Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: cmerritt923 on May 18, 2016, 12:09:40 pm

Title: Re-install filters and ACE thingy on hot springs tub
Post by: cmerritt923 on May 18, 2016, 12:09:40 pm
I've been having lots of problems with my 8 months old Hot Springs Envoy. The trouble started before my husband went out of town for the month. The lights were all blinking. He kept resetting, but by the next day they were blinking again.  I've not taken care of the spa before. I wasn't really able to figure it out from the users manuals or you tube videos. So the dealer FINALLY sent someone out. We removed the filters and put them in dishwasher to clean, he re-set the breakers, and he put in shock. He said to put filters back in (5 of them) and it should be fine. I did. Lights started blinking again. Not sure if I put the filters in correctly, I tried to look on line, and found nothing. Basically, I have this thing with a gray collar and a gray tube extending off it. Does this go on the main (circulating pump) filter? And I have another tube that goes inside the main filter. I thought I got it back together correctly, but lights still blinking. I re-set the breakers. Still blinking. I removed the filters again, and just let them soak in the tub. Lights still blinking. Help!! Any pictures or videos or easier explanation of how to check and reinstall?
Title: Re: Re-install filters and ACE thingy on hot springs tub
Post by: bud16415 on May 18, 2016, 12:29:57 pm
Call the dealer back out again. 
Title: Re: Re-install filters and ACE thingy on hot springs tub
Post by: cmerritt923 on May 19, 2016, 01:34:34 pm
I've got one of the guys on here helping me to troubleshoot, but we now believe the problems I've been having might be due to my filters. If that turns out to be the case, I'll post something to tell folks how we accidently ruined them. Expensive mistake.