Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: IonHeaven on August 04, 2004, 12:35:19 am

Title: Just curious
Post by: IonHeaven on August 04, 2004, 12:35:19 am
I am curious about something. The Marquis dealer in my area said that Marquis did away with the 24/7 pump since its the main thing that breaks down. He noted that most of his repair calls are for circ pumps.

He also said that Hot Springs will phase them out in the coming years for the same reason.

The Hot Springs dealer said no way that would happen and suggested having the circ pump cleaned to prevent grass, debris etc. from accumulating.


Anyone care to comment?
Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on August 04, 2004, 12:52:18 am
Well.......... Since the Marquis dealer is actually a COMPETITOR of the Hot Spring Spas dealer........................ need I say more?
Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: spaguyohio on August 04, 2004, 09:36:12 am
Ive heard from two different techs on two different comapnies that circ pumps are the biggest repair calls they get.
Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: IonHeaven on August 04, 2004, 10:04:25 am
Is it true that you can get them cleaned out from time to time to prevent problems and will taking extra care to not get debris in them helpful to prolong their life?
Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: Chris_H on August 04, 2004, 10:12:05 am
Don’t worry about replacing/cleaning the circulation pump. It has a 5-year warranty.  Once you get your spa you aren’t going to clean out the circulation pump, anyway.  I am sure there are some people that clean it, but come on that is going to take at least an hour.  That is an hour you could be relaxing in your Hotspring Envoy.
Chris H
Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: rick on August 04, 2004, 10:14:18 am
I cannot speak for the value of a 24/7 circ. pump as mine does not have one.  But I can tell you that I'm not missing it in my spa.  Mine has 2 variable speed 56frame pumps and pump #1 is in charge of the cleaning cycles (2 2hour cycles per day) and does a magnificent job.  It runs on the low setting and is hardly noticable sound wise.   I have had the same water as when I initially filled it 5 months ago and my water is still crystal clear.  Of course the proponents of the 24/7 circ. pump will tell me I'm shortening the life span of my 56frame pump but I cannot say if this is true or not.  Only time will tell.  Talk to me in 7 years when the warranty runs out.  :)

Title: HotSpring Silent flo pumps
Post by: Chas on August 04, 2004, 10:20:52 am
They work, and work well.  I would say most of my warranty calls come from heaters - but with the new Titanium unit, that is slowing way down. Come to think of it, out of several hundred spas sold with the new heaters, I have yet to replace one!
Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: IonHeaven on August 04, 2004, 10:29:20 am
Thanks for the circ pump info! I'm waiting for the Envoy to heat up and I'll be off to wet test and hopfully make the deal!

Thanks to all of you I have much confidence in my decision! IonHeaven
Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: Spatech_tuo on August 04, 2004, 12:16:22 pm
Regarding the idea of having to clean of the circ pump eventually, one of the keys to avoid ever getting into this situation is to power down the spa when you clean the filter. What happens is people remove their filters for cleaning while the spa is still on and the 24/7 circ pump still is running so it will suck in any debris in the filter compartment. A single incident or two is not the problem but over time this debris can build up. If you do not power down while cleaning the filters you will be doing yourself a great disservice.