the first day . We are slightly limited here compared to the USA and Canada on the many manufacturers but we couldnt be happier with our little piece of opulence. Im sure it will give us great service for many years to come judging by the reputation they have here too. Whatever Hot tub you have enjoy. Happy hot tubbing 😁. Mike
In the hopes of steering the conversation back to the original topic, I'd appreciate more information on your data. Can you provide more context to the readers who may visit this post in the future or may be looking at going with Master Spas, or those that are looking to get general information on the cost to run a hot tub but do not know what real questions to ask to apply to general stats / rates?
-Cover thickness, foam density that you have
-Overall insulation (full or partial, open or closed cell, etc)
-Amperage of your motors
-Base of the tub - Is it a pan? Is there a foam ring between the shell and cabinet?
-Cabinet insulation?
-Usage habits: How long are you using it per session? How many sessions per week?
-Spa location: Is it on a concrete patio? Is it elevated on a deck? Is it covered or in direct sunlight?
-What is the energy cost / hour (or kWh) in your location. This is possibly the most important question.
While numbers are great, context is even better. This is the real stuff that manufacturers do not really note, and to be fair, the sheer volume of variables always begs the question - what context is [monetary rate] being applied to, situation-wise.
To the novice, you can and should ask these questions about any manufacturer if you're looking to get the most complete view of what cost is. I hope this helps those that are interested in really diving into beyond the numbers to understand "why" and "how" data is compiled, and conveyed.
Who doesn't love a good master spa thread? ;D
By the way, consumer affairs is b.s. Read the links below to learn more, but basically master hired them to help with their terrible reputation. They deceptively named themselves to capitalize on the reputation of consumer reports which is a legitimate consumer advocate that doesn't take money from companies or extort them to protect their reputation. They imply they are a consumer watchdog but they are not. Consumer affairs is another shady company. Of course master is in business with them. ( ( (
If I'm given the choice between two companies with similar products, I'm going with the one that does business the right way and that ain't master spas
[The tub is sat on an elevated wooden decking not surrounded by an enclosure. It's open to the elements as you will see the picture I posted in show us your hot tub.
It's got a standard 5inch to 3 inch tapered cover for insulation.
Inside the cabinet I'll say partial foam as the whole tub isn't filled, most of it is and it's got a thermal wrap around that too.
I didn't look into the technical amperage of the motors so I'll pass on that.. Its got a 24hr circ pump and two further pumps. 54 jets.
We use it every evening pretty much unless it's raining heavily. Approx 2 hours at a time with the odd cigarette break in between.
Our Kwh cost in the UK is £0.13 pence per Kwh Inc tax and then a daily standing charge of £0.22 pence Inc tax. On the 8th July the first full month bill is due so I will update actual month cost. My estimate so far is that it will be around £50 give or take a few pounds but that was for the initial heat up from cold too. Seems to be very efficient to me with the research I found here in the UK.
Who doesn't love a good master spa thread? ;D
By the way, consumer affairs is b.s. Read the links below to learn more, but basically master hired them to help with their terrible reputation. They deceptively named themselves to capitalize on the reputation of consumer reports which is a legitimate consumer advocate that doesn't take money from companies or extort them to protect their reputation. They imply they are a consumer watchdog but they are not. Consumer affairs is another shady company. Of course master is in business with them. ( ( (
If I'm given the choice between two companies with similar products, I'm going with the one that does business the right way and that ain't master spas
Yes, a good Master thread is so invigorating :)
I don't think it's any secret that Consumer Affairs is a thinly veiled rip-off of Consumer Reports. Master isn't the only company that may be in business with them and the general shadiness of the entire industry can be brought into the discussion if we are going to continue to tar Master's reputation by tying them to CA.
I agree that "If I'm given the choice between two companies with similar products, I'm going with the one that does business the right way..." but I bet that Master blows away most brands for the jetting performance. It's a well built performance machine. It's way better than a lot of the others, so you're not meeting the "If" part of your condition. Master is a better product than most, so I'm going with the better product without regard to tent sales and what not.
I bought mine at a reputable big dealer so none of the "sales practices" is relevant to me.
I love how people invent badness about the build quality. They are reaching to tarnish the name because they are po'ed about sales practices. This very thread should (but won't) address concerns about insulation/running costs. By the way, my favorite invention is the "flimsy" cabinets hahaha, keep reaching around, it's funny.
Master is a better product than most, so I'm going with the better product without regard to tent sales and what not.
I bought mine at a reputable big dealer so none of the "sales practices" is relevant to me.
I love how people invent badness about the build quality. They are reaching to tarnish the name because they are po'ed about sales practices. This very thread should (but won't) address concerns about insulation/running costs. By the way, my favorite invention is the "flimsy" cabinets hahaha, keep reaching around, it's funny.
