Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: abok1980 on June 14, 2016, 08:29:25 pm
Hey guys. I purchased a house with a hot tub 6 months back and the home owner cleaned the water and set it up for us before moving in. He left us cups with lines on it for weekly chemical drops. He was using the Pure Spa brand for chemicals and was adding 1.) granular chlorine and 2.) spa oxidizing non chlorine shock. So I emptied the tub and cleaned it out, replaced the filter and heated up the water. I want to add the chemicals for the initial set up post water change. Do I add the same amount of chlorine and non chlorine shock to the hot tub that I did on the weekly chemical drops or do I add more to it on the initial water change? Also I read online some people add enzyme to it as well. Would you recommend I add all 3 chemicals and how much should I add initially and then how much should be added weekly? Appreciate the help!!!
Welcome to the forum. The amount of chemicals needed varies by the number of people using the tub, or "bather load". After fresh water, I see no reason to add both chlorine and non-chlorine shock. I add the shock about once every week or two. If your new to hot tubbing, stop by your local dealer and ask for advice. Water varies quite a bit from locale to locale.
This may be why the water reaks of a weird chemical odor. I'll refill and just use a cap full of chlorine. It is a 6 person tub 400-450 gallons. Any recommendations on what to add on fill up? Then what to add weekly. Thanks I'm a beginner.
Bump. Anyone??? Thx :)
most people add 3-4 tbsp. at startup...beyond that you'll simply use test strips to verify you have a CONSTANT 1-3 ppm of chlorine in the water, shock weekly, clean your filters regularly and you'll be good to go...for reference the general rule is 1.5 tsp. of sanitizer per person/per 20-30 minutes of usage so if you and a partner/spouse are using daily you'll add approx. 3 tsp. after your soak to keep it sanitized...good luck