Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: CalicoskiesNC on July 07, 2004, 02:16:22 pm

Title: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: CalicoskiesNC on July 07, 2004, 02:16:22 pm
We certainly havent made any new friends over at our Jacuzzi dealer...especially since we cancelled our sale this morning and opted for a SD Optima.  It will be delivered next Wed.  

It was very difficult for my husband to back out of the Jacuzzi deal (no deposit involved, was an in-stock tub, we were just waiting till they could deliver).  But the good part of this story is that we have an Optima coming next Wed!  We bought one in stock because our family is too impatient to wait for an ordered one.  Its marine blue/sierra.  The SD dealer is very happy, as are we.  

We wanted the Sundance all along, but we thought we didnt want it $1500 more than the J365.  We couldnt get the thought of a Sundance out of our heads and spent days second guessing our decision, so we caved in and gave the Sundance dealer another shot and he took a few more hundred off.  We wrote the check and signed it all up, its a done deal.

Has anyone else changed their decision like this?  It feels like a really rotten thing to have done to the Jacuzzi guy.  I feel bad, but we dont always have $8000 to spend and wanted to be sure we spent it on the tub we really felt best about.  Its almost like I want to send a sorry card and $50 for him since I feel so bad.  

My lesson learned is not to settle on something just becuz I dont want to spend some extra money.  Like others here have said, you wont be thinking of the money spent after a few weeks of soaking.  
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: empolgation on July 07, 2004, 02:30:48 pm
Sounds like you did the right thing.  Good for you!

I see nothing wrong with what you've done - thank goodness delivery on the Jacuzzi lagged long enough for you to get what you really wanted. A nice 'thank you" card to the Jacuzzi dealer would be a nice gesture if you are so inclined but I think a $50 gift is quite unnecessary.

Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: bulmer4nc on July 07, 2004, 02:48:31 pm
Congrats again...  I'm glad to hear guys are ending up with you wanted all along.  We're excited to get our optima too.  I know it must have been hard to go back into the Jacuzzi dealer and tell them you were backing out.

You'll have to let us know how the Chem Class is and what you end up using.  We're probably going to do our class early August.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: doodoo on July 07, 2004, 03:21:09 pm
Congratulations fellow Optima owner. :D
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: tony on July 07, 2004, 03:30:28 pm
Wow.  Lots of Optima owners here.  You are going to love it.  Congratulations.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Brewman on July 07, 2004, 03:38:54 pm
Ditto on the congrats.  You'll love your tub.

Business is business.  In the long run, you should get the spa (or whatever) that you really want, it's all about your happiness with your purchase.  I'm sure that that Jacuzzi is a fine choice as well, but if you had your mind set to another model, then that's probably all you'd think about, lessening your enjoyment.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: wmccall on July 07, 2004, 04:14:27 pm
Many other industries have more stringent depost rules, but many in the spa industry don't.  Just keep in mind that if someone asks you about a Jacuzzi, while telling them about your optima, slip in that the dealer at the jacuzzi store was a stand up guy.  Not everyone will prefer the optima, and if you send a sale his way, all will even out.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: mjhilb on July 07, 2004, 04:49:32 pm
Congrats on the Optima...I just ordered mine yesterday and will be delivered first week in August. I was in the same boat as you. I had wet tested the Caldera Tahitian and Geneva and was ready to purchase the Geneva. I then wet tested an Optima. I really didnt want to pay a $1000 more for it. I waited a few days and called the SD dealer back. Ended up getting the Optima for only $700 more than the Geneva.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Spatech_tuo on July 07, 2004, 06:03:15 pm
You did the right thing. the worst thing to do is settle for your second choice and spend the next few years with buyer's remorse. If you can afford the difference its always best to get all you want. This spa should be expected to give you pleasure for 10+ yrs.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: ZzTop on July 07, 2004, 06:16:23 pm
It is called Buyers Remorse,  very common in buying a house.

I am happy to see you followed your gut instincts and bought the tub you really wanted.

Now just   Relax... Soak... and... Enjoy...


Regards Zz
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Wisoki on July 07, 2004, 06:55:38 pm
Not really buyers remorse, unless something is bought. You made an agreement to get a spa from the Jacuzzi dealer. The dealer is at fault for failing to get a deposit on the tub. Untill money is put down, there is no sale. You did exactly what was right for you. That should be a lesson learned for the JPS dealer. You are under no obligation to compensate any one for any reason for products or services you didn't take delivery of. As a dealer/ salesman, when a customer tells me they have to go think about it, measure, pour a slab, get electrical done, or what ever other creative NO phrases they come up with, followed by "we'll be back," I say "OK, thank goodbye." There is no be-back-bus, or if there is it's lost somwhere in a corn field. Anybody in sales can tell you this. Be comfortable that you bought what you wanted, don't worry about the Jacuzzi dealer, he'll get over it.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: dpgtech on July 07, 2004, 08:59:42 pm
Wisoki is exactly right!  the salesperson obviously didn't sell you enough for you to put a deposit down or write up an invoice.  I'm glad you got what you wanted.  even if he wasn't happy about it, like wisoki said there never was a "sale."  
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: johnnythunders on July 07, 2004, 09:21:22 pm
I am sure you will enjoy the spa,I am glad some people buy and not all are lookers...Johnny Thunders
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: spahappy on July 07, 2004, 09:32:16 pm
[. As a dealer/ salesman, when a customer tells me they have to go think about it, measure, pour a slab, get electrical done, or what ever other creative NO phrases they come up with, followed by "we'll be back," I say "OK, thank goodbye." There is no be-back-bus, or if there is it's lost somwhere in a corn field. Anybody in sales can tell you this. Be comfortable that you bought what you wanted, don't worry about the Jacuzzi dealer, he'll get over it.[/quote]

