Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Blueandwhite on April 15, 2016, 09:37:38 pm

Title: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 15, 2016, 09:37:38 pm
Looking to buy a new hot tub. The Maax 481 looked good to us. We like the energy efficiency and lack of foam insulation which seems like it would be difficult to repair if a leak occurred. The decreased plumbing seemed liked a good thing on the bullfrog too.  Any opinions? I saw a lot of back and forth about bullfrog tubs in the forum but not much about the Maax tubs recently. We also looked at a hot springs grandee which looked nice as well. Thanks for any help!
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: MuddyIronman on April 16, 2016, 08:52:34 am
I wet tested a few of the HotSprings- Envoy and grandee and loved them!  The moto massage, lounge comfort, jet power, lighting, waterfall, and lcd remote all impressed me.  I also researched Watkins, maker of both HotSpring and Caldera and they are USA made except their HotSpots just like BullFrog.  They also own Endless Pools, Fantasy, and Freeflow.  Very good customer service and warranty. The price of course is the only issue for me bc its well over $10K for many of the high end tubs.  Once I wet test bullfrog this week ill let ya know.  Ill prob go with a purchase of HotSprings Flair in the end.

 ive talked to lots of dealers and many say they'd go HotSpring before Jacuzzi, and Jacuzzi before Bullfrog.  Of course just opinions im not knocking any as others will say the complete opposite.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: BullFrogSpasMN on April 16, 2016, 10:07:56 am
Just to clarify, Hot Spot and Limelight collections from Watkins are built in Mexico along with Sundance/Jacuzzi...some people care about that, some don't, everyone has the right to an opinion either way on whether that should be a deciding factor when buying a spa when they are laying down their own cash.

I would def. put a Jacuzzi or Bullfrog at a higher level of spa than a Maax which is more of an "average middle of the road spa" in my opinion whereas Bullfrogs A/R collections and Jacuzzi's 300/400 collections would be considered "premium" spa to me.  With that said the proofs always in the pudding...go wet test some spas in your price range and see what suits you and your family the best!

good luck
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 16, 2016, 05:02:10 pm
Thanks for the replies. We just wet test a Maax 471 and it was great. Quoted a little under 9k with all the extras and delivery and installation. Is this a good deal?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Tman122 on April 16, 2016, 08:08:28 pm
Thanks for the replies. We just wet test a Maax 471 and it was great. Quoted a little under 9k with all the extras and delivery and installation. Is this a good deal?

It's a good deal if you like paying premium price for a middle of the road tub.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 16, 2016, 09:39:09 pm
I have heard some posters calling Maax tubs "middle of the road" as opposed to premium. So maybe a Chevy instead of an Audi? I'm not sure what it means to be middle of the road as a hot tub. Can you give examples of what qualifies it as middling? Is it the build quality, components, reliability? What do I get for choosing a premium tub exactly? Is an R series bullfrog better than the 471? I got quoted 11K for a R8L without a cover, lift or sound system. What does that extra 2K get me? Thanks again for your help. Shopping for a hot tub is more complicated than I expected.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Tman122 on April 17, 2016, 07:41:19 am
I find MAXX lacking on insulation, which equates to energy hungry. Seems the noise level ends up high because of this also. Their equipment area laid out sloppily. The fit and finish of the cabinet and components sloppy.

But maybe the wet test says it is the tub for you.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 17, 2016, 11:44:56 am
Interesting. They make a big deal about their energy efficiency and insulation. They show a chart in which they exceed energy efficiency standards in CAlifornia and compare their bigger spa with other brand spas and it is more efficient. Also they say repair technicians don't have to deal with digging through foam. $8900 seemed a fair price. Am I paying too much?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Spatech_tuo on April 17, 2016, 12:44:44 pm
Interesting. They make a big deal about their energy efficiency and insulation. They show a chart in which they exceed energy efficiency standards in CAlifornia and compare their bigger spa with other brand spas and it is more efficient. Also they say repair technicians don't have to deal with digging through foam. $8900 seemed a fair price. Am I paying too much?

I'm not sure those efficiency standards are that tough to meet. Every spa brand makes a big deal out of how well their spa is insulated including those that really are and those that actually aren't.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Tman122 on April 17, 2016, 01:22:42 pm
Interesting. They make a big deal about their energy efficiency and insulation. They show a chart in which they exceed energy efficiency standards in CAlifornia and compare their bigger spa with other brand spas and it is more efficient. Also they say repair technicians don't have to deal with digging through foam. $8900 seemed a fair price. Am I paying too much?

I think you can get more spa for 8900. Be patient, kick some skirts. Maybe sit in a few and absolutely look inside the cabinets.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Tman122 on April 17, 2016, 01:36:59 pm
I find MAXX lacking on insulation, which equates to energy hungry. Seems the noise level ends up high because of this also. Their equipment area laid out sloppily. The fit and finish of the cabinet and components sloppy.

