Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: HotTubMan on September 09, 2004, 03:30:58 pm
I cant be the only one that has noticed that our friend Dazed and Confused has not been posting. Did he buy a tub?
Just wondering.
Jeff Carter
I think he drowned while wet testing.
He has wet tested so long he became water logged and sank.
I wonder what kind of DEAL we can get him for a furneral with all the bells and whistles?
Well, Costco sells caskets now... :)
Hope you're alive and well D&C.
The last report was that the "Deal is on the table". By now probably covered with coffee stains a pile of dust.
I think he's still here posting under another name. Either that or Steve, being the big bully he is, scared him off! Thank you Steve! ;D
I've seen him around. He lets people know about his "deal on the table" andhow it beats whatever the poster is getting.
I've seen him around. He lets people know about his "deal on the table" andhow it beats whatever the poster is getting.
Does "deal on the table" mean a deal that he (D/C) has proposed but the seller hasn't agreed yet, or vice versa?
Actually Dazed sent me a message that he needed to take a few weeks off from this spa forum as he's looking to purchase a toaster and needs to spend some time researching them.
I saw a GREAT deal on toasters on Ebay. The only problem is that who will service it. There is a great FORUM on toasters: the hot topic is the insulation on the toaster BIG DEBATE ;D ;D
This just in: Costco or Home Depot......................
Actually Dazed sent me a message that he needed to take a few weeks off from this spa forum as he's looking to purchase a toaster and needs to spend some time researching them.
I think I saw him there! He was the guy standing in the appliance area at Sears for the last couple of weeks questioning everyone that walks by telling them he needs their opinion quick and arguing with the sales help that he can by it cheaper online!
LOL, I am glad I asked the question. ROFL
;D you guys are tough!!!!!!
Daze just got his spa from Costco knowing that he has 2 years and if he is not happy with it he can return it for a full refund...He was going to get the homedepot one but they will only give him a year.Jt
;D you guys are tough!!!!!!
If you look up his posting history, you'd learn that he's earned everything he gets, and then some.
Does "deal on the table" mean a deal that he (D/C) has proposed but the seller hasn't agreed yet, or vice versa?
He made an offer on a spa about 6 months ago, which his dealer apparently hasn't accepted yet, but d/c still considers "on the table". In the meantime he sits, spaless.
He made an offer on a spa about 6 months ago, which his dealer apparently hasn't accepted yet, but d/c still considers "on the table". In the meantime he sits, spaless.
That deals been filed in the hopeless circular file.
"Does that include tax?"
that one cracks me up everytime. ::)
No _ I havent bought yet!
For 7900 including tax, I can buy a new SD optima or cameo with:
SunGlow Multicolor Light
SunZone CD Special Edition
Exterior Perimeter Lights
Handi Step
MicroClean Filter (micro)
MicroClean Filter (pleated)
Drink Tray
That is the offer on the table. However, I am trying to get him down to a more fair price range of 7000 - 7500 including tax.
With which dealer are you "negotiating"?
Just buy the thing already!
That is a VERY fair price for what you're getting. If you want all that with taxes in for 7000-7500 I think you'll be waiting a long time.
No _ I havent bought yet!
For 7900 including tax, I can buy a new SD optima or cameo with:
SunGlow Multicolor Light
SunZone CD Special Edition
Exterior Perimeter Lights
Handi Step
MicroClean Filter (micro)
MicroClean Filter (pleated)
Drink Tray
That is the offer on the table. However, I am trying to get him down to a more fair price range of 7000 - 7500 including tax.
No more yankie my wankie,
the donger needs a sps
Ok D/C...maybe you really are what your moniker says you are. But let's say your sales tax is 8.25% like is here where I live in NY. So, 7900 - the tax = 7248.25. That would seem pretty darn fair to me, but what the heck do I know???? My advice would be to buy a freakin spa already, and oh yeah put the wacky tobacky down!