Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Benjoesi on August 22, 2017, 02:10:44 pm

Title: Cloudy water every 2 weeks - help!
Post by: Benjoesi on August 22, 2017, 02:10:44 pm
[img]Hi there,
This is my first post so please bear with me.
I purchased a 6 seater tub in April and the 4 of us (wife 2 kids) use it 4/5 times a week.
I check the water levels every day (chlorine,ph) and sometimes I have to add sometimes I don't.
I have a float in the tub containing two chlorine tablets, previously I was using powdered chlorine if the chemical strip said I needed it and a sponge to collect any scum.
Every 2 weeks without fail my water goes a cloudy green colour and when the jets are on the foam is ridiculous. I sometimes use the foam away liquid but I'm aware that it's not a long term fix.
The scum around the water line is horrible and like a paste. I use a sponge to remove it and water line cleaner but it still returns.
I have the filters set to come on twice a day for a 2 hour period and I change the filter every 2 weeks and clean them using a suggested cleaner but still the water is green.
People tell me that after heavy use I should use shock which I've done but it never saves my water.
I spoke with the supplier of the tub who said I shouldn't use too much chlorine as it will chrystalise the pumps? We always shower off before use and no one pees in there lol.
I'm really at a loss with it and getting rather annoyed changing the water every 2/3 weeks instead of the 2/3 months I was advised.
Can anyone help please.

Title: Re: Cloudy water every 2 weeks - help!
Post by: Conine2965 on August 22, 2017, 10:03:27 pm
Make sure chlorine is dichlor. And you need to have water tested my bet is low chlorine. I also use my tub a lot and I add chlorine after every use.
Title: Re: Cloudy water every 2 weeks - help!
Post by: danthespaman316 on August 22, 2017, 11:39:10 pm
Check your hardness. Too soft of water can cause cloudiness, foam and the type of scum build up you're describing. I'd recommend ditching the tablets and floater and going with powdered dichlor as Connie suggested. It might also be a good idea to up your filtration cycles based on the amount of use. Good luck.
Title: Re: Cloudy water every 2 weeks - help!
Post by: MarKee on August 22, 2017, 11:41:53 pm
Benjoesi I would reccomend doing a purge with a product called Ahh-Some. There was some contaminated plumbing that went throughout most brands in the spa industry 1-2 years ago.  Symptoms are green colored water and hard to maintain chlorine level.  One or two purges of Ahh-Some will most likely fix your issues.
Title: Re: Cloudy water every 2 weeks - help!
Post by: wmccall on August 23, 2017, 08:49:20 am
My first thought is too many people using the hottub with too many things on their body.  Moisturizers on legs after shaving, people dunking their hair in the water that is full of conditioner and other products.  Also possibly soap sud residue if people are wearing swim suits in the hot tub after a normal wash.
Title: Re: Cloudy water every 2 weeks - help!
Post by: The Wizard of Spas on August 23, 2017, 10:14:43 am
Floating chlorine tablets are not ideal:  Chlorine gas is emitted, which degrades your cover, headrests, etc, and is a health hazard.  Use granular di-chlor.  And test daily:  Before you get in the spa.  Add X amount after.  Next usage, test again:  If your chlorine is low, double the dosage and keep adjusting over the next few days until the right amount is found.  pH and alkalinity are keep in keeping your chlorine working to its maximum efficiency.

Hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.
Title: Re: Cloudy water every 2 weeks - help!
Post by: Benjoesi on August 24, 2017, 04:43:28 am
Thank you very much to you all that have helped.
Hopefully I'll have clear water soon enough.