1) Your opinion that Master is "a better product than most" is your opinion and while its a sample of 1, you're obviously entitled to it.
2) Others aren't "inventing" badness, they are giving their opinion which they are also entitled to.
You can't stand up for your opinion while discounting everyone else's.
I'm saying that it is better than most and you and many others are saying that it's not. Those declarations are being made, plain and simple. As you say, we are all entitled to our opinions. I'm not discounting your opinion.
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts. Holgmi585281 already provided a rigorous calculation of hydro use, which speaks to insulation and power efficiency of the tub. His conclusion based on factual observation is that it is not energy inefficient as so many here have claimed. I then did a rough analysis, not so rigorous but passes the smell test, and concluded that it is costing me around $50/mth to run the tub. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Both of these analyses completely contradict the baseless claims made that Master has crappy insulation and is a power hungry inefficient tub. And what does Holgmi585281 get back for the effort he expended in his factual analysis? That he is a fake! Absolutely ridiculous. Those baseless claims and the dismissive rejection of his work are mostly certainly INVENTING BADNESS!!!!!
FYI my other favorite is that Master Spas are really noisy. What a joke.
[The tub is sat on an elevated wooden decking not surrounded by an enclosure. It's open to the elements as you will see the picture I posted in show us your hot tub.
It's got a standard 5inch to 3 inch tapered cover for insulation.
Inside the cabinet I'll say partial foam as the whole tub isn't filled, most of it is and it's got a thermal wrap around that too.
I didn't look into the technical amperage of the motors so I'll pass on that.. Its got a 24hr circ pump and two further pumps. 54 jets.
We use it every evening pretty much unless it's raining heavily. Approx 2 hours at a time with the odd cigarette break in between.
Our Kwh cost in the UK is £0.13 pence per Kwh Inc tax and then a daily standing charge of £0.22 pence Inc tax. On the 8th July the first full month bill is due so I will update actual month cost. My estimate so far is that it will be around £50 give or take a few pounds but that was for the initial heat up from cold too. Seems to be very efficient to me with the research I found here in the UK.
Thanks for the follow-up. This will help others understand what to look for beyond the usual numbers to really get a feel for what to expect. Furthermore, it hopefully will illuminate others as to what to ask when discussing efficiency, which I cannot stress enough, has so many variables involved that you really need to do your homework, read the fine print, and become educated. Hopefully this helps keep the focus on the topic at hand.
I don’t normally get involved in this nonsense, but will make an exception.
I have a top of the line Caldera tub and I did my own install and to be honest was not overly impressed at what I found inside my 12k tub. I have a strong design background and expected some things of better quality than what I found. I have had one failure in 6 years of operation and it was a 39cent hose clamp that should have been a quality $1.49 clamp. The bottom line is I still love the tub and it is doing what is expected of it. I feel I have a 12k tub that could have been easily an 8k tub with plenty of profit for Watkins the parent company. But these are luxury items and the price is set by what the market will allow. An 8k tub to my way of thinking is likely a 5k tub etc.
I drive a KIA soul and it is a wonderful little car that gets me from point A to B. I’m not comparing it to a Lexus That also takes you from point A to B for a lot more money.
These tubs are what they are and the people selling and servicing them are who they are. I was not really happy when I bought my tub I looked at 2 of 3 companies selling in my area. I was told about good service etc. and I was quite surprised when it was delivered it was the 3rd company that showed up to deliver it. I asked what was going on and they said oh we deliver all their tubs and do all their service. I have built a relationship with the company I didn’t give my business to I the end.
In the end it is buyer beware with all things and if I ever buy another tub I will be a much smarter consumer and I thought I was smart the first time around.
Quite simply its solidly built, feels quality and looks quality too. You can see from the picture in show us your hot tub section of how its situated . The UK is a cool to mild place to live and especially here where i live its breezy most of the time. Probably something to do with the coast and elevation. It performs superbly in my climate so i bet your bottom dollar it performs better in a warmer climate.
Energy hog it certainly is not and my real world data proves it . You are probably best just complaining about the tent sales problems because that is the only thing you could knock Master Spa tubs with. I absolutely love it and have made the right choice . I have never been a sheep and followed the masses and there are definitely as i can see in this thread two sides to every story . Aside from the tent sales which Swilly points out and i have to agree i dont give two hoots about as it doesnt affect me all the other reasons you state Master Spas falls down on are outright lies.
Hopefully some newbies looking for an alternative will read this and buy one also. It is no wonder most newcomers do not stay around long if this is what they are met with.
[The tub is sat on an elevated wooden decking not surrounded by an enclosure. It's open to the elements as you will see the picture I posted in show us your hot tub.
It's got a standard 5inch to 3 inch tapered cover for insulation.
Inside the cabinet I'll say partial foam as the whole tub isn't filled, most of it is and it's got a thermal wrap around that too.
