Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: doofenshmirtz on July 28, 2017, 08:10:00 pm

Title: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: doofenshmirtz on July 28, 2017, 08:10:00 pm
Moved to a new house and am looking into buying a large 7-8 person+ tub that will maximize the space of a 10x10 area.  Our prior house had a Costco tub and while it gave us an appreciation for having one, it also gave us an appreciation for buying a good brand :)

Currently looking at the Sundance Aspen 880, Jacuzzi 495, and Hot Springs Limelight Gleam.  Have quotes for both the Aspen and the Jacuzzi 495 for about $15,500 before tax including stairs, cover, and delivery.  The dealer is telling us they are giving us over $1,500 in discounts.  Based on the research I’ve done, these quotes seem high but I don’t have any other dealers in the area to check against.

I am open to negotiating but with this being the only dealer in the area I don’t want to burn any bridges by negotiating too hard without a backup plan.  For the Gleam, we have two dealers we are still waiting on quotes from.

We've wet tested the above mentioned tubs, and for those we are in agreement that we liked each of them and it really comes down to price.

Any reactions to the quotes I’ve received thus far?  Any other recommended large tubs from a reliable brand you think I should be considering? 
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: JoeCappi on July 31, 2017, 10:15:31 am
I've seen the Optima & J385 both go for around $11,999 plus tax. Im looking at the J470 myself and havent begun negotiating for it yet. I wet tested the J495 and thought it was too big. Several seats I had to really stretch to reach the foot jets. I imagine the Aspen is similar. I wet tested the Optima & loved the seating in it. Hot springs Grandee & Pulse are in the mix for me too. More so the Pulse because of the foot dome. On the fence still.
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: jordanomar23 on July 31, 2017, 12:34:10 pm
Perhaps this Marquis Spa can be your option
Good luck :)
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: wmccall on July 31, 2017, 12:50:54 pm
Moved to a new house and am looking into buying a large 7-8 person+ tub that will maximize the space of a 10x10 area.  Our prior house had a Costco tub and while it gave us an appreciation for having one, it also gave us an appreciation for buying a good brand :)

Currently looking at the Sundance Aspen 880, Jacuzzi 495, and Hot Springs Limelight Gleam.  Have quotes for both the Aspen and the Jacuzzi 495 for about $15,500 before tax including stairs, cover, and delivery.  The dealer is telling us they are giving us over $1,500 in discounts.  Based on the research I’ve done, these quotes seem high but I don’t have any other dealers in the area to check against.

I am open to negotiating but with this being the only dealer in the area I don’t want to burn any bridges by negotiating too hard without a backup plan.  For the Gleam, we have two dealers we are still waiting on quotes from.

We've wet tested the above mentioned tubs, and for those we are in agreement that we liked each of them and it really comes down to price.

Any reactions to the quotes I’ve received thus far?  Any other recommended large tubs from a reliable brand you think I should be considering?

Welcome to the forum, I guess I know where the parties are!  May people also look at the Hot Spring Grandee when looking at bigger tubs, but your choices look good too.  Actually I haven't looked at HS' website recently I assume they still have the Grandee :)
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: Clarkp on July 31, 2017, 01:11:18 pm
We just had an Aspen installed.  We checked Hot Springs and looked at Bullfrog too.  I didn't expect to like the Aspen as much as we do.  I like the variety of jets (hand jets, wrist jets, lat jets, thigh jets, calf jets, etc.)  I'm sure the others have similar configurations.

The tub enclosure on the Aspen looks a little dumb to me when compared to the new Jacuzzi enclosures or the big Hot Springs enclosure but when you're on the inside I guess it doesn't matter.

I am a little dubious of the Sundance quality control at this point however.  We developed a water leak at the dual water fall after a week (warranty but...), the little light puck that makes the "Sundance" badge on the side glow was hanging by its wires on the inside after installation (pushed it right back into place - probably popped out during shipping, but...)  The little 'hair net' over the suction grate under the filter separated from its elastic the second time I removed it for cleaning (tub is now two and a half weeks old) - warranty, but...

I guess all tubs have some growing pains when initially installed, but...

Otherwise it's a BIG tub that doesn't seem all that big when you have three people in it.  So, when in doubt go big!
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: meriflower on July 31, 2017, 01:18:11 pm
Perhaps this Marquis Spa can be your option
Good luck :)

FYI - that is a Mira spa not Marquis. 
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: doofenshmirtz on August 04, 2017, 08:18:15 pm
Hi all, thanks do much for the welcomes and advice!  We ended up purchasing a Caldera Cantabria for just under $12K including spa lifter, steps, & chemical start up kit.  Found the Cantabria to be extremely impressive in person and compared to the other quotes for XL-tubs it seemed like a great value, and we really like the dealer.  Will try to remember to report back once we actually have it!
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: meriflower on August 04, 2017, 10:35:58 pm
Congrats!  Look forward to hear how your delivery went and how you like your spa.   :)
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: Thisismyname on August 05, 2017, 07:17:24 am
Nice work on the cantabria...i fought with my dealer for weeks and the best they would do is $14k.  Moved on from the brand
Title: Re: 7+ person tub recommendations/pricing
Post by: kimba on August 07, 2017, 12:01:26 am
I bought the cantabria by Caldera for 14, 200.00 they added a better cover lifter.  I have been looking for 3 years and finally took the plunge.  It will be here in 2 weeks the only thing is I still need to hook up the electrical , having problems because its so big this tub takes 70 amp, and electricians are giving me quotes from 700 dollars to 1500 dollars , the hot tub place will do it for 900 dollars so I might just go with them since some are confused by the amps needed..  will give you more feed back in few weeks , good luck..