Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: wmccall on August 17, 2017, 10:49:41 am
AC repairman was asking me about my hot tub. Two of the questions, How long have you owned it? I told him, this tub is coming up on 5 years old, but we owned another one for 9 years before that. The follow up was How often do you use it. My answer was probably around 300 days a year. That might be low and there are days when we are on a cruise using someone else's hot tub.
I remember when I first got mine the jealous people said the novelty will wear off and you won't use it. If there is ever a warrant out for me, have them check my hottub at 10pm.
How often do you use yours?
We use our tub 5-7 times a week. Usually mornings.
4 or 5 days a week
I haven't been in mine for probably 2 months. The kids with friends have been in quite a bit, going from the pool to the spa to warm up. (non heated 25' above ground pool) Winter I use it way more, 3 or 4, 5 times a week.
Winter time I use mine almost daily. This time of year I hang out by pool more often plus I work crazy hours and have the time I just wAnt to crash when I'm home
AC repairman was asking me about my hot tub. Two of the questions, How long have you owned it? I told him, this tub is coming up on 5 years old, but we owned another one for 9 years before that. The follow up was How often do you use it. My answer was probably around 300 days a year. That might be low and there are days when we are on a cruise using someone else's hot tub.
I remember when I first got mine the jealous people said the novelty will wear off and you won't use it. If there is ever a warrant out for me, have them check my hottub at 10pm.
How often do you use yours?
This made me chuckle.
I would tell the AC repair guy, I use my spa more often than I use my AC.
We had similar comments when we got our hot tub over 5 years ago -
- You'll get bored with it
Your electric bill will go through the roof
You'll fight the chemistry
...and so on
We had the good sense to take advice from the good folks here when we were told to put it someplace that is convenient to access.
When we went through a heat wave this summer we didn't use it for several weeks, but most often we're using it nearly every day. We used to use it in the evenings with a cocktail, but now we use it more in the morning to start our day.
We started our own business 2 years ago and we find that we come up with some brilliant ideas when we're in the "think tank"
I use mine at least once a day.
Okay this made me laugh about the warrant! We just had our spa delivered yesterday. I feel down during the process. Ouch. Pretty sore this morning. My husband is filling it now and we are in the set up process. I am a bit overwhelmed. After the fall yesterday I am pretty excited to get in...hopefully soon! The chemical part is mind boggling. Like learning a new language.