I didn't look into the technical amperage of the motors so I'll pass on that.. Its got a 24hr circ pump and two further pumps. 54 jets.
We use it every evening pretty much unless it's raining heavily. Approx 2 hours at a time with the odd cigarette break in between.
Our Kwh cost in the UK is £0.13 pence per Kwh Inc tax and then a daily standing charge of £0.22 pence Inc tax. On the 8th July the first full month bill is due so I will update actual month cost. My estimate so far is that it will be around £50 give or take a few pounds but that was for the initial heat up from cold too. Seems to be very efficient to me with the research I found here in the UK.
Thanks for the follow-up. This will help others understand what to look for beyond the usual numbers to really get a feel for what to expect. Furthermore, it hopefully will illuminate others as to what to ask when discussing efficiency, which I cannot stress enough, has so many variables involved that you really need to do your homework, read the fine print, and become educated. Hopefully this helps keep the focus on the topic at hand.
Ah the tub is also sat on 4 x 6ft x 4ft 17mm heavy duty rubber mats like you find in horse stables. Primarily that was to offset any vibration that may occur. It doesnt resonate at all though so i have no complaints .Im very happy
Both of these analyses completely contradict the baseless claims made that Master has crappy insulation and is a power hungry inefficient tub. And what does Holgmi585281 get back for the effort he expended in his factual analysis? That he is a fake! Absolutely ridiculous. Those baseless claims and the dismissive rejection of his work are mostly certainly INVENTING BADNESS!!!!!
FYI my other favorite is that Master Spas are really noisy. What a joke.
Edited - decided not to engage in argument
Both of these analyses completely contradict the baseless claims made that Master has crappy insulation and is a power hungry inefficient tub. And what does Holgmi585281 get back for the effort he expended in his factual analysis? That he is a fake! Absolutely ridiculous. Those baseless claims and the dismissive rejection of his work are mostly certainly INVENTING BADNESS!!!!!
FYI my other favorite is that Master Spas are really noisy. What a joke.
Except that he already said it's not fully filled with foam and all of the top brands generally listed on here are indeed fully foamed without the gaps that he is seeing. If he put fully foamed spa like a hot spring or Artesian in place of that master spa I guarantee it would use less energy. And no disrespect but you and he have significantly less experience and data to compare it to other brands so while the spa may be good for you, what exactly are you comparing it to?
I've been in the industry over 20 years. I've sold master spas. I've been in master spas. I've got the same experience with another 8 or 9 other brands. I rate most of them above master spas. Their cabinets are crap and they are louder than other spas. I've seen it first hand. Their ecopur filtration system is worthless.
So here we have:
less insulation
cheaper flimsy cabinets
worthless filtration system
shady business practices
And while their top models have powerful jets, they are just off the shelf CMP jets. Other companies jets are designed to work within and for their systems and offer a better feel in many cases.
So as stated many times over. Master makes a perfectly fine spa, but there others that are better in a lot of categories. Others that do business the right way. I'm glad you enjoy your spa but but you quite simply do not have the exposure to other products and companies to make a comparison.
Sam i am here you know, does it make it less real to you if you ignore my presence lol. You need to get a grip and find a career that you enjoy. This career choice has made you very bitter .
In my career there are many differences in how things are done. What we do not do is ever slag off the competition. It makes one look unprofessional.
Just listening and reading of the hate im surprised anyone would buy a hot tub of you . I certainly wouldnt..
If i had said it was fully foamed you would have hit me with aaaah the pipes are all covered so any problems it would cost a fortune to repair lol. There is absolutely nothing flimsy about the panels, its definitely not loud and the filtration keeps my water sparkling and clean. Maybe you moved jobs because there was more money in repairing the other spas.
Where are the Master Spa repair help questions on this ancient forum eh .
As you say, we are all entitled to our opinions. I'm not discounting your opinion.
Previous post by you: "I love how people invent badness about the build quality. "
"I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts." Your experience is just that, yours. Just because you may not have experienced certain circumstances in your 1 spa does not mean they don't exist in a few/some/many others.
Speak for yourself and allow others have have their own opinions and experiences.
Both of these analyses completely contradict the baseless claims made that Master has crappy insulation and is a power hungry inefficient tub. And what does Holgmi585281 get back for the effort he expended in his factual analysis? That he is a fake! Absolutely ridiculous. Those baseless claims and the dismissive rejection of his work are mostly certainly INVENTING BADNESS!!!!!
FYI my other favorite is that Master Spas are really noisy. What a joke.
Except that he already said it's not fully filled with foam and all of the top brands generally listed on here are indeed fully foamed without the gaps that he is seeing. If he put fully foamed spa like a hot spring or Artesian in place of that master spa I guarantee it would use less energy. And no disrespect but you and he have significantly less experience and data to compare it to other brands so while the spa may be good for you, what exactly are you comparing it to?
