Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: fedmandoo on July 07, 2004, 09:23:45 pm
We are in a position were we can get a bengal tub from a family member with the intention of us "using it" and allowing us to make a decision of purchasing it from him or him selling it if we decide not to purchase it. He us aware that i'm doing research on tubs and he is not putting any pressure on us to purchase his tub ... The only detail i have on the tub is that it is 2 yrs old and is 110 vs. 220 amps. we live in new england so ,from the start I would prefer a 220 amp tub. I really haven't seen any feedback on this brand/model tub in here. Looking for feedback on this tub.. Please give me positive or negative feedback .. I will post more details on the tub as I get them...We can't wait to start our extended wet test on this tub...Thanks,Fedman
I'll tell ya the one thing that was non negociable with me was the fact that I wanted 220v with a 60amp connection. I live in Ottawa (not that far from New England) and our winters can get pretty cold. I wanted the heater to stay on even if all jets were on.
He may be running it at 110V but I'm pretty sure it is what is known as a convertible tub meaning you can run it either way depending on how you jumper it so you'd be able to run it at 220 or 221 (whatever it takes).
Spatech t.u.o.
Good to know. I have to see if 220 is an option with this tub. Thanks for your feedback. Fedman
He may be running it at 110V but I'm pretty sure it is what is known as a convertible tub meaning you can run it either way depending on how you jumper it so you'd be able to run it at 220 or 221 (whatever it takes).
Excellent point Spatech. Shoulda thought of that. But that's why they pay you the big bucks huh! ;)
Yes, it is convertible: you will need to supply it with two GFI protected circuits. One 30A 220V and one 20A 120V - the easiest way to do this is to purchase a subpanel from a HotSpring dealer.
I sell them for around $135, which is a good price even compared to collecting the parts yourself from a home center.
We have 01 Bengal that we purchased as used trade in from local Hotsprings dealer .Had a few minnor problems after install. Small leak in line to heater and gfi kept triping in intial heat up of spa. But local dealer fixed things for me quickly . Had spa three months now and love it with no new problems. Id think you will be happy to with the one your going to try out. Good luck and Happy tubbin ;D
Alright, I'm about to get into trouble with the factory guys here but, leave the warranty in your family members name as there was an issue with the original heater in that unit and when you convert it the problem might surface.
Watkins has retrofitted the heater but will not replace it under warranty to anyone but the original owner. It could get expensive. Otherwise as long as your getting a good price on it, it’s a good spa. Compare the price to what you could get new considering the current upgrades before negotiating a deal.
extended wet test update
Looks like we are picking up the bengal tub next weekend. It's a 2003 model with ozinator and a led light kit options. I was wondering where I could find out a realistic price on wht to pay for this used tub if we decide to purchase??
Feedback is appreciated.
we are picking up the bengal tub tomorrow.. electrician is coming out on monday.. looks like we are hooking it up 110 for now..My wife is really looking forward to her first soak
My wife is really looking forward to her first soak
...and the only way we're happy is if our wives are happy!!
Yes, it is convertible: you will need to supply it with two GFI protected circuits. One 30A 220V and one 20A 120V - the easiest way to do this is to purchase a subpanel from a HotSpring dealer.
I sell them for around $135, which is a good price even compared to collecting the parts yourself from a home center.
chas I talked to our local dealer last week and she qouted a price of 200.00 for the 220 subpanel for the bengal tub.. Could I purchase one from you when I'm ready??
We moved the Bengal tub to our house this past Sunday. The move went well and our electrician came out Monday and hooked us up 110 and with a 220 option in place in case we decide to hook up 220. He did an excellent job considering the work he did to get power to our garage and our total cost was $500.00. I feel his price was fair and when you are happy with high quality work from a contractor that is worth allot. The tub is heated up and we took our first dip tonight.. It is heaven and our extended wet test has begun. My wife loves it and she/we are looking forward to the wonders that it will bring to her chronic pain she lives with from her car accident. This tub is more of a necessity than a luxury for us.... I'll post a pic when I take one.
That is enjoy your new spa.... :)
So we have been in our Bengal for 5 days now and my wife feels so much better. She is in 3 times a day.. She works out of the house so when she feels the need she is in. we love the spa already..It seems to be the right size and fits well at our house. Anyway we have talked price with our family member and he is asking 4000.00 for the spa. It is a 2002 model with an ozinator option. He told us he paid 6500.00 for it 2 years ago. Everything else seems standard. This seems like a fair price to me. Thoughts are appreciated.
Well, first off, Enjoy the spa - congratulations!
May you soak long and prosper!
Now, why would you need to buy the tub, when they have kindly put it into your possesion...... ;)
Thanks we are enjoying the spa but, we need to keep the peace in the family. ;) With all the hot weather we have been having I'm looking into the ZZ misting solution. I just may have an easy time setting up this solution.. Thanks for everyones feedback here.
Its 2 yrs old, they paid $6500 it new but they also had a warranty which you do not. Rather than the entire $4000, maybe you could do something creative like paying $3000 for it now and after 1 year you can pay the $1000 balance minus any repair cost(s) you MAY incur. If there are no issues they get the total they wanted but this gives you a bit of insurance.