Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: flipflopper on January 22, 2018, 08:56:19 pm

Title: Forgot to Drain Pump Impeller when Winterizing Tub
Post by: flipflopper on January 22, 2018, 08:56:19 pm
Yikes, everyone. I winterized my tub (2013 Sundance Cameo 880) before the great cold (got down to -5 one night) of 2017-18 came and vacuumed out all the water I could with my wet vac. I also poured 2.5 gallons of RV antifreeze into it afterwards. But I forgot to drain the pump impeller housing by removing the drain plugs and sucking up the water that comes out. It warmed up the past few days and I remembered my oversight this evening. I went out and found the ~2" return and supply pipes very cold and sweaty as well as the impeller housing on the side of the 2 pumps. It had warmed up enough for me to completely drain the two big pumps of their water. The circ pump was dry.

I turned on the tub and ran both pumps and heard the impellers blowing air so mechanically it seems okay. But do you think I could be in for trouble with leaks when I fill it again? If so, what's the cure? New impeller housing that bolts onto the pump? Can I do this work myself (I do my own car repairs and maintenance so pretty adept in the area of wrenching, hoses, etc.)?

If anyone has a cure for stupidity, I'd also appreciate your suggestions and advice  :-[
Title: Re: Forgot to Drain Pump Impeller when Winterizing Tub
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on January 23, 2018, 01:09:53 am
   Damage if done, is done. You will know when you fill it.  Honestly I think you will be fine.   But stop running it dry. 
Title: Re: Forgot to Drain Pump Impeller when Winterizing Tub
Post by: Tman122 on January 23, 2018, 06:24:04 am
Stop running it dry.

Why would you drain it and miss the best time to soak?
Title: Re: Forgot to Drain Pump Impeller when Winterizing Tub
Post by: flipflopper on January 23, 2018, 11:19:15 am
I hear you loud and clear about running the pumps dry. Won't do that anymore.

You're right, I'll find out what is wrong when I turn it back on. I've turned it off this winter as last winter when we had it running we were too sick all the time to brave the cold weather outside in order to get in. We have/had little kids in daycare.
Title: Re: Forgot to Drain Pump Impeller when Winterizing Tub
Post by: Tman122 on January 23, 2018, 05:39:10 pm
I hear you loud and clear about running the pumps dry. Won't do that anymore.

You're right, I'll find out what is wrong when I turn it back on. I've turned it off this winter as last winter when we had it running we were too sick all the time to brave the cold weather outside in order to get in. We have/had little kids in daycare.

A good long soak when it's cold outside can cure the common cold.