I've been in the industry over 20 years. I've sold master spas. I've been in master spas. I've got the same experience with another 8 or 9 other brands. I rate most of them above master spas. Their cabinets are crap and they are louder than other spas. I've seen it first hand. Their ecopur filtration system is worthless.
So here we have:
less insulation
cheaper flimsy cabinets
worthless filtration system
shady business practices
And while their top models have powerful jets, they are just off the shelf CMP jets. Other companies jets are designed to work within and for their systems and offer a better feel in many cases.
So as stated many times over. Master makes a perfectly fine spa, but there others that are better in a lot of categories. Others that do business the right way. I'm glad you enjoy your spa but but you quite simply do not have the exposure to other products and companies to make a comparison.
Sam i am here you know, does it make it less real to you if you ignore my presence lol. You need to get a grip and find a career that you enjoy. This career choice has made you very bitter .
In my career there are many differences in how things are done. What we do not do is ever slag off the competition. It makes one look unprofessional.
Just listening and reading of the hate im surprised anyone would buy a hot tub of you . I certainly wouldnt..
If i had said it was fully foamed you would have hit me with aaaah the pipes are all covered so any problems it would cost a fortune to repair lol. There is absolutely nothing flimsy about the panels, its definitely not loud and the filtration keeps my water sparkling and clean. Maybe you moved jobs because there was more money in repairing the other spas.
Where are the Master Spa repair help questions on this ancient forum eh .
Not bitter at all and love my job. My post history is pretty positive and I speak highly of any brand that I think highly of. I consistently speak well of brands that I don't sell. I provide my opinions that were formed by significant experience in the subject matter being discussed. If Cal Spa and Master Spa come up, that opinion is negative. If my experience with them were better, I would speak of them as I do Marquis, Hot Spring, Bullfrog, Dimension One, Artesian. My experience tells me those brands are good, energy efficient, reliable, provide excellent customer service and do business fairly and honestly.
Someone mentioned above that they improved the cabinet recently. Great! That's a step in the right direction. I'm not sure why you and swilly are taking it personally that most of the experienced professionals here think master spa is a middle of the pack manufacturer. I'm glad you are happy. I'm sure that there are happy Fiat car owners too. Doesn't change my opinion that they aren't very good. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or condescending. I'm just providing an honest, informed opinion. I'm sorry that this offends you and swilly. It isn't meant to. You are free to disregard my opinion. This is a discussion board. A place for people to discuss a specific topic and share their opinions. I've done so with mine and my post history speaks for itself.
You must have quoted my response prior to me deciding to not engage. There was literally a 30 second window but alas, too late.
had to pop a bag of popcorn before reading through this bad boy...Master Spa threads are the best! lol
You must have quoted my response prior to me deciding to not engage. There was literally a 30 second window but alas, too late.
Think i hit it at 29 seconds 😉
Forums are great fun if you dont take it personally . I was a ceramic tiler for 20 years and tiling forums are just as opinionated as are electrician forums etc etc lol.
My opinion of my Master Spa is my opinion based on what i see on a daily basis . It simply works exactly as i have said it does . Unless it suddenly starts to eat the electric which i very much doubt it will then at £50 or $63 a month i would say thats efficient enough for even the most frugal person alive,especially in my climate. My spa will be the same spec as one in your neck of the woods no doubt.
Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date . There are no such complaints here on any of the issues that people in the know and years of experience in the hot tub industry on this forum say they have. Why is that? Give me a reasonable answer to that simple question. Surely if this is a fact that they are noisy , crap cabinets,lousy insulation and cost a fortune to run then why do i not find that here. A Fiat car is just as Fiat here as it is where you are based. I drive a Mercedes diesel sports car and it averages 50 miles plus to the gallon, im sure there is a Bmw or Audi that can do 55miles to the gallon plus . I wouldnt rip the crap out of their car manufacturer because i thought mine was superior though 😁.
I might start a Coffin forum i do know quite a bit more on that subject than hot tubs .
In defence of Swilly he is obviously fed up as you do all seem strangely to have the same opinion. In fact it reads and sounds more like you have joined forces to be honest to crush anything Master Spa related . Its like blah blah blah . That is one reason i think the views on here are so biased and thats why in my opinion it doesnt sound as credible . Its so far one sided it doesnt make sense .
Fact is my 2019 build Master Spa HL8 performs great and i love it . Im sure other people would too given the correct data so they can make an informed choice.
Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .
Over what general time frame?
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts.
My claims aren't baseless. I have seen, soaked in, owned and worked on many, many more master spas than you have.
Speak for yourself and allow others have have their own opinions and experiences.
I most certainly do allow others to have their opinions and experiences.
Moreover, I think I have been exceedingly tolerant of the BS that gets passed off as truth about Master.