You forgot some ,{ talk to the wife/hubby, talk to the bank, price out slab vs pavers vs deck, talk to the contractor and at least 5 more spa dealers.}
The dealer didn't have your deposit so it probably didn't come as a total surprise to him. You can bet this isn't the first time and won't be the last it's happened.

Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: johnnythunders on July 07, 2004, 09:47:41 pm
Its like buying a car,you tell the salesman that you be back tomorrow and buy the car.But on the way home you stop at another dealer and he gives yea a better price are you going to feel bad for the salesman....johnny thunders
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Wisoki on July 08, 2004, 01:06:52 am
LMAO, yeah, the objections are endless. It's unbelievable what people will come up with when all of a sudden they think they've found what they want but are afraid. The hubby/wifey thing though, thats REAL. I've taken deposits from wives and husbands that said "OH, it's ok, I can spend what I want with out calling home." only to have a phone call the next day telling me the deals off. Too much!

[. As a dealer/ salesman, when a customer tells me they have to go think about it, measure, pour a slab, get electrical done, or what ever other creative NO phrases they come up with, followed by "we'll be back," I say "OK, thank goodbye." There is no be-back-bus, or if there is it's lost somwhere in a corn field. Anybody in sales can tell you this. Be comfortable that you bought what you wanted, don't worry about the Jacuzzi dealer, he'll get over it.You forgot some ,{ talk to the wife/hubby, talk to the bank, price out slab vs pavers vs deck, talk to the contractor and at least 5 more spa dealers.}
The dealer didn't have your deposit so it probably didn't come as a total surprise to him. You can bet this isn't the first time and won't be the last it's happened.


Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: NittroT on July 26, 2004, 09:08:02 pm
Hey Calico,
I did the same thing. I had a deposit on the J 355 but i just had to have the Cameo so I went with it. I dont feel bad because they cost too much money to not get what you really want.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: CalicoskiesNC on July 26, 2004, 09:32:06 pm
We just got done tubbing in our Optima!  You wont be sorry with your decision, Nittro.  Its a great tub.  
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: ndabunka on July 26, 2004, 09:54:39 pm
Congrats on making the decision. One question I do have though is what "exactly" was it about the Optima that made you decide to spend the extra $1,500? Both units are made by the same company. Both have the same electronics, pumps, etc. The jets ARE slightly different.  Just interested in the reasons you decided to go Optima. Both are good tubs.
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: dazedandconfused on July 26, 2004, 10:58:25 pm

Congrats on the Cameo!  Someday I will have the same!

Can you pls tell me the offer the dealer extended to you?  price? options?  tax rate?  city?

Sorry for all the questions!  Just trying to get a feel what the going rate is for the cameo.

Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: kvnlaw on July 26, 2004, 11:11:44 pm
Buy the f*****g tub already!!
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: pafoster62 on July 26, 2004, 11:14:51 pm
 ;D shall we start a fund??
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Roborph on July 26, 2004, 11:25:22 pm
My last 2 choices were j-370 and geneva utopia. The jacuzzi dealer asked me for a $100 deposit and I gave it except in the small print it said not refundable.. I told him I was going to make my decision the next day or two and I would not sign....he said ok and gave me a week to make my decision. I went the the j-370 and love it!!
    Good job and I hope you love the cameo!!!
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Roborph on July 26, 2004, 11:26:35 pm
 I ment OPTIMA!!!!!!
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Brewman on July 27, 2004, 08:25:35 am

Congrats on the Cameo!  Someday I will have the same!

Can you pls tell me the offer the dealer extended to you?  price? options?  tax rate?  city?

Sorry for all the questions!  Just trying to get a feel what the going rate is for the cameo.


Now it's "Someday".  What impossible condition will have to be met before you actuall buy SOMETHING?

Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: johnnythunders on July 27, 2004, 11:35:16 am
Sundance  is a great spa but i am very happy saving $1500 and having the same spa except for the filter system and the jets.But then again the jacuzzi system i am sure has a good filter system too.JT ;)
Title: Re: Cancelled J365 and bought the Optima
Post by: Chas on July 27, 2004, 07:19:51 pm
I say enjoy the tub - and send ME the $50 !!

May you soak long and prosper!  ;)