Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: HotTubMan on August 18, 2004, 12:42:14 pm
Sny dealers have any suggestions on how to deal with water lines on peralescent finishes. Until recently I have not sold such acrylic finishes, or at least not shown with water. Now I cant seem to get rid of the white water line on my Azure (blue pearlescent) tub. I figure its one of two things. 1)oils in the pipes and on the filter formed a line that attracts the calcium or 2) this is life with the glossy acrylics.
Any help would be appreciated
Any dealers have any suggestions on how to deal with water lines on peralescent finishes. Until recently I have not sold such acrylic finishes, or at least not shown with water. Now I cant seem to get rid of the white water line on my Azure (blue pearlescent) tub. I figure its one of two things. 1)oils in the pipes and on the filter formed a line that attracts the calcium or 2) this is life with the glossy acrylics.
Any help would be appreciated
I have the same problem with my showroom models, but not with my home spa, nor do I hear complaints from the people who have purchased Pearl or Copper shells.
My conclusion is that all the people putting in hands and arms to try jets bring in mucho hand lotion, soap, hand sanitizer, etc.
I use a cream on two spots on my palms, and I know it tends to line the tub - :( and I always go ahead of people and twist the jets faces and pop spinners in and out etc.
So get used to wiping the tubs down daily my spa dealer brother, but you owners should be able to snicker and relax.
I see this all the time with the pearl finish when new water is added. If you wipe it down with a washcloth (you'll have to do it more than once) it settles down typically. Also, a guy had a nasty line the other day after filling and admitted it was his wife's hair dye. I had him drain 2 inches of water and he used the spa fast gloss and it removed it with no trouble as in this case the washcloth was only smearing it.
Sorry I can't speak from first-hand knowledge but I did buy a LeisureTime Tub Rub from Doc. Haven't used it yet but I hope it would take care of problems like spatech mentioned. BTW, I have an almond (white) pearlescent tub on my first fill after a month and have had zero scum line problems. A little Swirl Away with this Saturday's first change and any possibility of a scum line should evaporate....that is unless Tammy Faye decides to get 'necked' and jump in.......OH MY GOSH, THAT VISUAL IS TOOOO STRONG.....GOTTA GET TO THE............
I too noticed a bit of a scum line on my silver pearl finish. Just got and filled the tub yesterday. I wiped it away with a towel. What is Swirl Away? Is it something I should use with my Nature 2/chlorine regiment?
Swirl Away is a plumbing cleaner that you add when you are going to empty your tub. You remove your filter, add the swirl away and then run the jets for an hour or so... The idea is that it cleans out the plumbing system before you refill.
The little tub rub is a great product. It is kind to your shell, but gets any tough stuff you may have.
We use a duramit and either baqua spa surface cleaner (hydro-chloric acid) or if it is dry we use Leisure time fast gloss (kinda like carnuba wax) on the floor models. You may also want to try a scum bug or scum ball.