How about "Yeah after reading the factual experience of others I may have to reconsider that they actually are OK energy wise ."
But that's not the response we get is it? Rather, y'all perpetuate and indeed emphasize the fantasy by lashing out and calling fake. Keep hanging on kids. It's wait.....It is tired. Move on.
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts.
My claims aren't baseless. I have seen, soaked in, owned and worked on many, many more master spas than you have.
OK listen closely children because this is VERY complicated.
Someone ran an empirical (do we need to stop here for a dictionary, or can I continue?) analysis that proves wrong the lazy-ass throw away baseless claims about Master efficiency, but none of the haters are willing to acknowledge that. Rather they ramp up the lash-back.
Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .
Over what general time frame?
Even if it was since the dawn of humanity, is 18K enough of a sample for you?
Speak for yourself and allow others have have their own opinions and experiences.
I most certainly do allow others to have their opinions and experiences.
Then why do you say tings like this multiple times "As you say, we are all entitled to our opinions. I'm not discounting your opinion."
Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .
Over what general time frame?
Even if it was since the dawn of humanity, is 18K enough of a sample for you?
Thats a sizable number for a dealer, I'm just wondering over what time frame but I can wait for the answer.
Speak for yourself and allow others have have their own opinions and experiences.
I most certainly do allow others to have their opinions and experiences.
Then why do you say tings like this multiple times "As you say, we are all entitled to our opinions. I'm not discounting your opinion."
Holy moly!!!!
Do you not understand the difference between an opinion and a factual observation??
This is even worse than I thought.
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts.
My claims aren't baseless. I have seen, soaked in, owned and worked on many, many more master spas than you have.
How many have you owned? When and for how long? What models?
Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .
Over what general time frame?
They started as a small family firm in 2004.
When i had my spa installed on 8th June they had fit 18000. They sell quite a few considering the UK market is tiny compared.
OK listen closely children because this is VERY complicated.
Someone ran an empirical (do we need to stop here for a dictionary, or can I continue?) analysis that proves wrong the lazy-ass throw away baseless claims about Master efficiency, but none of the haters are willing to acknowledge that. Rather they ramp up the lash-back.
OK lets see your data so I can blow holes in it. It's from someone? (likely a MS salesman or factory guy?)
And calling people names gets you an award for being the only one who is the A** here.
Here in Minnesota they are one of the more in-efficient on the market along with others (should I wait for you to get YOUR dictionary out?)
And I had meter data from 2 of them. 2 that I owned.
Here, this is lazy and throw away.......
MASTER SPA is JUNK, you made a bad choice and come here to try and somehow justify it by telling us how good it is.
Us who have been it this business for 30-40 years, us who have seen hundreds, likely thousands of MS, us who have owned I think i have about 6 of them, us who have repaired them and seen every inch of them. Us who know what kinda a company it REALLY is.
Someone told you the only truth you need to know. MS is an OK tub. Middle of the road, nothing more.
Bill, I posted some pictures here 10-15 years ago of a 7 YO Master Spa I took a sawzall to for disposal. I looked back and can't seem to find the post. I wonder if it was under a different name? I first came here under Tman not Tman122
I love reading these threads, I did a lot of research when looking at buying a hot tub. I went to arctic spa, sundance, jacuzzi, hotsprings and yes master spas. The only dealer to bad mouth any other brand was the master spa dealer. I was totally taken back by it. Not one other dealer said anything bad about any other brand. Oh and beach comber. I base my purchases on how I feel a brand and their dealers do business. To Swilly if you want to support a brand that has questionable business practices all the power to you. I as a consumer would not support a brand or company that does that. To me it is unethical. I ended up buying a hot springs hot tub and for the most part have been happy. I will be honest we have had a few minor issues with it but the dealer and hot springs have been wonderful to deal with and all concerns have been dealt with and I feel confident that the dealer and hotsprings will do so if any other concerns happen. Will master spas do the same for you. I did notice a lesser build quality in master spas compared to the rest. Fit and finish was just not there. My opinion. I just cannot support a company/ dealer that thinks they can sell a product bad mouthing every other brand. Just my two cents. And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill. I hope that if/when you have problems with your Master Spas that your dealer and Master Spa come to the plate. Hot springs and my dealer have and for me that is the most important thing.
OK lets see your data so I can blow holes in it.
Uhhhh, look at the very first post in this thread.
And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill.
So your Hot Springs spa costs zero to power? I wish I had discovered that in my research. I guess that settles it. The $50/mth it's costing me clearly demonstrates that I have an inefficient spa next to Hot Springs!
OK listen closely children because this is VERY complicated.
Someone ran an empirical (do we need to stop here for a dictionary, or can I continue?) analysis that proves wrong the lazy-ass throw away baseless claims about Master efficiency, but none of the haters are willing to acknowledge that. Rather they ramp up the lash-back.
