Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Bigralphy on February 10, 2017, 03:21:49 pm

Title: Chemical while on Vacation
Post by: Bigralphy on February 10, 2017, 03:21:49 pm
Hi all,

I use the bleach dichlor method on my tub but we are heading on a vacation for 7 days.

What could I do for sanitation during these days?  I have nobody to add chemical manually while we will be away.

My numbers are:

Ta 55
ph  7.8
cl  3
ch 140

Thinking of a floater but trichlor is acidic. 

Thanks for any help.  I am also in Canada so turning it off is not an option

Title: Re: Chemical while on Vacation
Post by: bud16415 on February 11, 2017, 11:01:08 am
I answered this question for myself as to what I do for a week in this thread.,19861.msg197052.html#msg197052

The same method I used for my inline feeder would work using a floating feeder.

By the way I use the same method of sanitizing you do, and found this the lowest cost way to leave the tub for 1 to 4 weeks at a time.