[. As a dealer/ salesman, when a customer tells me they have to go think about it, measure, pour a slab, get electrical done, or what ever other creative NO phrases they come up with, followed by "we'll be back," I say "OK, thank goodbye." There is no be-back-bus, or if there is it's lost somwhere in a corn field. Anybody in sales can tell you this. Be comfortable that you bought what you wanted, don't worry about the Jacuzzi dealer, he'll get over it.You forgot some ,{ talk to the wife/hubby, talk to the bank, price out slab vs pavers vs deck, talk to the contractor and at least 5 more spa dealers.}
The dealer didn't have your deposit so it probably didn't come as a total surprise to him. You can bet this isn't the first time and won't be the last it's happened.
Congrats on the Cameo! Someday I will have the same!
Can you pls tell me the offer the dealer extended to you? price? options? tax rate? city?
Sorry for all the questions! Just trying to get a feel what the going rate is for the cameo.