I did have to look up a few words on that post but we appreciate you realizing how limited we all are, you truly are magnanimous (what the heck, I already had the dictionary handy).
And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill.
So your Hot Springs spa costs zero to power? I wish I had discovered that in my research. I guess that settles it. The $50/mth it's costing me clearly demonstrates that I have an inefficient spa next to Hot Springs!
What i am saying is we are on equal billing and my hydro bill has not increased in any significant manner. Why do you need to act like a two year old on an open thread. Whenever someone comes back to you with something positive about another brand you attack them. Yes I have had some minor concerns with our hot tub but the dealer and manufacturer have stepped up to the plate. My spa is energy efficient more than your Master spa and i am aware your spa does have larger pumps but not enough to make that much of a difference. All I hope is when and you will have a problem with your tub that the manufacturer will look after you. From what i have read on other forums good luck with that. The proof on how energy efficient my hot tub is in the equal monthly billing I get from my hydro company would you like me to post them. From a fellow Canadian enjoy your Canada day long weekend. Funny you do not address any other posts from my original response
I'm not trying to tell everyone that I have the best spa on the forum, just calling out the BS that permeates this place when it comes to Master. No other brand gets trashed here like Master. It's uncanny how non receptive the Master haters are. And it's a losing battle for sure trying to debate with them in an adult manner. They just reject and dismiss what they don't want to hear.
But in light of all your refusal to acknowledge someone's objective data and concede even a little all that's left to do is to wind you all up by continuing to remind you how stubborn, outdated and closed-minded you are.
What i am saying is we are on equal billing and my hydro bill has not increased in any significant manner.
That's not all what you said. This is what you said "And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill." You were quite emphatic about the no increase bit. Now you are back tracking.
Whenever someone comes back to you with something positive about another brand you attack them.
Show me where I did that. My comments are not about other brands, except occasional praise for Marquis.
From a fellow Canadian enjoy your Canada day long weekend.
You too.
Funny you do not address any other posts from my original response
As tempting as it is to pick apart and rebut every comment people make I have determined that it's more beating my head against a brick wall. As this thread has so clearly demonstrated people who are set in their ways will just reject and dismiss. And yes, I do have other interests/things going in my life so posting up and arguing here all day long does get a little tiring.
Also it would be easier to do that if you used paragraphs to more effectively communicate your thoughts.
Actually I am not back tracking the last few bills have decreased compared to the same time last year but you will not believe that so no reason to state it. Comments from my wife were I thought the hot tub would increase our hydro bill. Anyways I do not know why I even respond to this stuff. It is very comical to say the least. Have a good one I have wasted enough time today with this.
All you people sound like you should be sitting in your hot tubs instead of arguing over whose tub is better. Clearly Swilly is happy with his purchase. Most other commenters are happy with there purchase. I love my tub. Everybody get soaking! Only thing for swilly is I hope you are a member 5 years from now. Would like to hear of your experience after 5 years. Enjoy your weekend folks!
Actually I am not back tracking the last few bills have decreased compared to the same time last year but you will not believe that so no reason to state it. Comments from my wife were I thought the hot tub would increase our hydro bill. Anyways I do not know why I even respond to this stuff. It is very comical to say the least. Have a good one I have wasted enough time today with this.
Hope you realize that’s impossible. Even Hot Springs tubs will run you 20-30 per month. My Caldera runs me about 40-50 in the winter. Tough to tell in summer with all the electric stuff I have in my house but can’t imagine it’s more then a few bucks a month
Well folks the weather today has been like a mini heatwave . 35°C (please feel free to search Google to verify my weather data 😁).
Anyways the hot tub has been that efficient that my Electric Company has telephoned today to say that they owe me money 😉😆 lol
Fact #1: Swilly likes his Master spa and thinks it deserves more respect.
Fact #2: Many pros on this site don't have Master on their list of the best spas to consider.
Fact #3: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Fact #4: Not everyone agrees with Fact #3.
Fact #1: Swilly likes his Master spa and thinks it deserves more respect.
Fact #2: Many pros on this site don't have Master on their list of the best spas to consider.
Fact #3: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Fact #4: Not everyone agrees with Fact #3.
And I could care less about fact number 1!!
But having my fact number 3 being called baseless is what I do care about. I hope the posters here understand that Swilly has zero time based experience and most of the pro's here have a ton of time based experience. And we don't bash MS exclusively we bash any brand or poster that thinks they somehow know more or are better than the rest of us based on............well nothing, except their fact number 3.
Fact #1: Swilly likes his Master spa and thinks it deserves more respect.
Fact #2: Many pros on this site don't have Master on their list of the best spas to consider.
Fact #3: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Fact #4: Not everyone agrees with Fact #3.
And I could care less about fact number 1!!
