Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Blue-eyes on July 05, 2017, 07:31:53 pm
Thank you all for the great info as we've been learning and shopping the past couple of months. We ended up buying a barely used Marquis Show (three months old). The seller drained it last night and we had to moved today, but our electrician can't come for three days. Is it better to leave it empty until we have power or fill it since there's water in the lines anyway? Any recommendations for cleaning it without having the pumps going? Any products you recommend?
It would be fine either way. I would probably wait the 3 days to fill it.
No water circulation I wouuld leave empty
Go to the liquor store and buy a couple bottles of nice wine.
Go to your nearest World Market(or other such place) and buy some nice non breakable wine glasses and start practicing your relaxed wine sipping. :D
Lol! Thanks for the recommendations! ;D