Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: countryboy on August 23, 2004, 10:10:56 am
Has anyone dealt with there medical insurance for full or partial payment of a hot tub for hydro therepy?
How about tax deductions for medical usage?
Yes, I have sold many spas to customers that have had some government agency pay for their spa. All were in wheelchairs and had a disability. Unfortunately, the government will not fork over 5K plus for someone with arthritis.
I'm not thinking Government, I'm thinking my private heath care carrier. Or if I pay the full shot is it tax deductible even?
If you are in FL, a prescription from your M.D. will save you FL sales tax on the spa package....
Check the details of your health insuarnce policy to see what, if anything, they'd cover. Look under durable medical equipment coverage. Your doctor's office should have someone who could check with your health insurance provider to see if they'd cover anything. Don't be suprised if the insurance compays squawks about this, though.
If your doctor gives you a perscription or otherwise orders this as medically necessary for you, it may be deductible on your Federal income tax form as a medical expense, but only the portion that wasn't covered by insurance.
Consulting a tax advisor prior to the purchase would probably be a good idea.