But having my fact number 3 being called baseless is what I do care about. I hope the posters here understand that Swilly has zero time based experience and most of the pro's here have a ton of time based experience. And we don't bash MS exclusively we bash any brand or poster that thinks they somehow know more or are better than the rest of us based on............well nothing, except their fact number 3.
Let's also not forget that the entire argument is based off energy efficiency 'data' from someone who's owned a hot tub for exactly 3 weeks... in the summer.
Yet Master supporters are quick to hold this up as hard evidence that Master is just as energy efficient as every other brand, and so quick to dismiss the many pro's who've sold, serviced, and owned hot tubs for decades. ::)
Let's also not forget that the entire argument is based off energy efficiency 'data' from someone who's owned a hot tub for exactly 3 weeks... in the summer.
Yet Master supporters are quick to hold this up as hard evidence that Master is just as energy efficient as every other brand, and so quick to dismiss the many pro's who've sold, serviced, and owned hot tubs for decades. ::)
Lets also not forget that this post was NOT an argument when i posted it . You and the so called "pro's" have turned a genuine informative post around real life findings into the usual (pack mentality Master Spa Bullying) we are always right ,your wrong post . You really are a bunch of babies.
You have the audacity to mention the word dismiss yet you are the dismissive one. This forum and the so called pro element has been used to having their own way for too long and it shows. Your probably the type that will continue to comment and comment because you want to have the last word . I will for you continue to update right through the summer and distant winter to give others the option to read how it performs for themselves .
I for one have never said that Master Spa is better or more efficient than any other Manufacturer. I have said it is not as inefficient as they are made out to be and thats the truth in all this. I have a friend from my childhood who owns a Jacuzzi J335 and his he tells me costs £30 per month to run here in the UK. He admits to just using his 3 to 4 nights a week. I use mine everyday just about so really they are comparable on running costs. But if a newbie asked on here about a choice of Master or Jacuzzi, 99% of the experienced unbiased pro's would say get a jacuzzi as the other one (yeah you dont even like to say the name from the many posts i have read )has no insulation and costs a fortune to run lol.
You can twist the reason and the data in my orignal post to suit yourselves thats fine by me , but in doing so you are not being honest with especially the many newbies who come looking for advice. You are just one of a few who admit to being in the business for decades etc . Well as the responses to my post show, you clearly may well be stuck in your ways and so out of date with the modern day to persist in the same old same old long in the tooth attitude.
I look forward to updating you as time goes on. I hope the likes of Swilly stays too. The forum needs more of a balanced viewpoint than the one sided views it currently has . If you have a tub may i suggest you go get in it and hopefully it relaxes you and helps to alleviate the pent up anger you have for all your Master Spa related issues.
I'm not going anywhere. There needs to be a balanced portrayal and the haters just want to hate.
You try and give some real life experience and you get dumped on. STILL in this now four page thread, no acknowledgement that you may be right that it's not inefficient, just continued rejection and dismissiveness.
It's absolutely pathetic that no one has said "Yeah that makes sense, maybe I'll reconsider". And that's just about one attribute, being efficiency.
Methinks thou doth protest too much Masterhaters.
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts.
My claims aren't baseless. I have seen, soaked in, owned and worked on many, many more master spas than you have.
How many have you owned? When and for how long? What models?
Still waiting.
OK lets see your data so I can blow holes in it.
Uhhhh, look at the very first post in this thread.
Still working on blowing those holes?
I can't decide which childish arguments are better... Bullfrog claims vs everyone else. Or the Master lovers vs everyone else...
Good thing NHL free agency is here to keep me entertained over this crap!
OK lets see your data so I can blow holes in it.
Uhhhh, look at the very first post in this thread.
Still working on blowing those holes?
The OP said 1-2 dollars a day. So which is it 1 or 2 dollars? Because that is a big difference in the hot tub world. If a HS cost 30 bucks a month and a MS cost 60 does that make the MS inefficient?
3 weeks worth of data means nothing. I would like to see the data from an entire year and I don't want to see a summary I want the actual KWH data. And it would be better if it was during winter because at 60 degrees
Which models have I owned, beats me, I have owned close to 40-50 tubs in my repair career. They come and go so fast sometimes I don't even get a chance to soak in them.
I've owned a 25 year old HS and a 7 year old MS, one still ran and was resold the other went to landfill. Guess which is which.
Your ignorance is astounding. And I never insult unless insulted.
But our opinions are useless to you (baseless), because we are master spa haters.
I've owned a 25 year old HS and a 7 year old MS, one still ran and was resold the other went to landfill. Guess which is which.
In truth, sometimes a 7 year old Master can hold up as well as a 25 year old HS. ;)
The OP said 1-2 dollars a day. So which is it 1 or 2 dollars? Because that is a big difference in the hot tub world. If a HS cost 30 bucks a month and a MS cost 60 does that make the MS inefficient?
