Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: LLKCM on August 18, 2004, 12:09:21 am

Title: Concrete Pad next to house foundation
Post by: LLKCM on August 18, 2004, 12:09:21 am
I am planning to locate the concrete pad for a 600 gal SPA at ground level and within 16 inches of the house foundation. the basement wall is 8 ft high poured concrete, 7 1/2 inches thick, which is pretty standard. I am concerned that this surface load could cause buckling of the basement wall. How close to a foundation have others placed a SPA? Are there any rules of thumb regarding minimum spacing of the SPA pad from the house foundation?  
Title: Re: Concrete Pad next to house foundation
Post by: Shut_Down_Stranger on August 18, 2004, 12:14:05 am
Should not be a problem as long as you are not trying to tie the concrete of the spa pad into the house foundation. An expansion strip between the spa pad and house, or a few inches of non-concrete area is suggested to allow for ground temperature expansion.
Title: Re: Concrete Pad next to house foundation
Post by: bub b on August 18, 2004, 02:09:18 pm
I used an expansion strip next to the wall and poured concrete rite up to it.We used 4 " of modified stone,6" of concrete w/rebar and ran the conduit in the concrete so it came up rite under the tub in the electrical compartment so not to have any toe-trippers ;D
Title: Re: Concrete Pad next to house foundation
Post by: on August 19, 2004, 08:19:07 pm
Hmmm, a very interesting question you have raised. I am also planning on placing a 400 gallon spa on a patio. From what I can see, our patio is an extension of our house. Since our spa will be less than 3 inches from the wall of our home, perhaps I should get a structural engineer to take a look before I install it.
