Hot Tub Forum
General => General info Somewhat hot tub related => Topic started by: East_TX_Spa on January 09, 2006, 10:25:26 am
Is there anyone out there in cyberspace that lives in the Palm Springs area, preferably one of my little online buddies and not some of the goatriders that give me hell from time to time?
If so, I'm going to be out there Wed-Sat this week and if you give me a holler, I'll buy you dinner and we'll try to scrounge up some Shiner Bock and cigars.
Gomboman, Brooke (and her husband), Mendo, Chas, socal?
Free dinner available. :)
hmmmmmm, stoggies and shiner bock (if avail). sounds good to me!
Well, I just found out that my plane leaves at 7 am Tuesday instead of Wednesday, so I'm scrambling to get ready. We're going to stay a couple of extra days and play around in Kaliforney, so I'll see ya'll later.
Feel free to take over Pic o the Day while I'm gone and hopefully I'll have some good ones when I git back.
See ya'll!
I am about 45 mintues from Palm Springs....
Hey! I'm about an hour away. Let me know when you are free and we can see if we can work something out. I've usually got 2 kids with me, but if that doesn't bother you, we are pretty open in the afternoons.
Term, give us an update when you get back on the main board. I bet you had trouble finding your Shiner Bock at the hotel bar........ :)
Mendo, Brook, Gombo, socal, I am so sorry I didn't get ya'lls messages sooner. My boss got the departure date mixed up and I had to get a million things done before we left. I would have loved to have gotten to meet ya'll in person.
I got in such a big hurry that I left my laptop at the store and right now is the first time I've been able to check the internet (Sunday night, Jan. 15th, I'm at the Admiral's Club at DFW Airport).
I did get to meet Guzz and we had a good time. He is a gentleman to the hilt and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him. We sat in a lot of classes together and indulged ourselves at the bar a bit.
Gomboman, I got some funny looks when I requested Shiner Bock at the restaurants. I did, however, find out that ya'll have GREAT grocery stores in California. In one stop, I picked up shaving cream, Shiner Bock, Maker's Mark, and a couple of cigars. In Texas, I would've had to go to 3 different stores to get all of that.
The Esmeralde Resort was sooooooo nice, beat the hell out of the Motel 6 that Tom Bodett is so fond of. The food was excellent but made my urine smell funny.
El Paseo Drive was full of big bosomed women and Ferarris, Porsches, Jaguars, Rolls, Mercedes, and other assorted fine automobiles that are not prevalent in Longview, TX.
I miss my family and am looking forward to having normal pee once more.
Term, I have a hard time finding it myself out here. There's a small liquor store near Socal's place that sells specialty beers that carries it. Send me some pics when you have time. Oh, what's a Maker's Mark?
Gomboman, I got some funny looks when I requested Shiner Bock at the restaurants. I did, however, find out that ya'll have GREAT grocery stores in California. In one stop, I picked up shaving cream, Shiner Bock, Maker's Mark, and a couple of cigars. In Texas, I would've had to go to 3 different stores to get all of that.
Terminator [/quote]
Gomboman, I got some funny looks when I requested Shiner Bock at the restaurants. Â I did, however, find out that ya'll have GREAT grocery stores in California. Â In one stop, I picked up shaving cream, Shiner Bock, Maker's Mark, and a couple of cigars. Â In Texas, I would've had to go to 3 different stores to get all of that.
Maker's Mark is a Kentucky Bourbon that you've probably seen in the stores. Each bottle is sealed with bright red wax coating the entire neck of the bottle. I am an official ambassador and drewstar is as well. What that means is that we are non-paid advertisers for their product and they shower us with assorted gifts and priveledges in order to keep us on the streets promoting their brand. What a winning deal for both sides! I do love their whiskey!
wait, theres a "specialty" store that sells shiner bock??? and i dont know about it??? gombo, please let me know where it is
wait, theres a "specialty" store that sells shiner bock??? and i dont know about it??? gombo, please let me know where it is
We stopped at Ralph's Market right across the street from Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Palm Springs and bought a six-pack. Coolest grocery store I've ever visited.
term, you are easily impressed arent you??? ;D :D ;)
Wow, impressed by Ralph's. Never woulda thunk that. ;D I'm guessing Texas is like Oregon and you can't buy hard liquor at the grocery store and that is what you were impressed by.
Socal and Brooke, you're right. You can't buy hard liquor anyplace but the liquor store. You can't buy it after 9:00 pm and you can't buy it at all on Sunday. That's why we Texans are so well behaved as the demon rum is supplied to us on a limited basis.
mmmmmmmm demon rum....... my favorite
Speaking of demons, socal, aren't you an aspiring sci-fi-fantasy writer? You might want to check out a book on called "The Demon King" by Michael Salazar. Michael, aka Krispy Kreme, was a member of my Top Gun class and is a HotSpring store manager in Indiana. He was writing the book back in March and got it published. I visited with him in Palm Springs and he said it's doing well. I'm going to check it out and you might enjoy it, as well.
thanks for the heads up. ill have to check it out. dont think im going to get through the book im reading (should be reading). be nice to have something new to get into.
speaking of my on page 3 thinking about tossing that away lol.
i still like the idea of demon rum though ;D
be nice to have something new to get into.
speaking of my on page 3 thinking about tossing that away lol.
Read Freakonomics; you'll love it. You'll blow through it too, quick read. The chapters include "how teachers are like sumo wrestlers", "why drug dealers live with their moms", "how the KKK is similar to real estate agents". I've given it to two other people and they both loved it.
Read Freakonomics; you'll love it. You'll blow through it too, quick read. The chapters include "how teachers are like sumo wrestlers", "why drug dealers live with their moms", "how the KKK is similar to real estate agents". I've given it to two other people and they both loved it.
thanks for the heads up spatech. sounds like that book would be like the "darwin awards" without the loss of life. but oh how i enjoy the darwins ;D
thanks for the heads up spatech. sounds like that book would be like the "darwin awards" without the loss of life. but oh how i enjoy the darwins ;D
Darwin awards are always funny plus they make you feel much better about your own common sense.
The book I speak of is done by a professor who uses statistics to look at things in life and make you scratch your head. I only wish it were twice as long. I fall asleep just thinking about the fiction books most people like (to each his own) I need facts and statistics in the things I read and this has that and is even humorous to boot.
i worte down the name of the books, going to have to hit the store and check them out.
hey term, your about your buddies took awhile but i found it online. turns out he is not the only 1 with the title "demon king"
Old Town Liquor. They have all kinds of specialty beers there. They also carry Stone Arrogant Bastard which is my favorite.
wait, theres a "specialty" store that sells shiner bock??? and i dont know about it??? gombo, please let me know where it is
Old Town Liquor. They have all kinds of specialty beers there. They also carry Stone Arrogant Bastard which is my favorite.
i think thats the store down on the corner from me. i usually just go in there for a non alcoholic beerage due to working so close...but i will deffinatly check out the beer selection. might have to have a little hot tub get together!!