3 weeks worth of data means nothing. I would like to see the data from an entire year and I don't want to see a summary I want the actual KWH data. And it would be better if it was during winter because at 60 degrees
My original post said clearly if its ticking over and if i dont use it that night it costs £0.80pence or $1 a day. When i use it on an evening it uses £1.60 per day which equates to $2 a day . I pay £0.13 pence which is $0.16 cents per Kwh of Hydro you call it. .
So my Maths makes that 6 Kwh ticking over and 12 Kwh in use . I may have said afterwards so thats between 1 to 2 dollars . I see you used that to your advantage as usual to make my data look to not appear accurate.
Heyho i know the truth in the data no matter how you pick at it .
Keep watching this post and ill update you through the years come rain hail or shine . I doubt even then you will think any different. Im not concerned how you feel about it though ,you havent been exactly welcoming and fair have you? .
I hope to make sure the rest of the members or guests see the data and that makes more of a constucted viewpoint in my opinion than just saying its crap lol. Show me some actual data you have , im sure i would have to take that with a pinch of salt judging by the responses so far . I have no vested interest in slagging off any spa manufacturer, i do not make money from my purchase , but you do have an vested monetary interest and that says it all. Enjoy your non Master Spa tub i will be in mine tonight again. I can afford the paltry hydro 🤣😁
Still arguing lol. Who cares. Enjoy your tub. @donut I’m
Ore concerned with NBA free agency over here. My Celtics got pilfered. At least we got Kemba!
I would not be surprised if MS has paid people or put up fake posts like this to try and shed there terrible reputation.
Here in MN they are sold as a middle of the road option (they are middle of the road) and they seem to be very energy hungry in the winter.
Whats the serial number off your tub?
With the shenanigans that MS has pulled in the past (a bunch of times) My post reflects that.
I have worked on and serviced hundreds of tubs that are about the same energy wise as MS (not as good as some other brands)
My suspicion of them led to asking for the serial number question. If you knew and saw what I have seen over the last 20-30 years you would suspect the same thing.
I hope you do stick around but I have a feeling you won't (because most don't)
;D i am still here . My Spa is as new and still going strong . Love it still . Had no issues whatsoever.
I should do a year update in early June :)
;D i am still here . My Spa is as new and still going strong . Love it still . Had no issues whatsoever.
I should do a year update in early June :)
Glad your still here, one year, 5 years and then 10 years. I have been part of this forum for almost 20 years. See you then.
Glad your still here, one year, 5 years and then 10 years. I have been part of this forum for almost 20 years. See you then.
Had to check and for sure the site dates back to may 2000 -
Jeeze this forum has changed a lot since then! Crazy to think Y2k was twenty damn years ago. I still remember celebrating Y2k with the family while terrified of the y2k bug ending life as we know it. Boy if I only knew what would happen twenty years later haha.
Glad your still here, one year, 5 years and then 10 years. I have been part of this forum for almost 20 years. See you then.
Was your thumb on on your nose and were your fingers up and twiddling back and forth, pointed in Mike's direction as you wrote that?
Hey Mike, in case you're wondering you will never be as wise as Tman. He may at first chide you as someone "who won't be in around in a year", but if you somehow make it that far, then he will find another way to dismiss you. It's relentless.
Reminds me of Trump's handling of the virus. Na na na na na naaah.
Glad your still here, one year, 5 years and then 10 years. I have been part of this forum for almost 20 years. See you then.
Was your thumb on on your nose and were your fingers up and twiddling back and forth, pointed it in Mike's direction as you wrote that?
Hey Mike, in case you're wondering you will never be as wise as Tman. He may at first chide you as someone "who won't be in around in a year", but if you somehow make it that far, then he will find another way to dismiss you. It's relentless.
Reminds me of Trump's handling of the virus. Na na na na na naaah.
Oh I respect you guys that have owned one tub and been around for a year. Everyone should take your advice because you made a smarter decision than all of them.
Oh and it doesn't matter how Trump handled the virus, it would of been wrong anyway right?
Was your thumb on on your nose and were your fingers up and twiddling back and forth, pointed it in Mike's direction as you wrote that?
Hey Mike, in case you're wondering you will never be as wise as Tman. He may at first chide you as someone "who won't be in around in a year", but if you somehow make it that far, then he will find another way to dismiss you. It's relentless.
Reminds me of Trump's handling of the virus. Na na na na na naaah.
Oh I respect you guys that have owned one tub and been around for a year. Everyone should take your advice because you made a smarter decision than all of them.
Oh and it doesn't matter how Trump handled the virus, it would of been wrong anyway right?
Ah hahahaha f**k this is hilarious, nothing like a good d*ck measuring contest during a pandemic on some random half-dead forum.
Thanks for the laughs ya'll
This was a family friendly board before???????