Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Dave_L on July 31, 2004, 11:52:25 pm

Title: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: Dave_L on July 31, 2004, 11:52:25 pm
Hello Everyone,

I have just recently started to reseach the purchase of a new hot tub. I have found this forum to be very informative.

My wife and I have looked at a few tubs- Beachcomber, Bullfrog, Sundance, Sweetwater, Jacuzzi, and Hydropool.

Although each tub has its strengths, we feel that the Jacuzzi-365 may best meet our needs. We have a  wet test scheduled tomorrow.  

I have some questions about shell finishes. Are the smooth textured shells more slippery than the "pebbled" textures? I am concerned that there may be a greater chance of "slips and trips" with smooth textured shells.

We also notice that the water stains seem to show up more on the smooth shells. Is more work required to keep it looking good?

Our impression, based on sales peoples feedback is the smooth shells are the most popular choice at present. Is this true?  They certainly look great in the showroom.

Also on an unrelated topic, the Jacuzzi salesperson mentioned that a $500 (Canadian $) rebate is being offed on Jacuzzi tubs in the 1st two weeks of August. Are the 2005 models going to be released soon? Is there any word that the 2005 models will be changing?

Thank you,
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: IonHeaven on August 01, 2004, 01:07:48 am
I'm wondering the same thing myself and hoping to watch for any responses to your question.

Most recently, I wet tested a HS Vista and Sovergn with the glossy shell. They look really great, but seem to appear like they would show scrathces more??

IMO I think the glossy would be fine if the step inside is flat like the Sovergn's, but the Vista did not have any flat area inside the front to step on and I had a hard time getting my footing on the contoured lounge.

I'm hoping maybe a Vista or Envoy owner will see this and give me some tips as well.

Anyway, from what I've experienced in my wet testing over the last few months is that as long as the seat I stepped on inside the tub was flat, I was OK with the glossy.

It is very appealing.

Let me know what you decide, IonHeaven
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: Steve on August 01, 2004, 01:18:03 am
I have some questions about shell finishes. Are the smooth textured shells more slippery than the "pebbled" textures? I am concerned that there may be a greater chance of "slips and trips" with smooth textured shells.

We also notice that the water stains seem to show up more on the smooth shells. Is more work required to keep it looking good?

Our impression, based on sales peoples feedback is the smooth shells are the most popular choice at present. Is this true?  They certainly look great in the showroom.

Thank you,

The marble type acrylics (shiny) do have curb appeal. Personally, I have found the two main points you have pointed out. They are certainly more slippery and show water marks and scratches much more than the textured surfaces.

In the end, you have to love it and if the textured granites don't appeal, go with what YOU want. The actual quality is no different between the two.

In my experiences, the textured surfaces outsell the marbles by about 9-1 so I'm surprised that you have heard such a difference of opinion. Maybe it's changed... I have been out of the spa business for over a month now! ;D

Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: IonHeaven on August 01, 2004, 01:26:38 am
A month already, Steve? Glad we're still hearing from you here at least!

I thinked I'm sucked into curb appeal with the glossy pearl shell and LED multicolore lighting...what was it I wanted in the spa in the first place? Oh yeah, therapy. ::) IonHeaven

BTW, still shoping but decison expected any day.
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: windsurfdog on August 01, 2004, 07:20:41 am
I chose the alba pearlescent finish for my LSX because of the feel of the surface, the way it reflects the multicolored LED light and because it is a neutral color matching any decor.  I've only had my tub 3 weeks so my observations have not yet been tested by time but, so far, I have zero scratches, the light is AWESOME and the feel of the surface is wonderful.  The surface of the footwell is textured and there is no slippage whatsoever.  I would think it would be slippery if it were not textured, though.  As far as waterlines/scumlines are concerned, I feel that correct water chemistry and conscientous attention to filter cleaning will prevent them from forming--and so far, this has been the case with my tub and it has been heavily used.  Another added benefit is the beauty of the sheen on the surfaces with the pearlescent finish.  Obviously, my recommendation is go with the pearls if they appeal to you.
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: KevinH on August 01, 2004, 10:45:26 am
My HS dealer says he sells mainly the pearl, due to the light package.

Other dealers were mixed. My wife said she liked pearl. The rough finish looks too much like a typical hot tub.

Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: wmccall on August 01, 2004, 11:05:31 am
I have some questions about shell finishes. Are the smooth textured shells more slippery than the "pebbled" textures? I am concerned that there may be a greater chance of "slips and trips" with smooth textured shells.

We also notice that the water stains seem to show up more on the smooth shells. Is more work required to keep it looking good?

Our impression, based on sales peoples feedback is the smooth shells are the most popular choice at present. Is this true?  They certainly look great in the showroom.

Thank you,

`I have a textured tub and agree water stains are no problem. But I have to agree some of the smooth textures come in some great looking colors.  An occasional wipe down before friends come over maybe worth it.

I've been in both types of tubs and they are both engineered to be hi traction against human skin and slipping usually isn't a problem in both.
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: OnMedic on August 01, 2004, 01:10:37 pm

Well, by the sounds of it Pearl has really caught on, and in a year or two you may just be saying that the pearl looks too much like a regular hot tub.


We chose the granite in Stirling because of the kids more then anything. We did like some of the pearl finishes, but felt the rough and tumble kids could accidentally scratch the surface too easily. Secondarily, we chose it in combination with the light grey to hide any water lines between cleanings that may occur. I like to think of myself as a practical kinda guy... hence the TrailBlazer and Montana and not the RX8 and VW Beetle.


Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: HotTubMan on August 01, 2004, 01:25:48 pm
OnMedic is right on all accounts, again.

Pearlesent surfaces are currently outselling granite.

Neither more or less slippery.

Water marks are more evident on Pearly vs granite.

Dirt shows more on lighter than on dark, BUT (and this may be my wife talking here) do you want to be soaking in the dirt and have no idea, or see it and remove it. Not an issue with water marks, thats just calcium.
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: johnnythunders on August 01, 2004, 01:56:30 pm
onyx and coastal for cabinet....Jt
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: Chas on August 01, 2004, 02:10:42 pm

IMO I think the glossy would be fine if the step inside is flat like the Sovergn's, but the Vista did not have any flat area inside the front to step on and I had a hard time getting my footing on the contoured lounge.

I'm hoping maybe a Vista or Envoy owner will see this and give me some tips as well.

Well, I don't know what your dealer was doing letting you step in on the lounger side! I have a Vista, and I get in from any of the other three sides. Much easier.

IMO - the outstanding look of the Pearl far outwieghs the extra trips around the spa with a soft, fluffy towel in hand. We almost got a Copper Vista, but my lovely and gracious wife changed the order - and now I'm glad she did. The color change with the Luminescence is very cool - and it syncs with the color change of the Bella Fountanna.
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: IonHeaven on August 01, 2004, 09:26:03 pm
Both HS dealerships had the steps entering on the lounge side.  It seems that the entry of HS are usually on the side with the controls, but in this case, your right, probably any other side would do. However I am short.

I appreciate this post very much as I am making the very same decision about the spa surface and color.

Anyone know which way the cover lifts off the Envoy?  


Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: Chas on August 02, 2004, 09:07:59 am
Both HS dealerships had the steps entering on the lounge side.  It seems that the entry of HS are usually on the side with the controls, but in this case, your right, probably any other side would do. However I am short.

I appreciate this post very much as I am making the very same decision about the spa surface and color.

Anyone know which way the cover lifts off the Envoy?  

The Envoy cover hinges the long way (its only 5 inches longer one way vs. the other) which is to say that with a cover lift in place it will open away from the control panel. This makes getting in on the right side (as viewed from the control panel side) the easiest.

Short people seem to do fine using a step on the outside that is just high enough to allow them to sit on the lip of the spa and swing in.
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: Dave_L on August 02, 2004, 09:40:12 am
Thank you for the feedback to my questions. This is an excellent forum and look forward to participating in future discussions.

We wet tested the J 365 yesterday along with a Dimension One model for comparison (a little too much for our needs). My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the massaging soak the 365 provides and have decided that this is the tub for us. Paperwork will be completed this week.

We plan on ordering the tub in Azure Blue and Coastal. The salesperson is including the Ozonator/Mazzie, "Prolifter", steps, security straps, 2 spare filters,  chemical starter kit, and a cleaning mitt for good measure.

Now the work begins- Electrical, and base preparation.

Thanks again for making this a much easier and more informed decision.
Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: Netnutty on August 02, 2004, 01:18:01 pm
I drooled over the pearl thinking of how it would look at night with the LED lights, but then realility set in - TEENAGERS!

I went with the pebbled surface instead. I would hate to see the damage my kids could do to that beautiful smooth surface.

Title: Re: What Type of Surface to Choose
Post by: johnnythunders on August 02, 2004, 08:57:03 pm
I have Coastal and think its the best and easy to clean.Jt