But maybe the wet test says it is the tub for you.

Generally less expensive construction can lead to lower prices. Not to say that a lessor life expectancy is necessarily less value. Parts can be easy to find at good prices and changing out parts isn't that hard. Less insulation means easier to work on, maybe that's important to you? You have 4 good choices in front of you. See which is comfortable on your back side first then start looking at construction.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 17, 2016, 01:59:47 pm
Interesting. They make a big deal about their energy efficiency and insulation. They show a chart in which they exceed energy efficiency standards in CAlifornia and compare their bigger spa with other brand spas and it is more efficient. Also they say repair technicians don't have to deal with digging through foam. $8900 seemed a fair price. Am I paying too much?

I'm not sure those efficiency standards are that tough to meet. Every spa brand makes a big deal out of how well their spa is insulated including those that really are and those that actually aren't.

Here's a chart they like to use to say how efficient they are
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 17, 2016, 02:06:23 pm
I find MAXX lacking on insulation, which equates to energy hungry. Seems the noise level ends up high because of this also. Their equipment area laid out sloppily. The fit and finish of the cabinet and components sloppy.

But maybe the wet test says it is the tub for you.

Generally less expensive construction can lead to lower prices. Not to say that a lessor life expectancy is necessarily less value. Parts can be easy to find at good prices and changing out parts isn't that hard. Less insulation means easier to work on, maybe that's important to you? You have 4 good choices in front of you. See which is comfortable on your back side first then start looking at construction.

It seems to me that easy to work on means less time being repaired if something goes wrong. Of course, not needing repairs is even better.

In my area I could only wet test the Maax and hot springs envoy. Maax was definitely better in fit and ability to individually control jets. Also the lounge chair was much better since my wife didn't float away. I'd love to wet test the bullfrog or jacuzzi but can't. Is $8900 to much to pay for the Maax? What would be fair? Or are you saying I could get better for the money?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Tman122 on April 17, 2016, 07:01:50 pm
Interesting. They make a big deal about their energy efficiency and insulation. They show a chart in which they exceed energy efficiency standards in CAlifornia and compare their bigger spa with other brand spas and it is more efficient. Also they say repair technicians don't have to deal with digging through foam. $8900 seemed a fair price. Am I paying too much?

I'm not sure those efficiency standards are that tough to meet. Every spa brand makes a big deal out of how well their spa is insulated including those that really are and those that actually aren't.

Here's a chart they like to use to say how efficient they are

All about spas launches a web site stating more efficiency from the spas they sell......hmmmmm
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: hottubdan on April 18, 2016, 12:05:45 am
Interesting. They make a big deal about their energy efficiency and insulation. They show a chart in which they exceed energy efficiency standards in CAlifornia and compare their bigger spa with other brand spas and it is more efficient. Also they say repair technicians don't have to deal with digging through foam. $8900 seemed a fair price. Am I paying too much?

I'm not sure those efficiency standards are that tough to meet. Every spa brand makes a big deal out of how well their spa is insulated including those that really are and those that actually aren't.

Here's a chart they like to use to say how efficient they are

What a bogus chart. Random spas.  Grandee listed twice with different dimensions and cost.
These numbers are for "stand by mode".  This is assuming you do not use the spa.  It is just maintaining heat with the cover on.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Spatech_tuo on April 18, 2016, 12:48:12 pm
Interesting. They make a big deal about their energy efficiency and insulation. They show a chart in which they exceed energy efficiency standards in CAlifornia and compare their bigger spa with other brand spas and it is more efficient. Also they say repair technicians don't have to deal with digging through foam. $8900 seemed a fair price. Am I paying too much?

I'm not sure those efficiency standards are that tough to meet. Every spa brand makes a big deal out of how well their spa is insulated including those that really are and those that actually aren't.

Here's a chart they like to use to say how efficient they are

What a bogus chart. Random spas.  Grandee listed twice with different dimensions and cost.
These numbers are for "stand by mode".  This is assuming you do not use the spa.  It is just maintaining heat with the cover on.

I also love how they list jet count which is as meaningful to energy usage as # of cup holders vs maybe listing something relative to pump info.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 18, 2016, 02:18:04 pm
  That insulation product is the same stuff Jacuzzi/Sundance uses in their smart seal option.    It's basically recycled jean material. 
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Sam on April 18, 2016, 03:18:05 pm
Lol the grandee has 100 more gallons than the maax.  Nice comparison  :-\

I really hate deceptive marketing.  The maax guys are known for being dishonest.  Ask any road show veteran.  They'll all tell you the same thing.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Hottubguy on April 18, 2016, 04:03:47 pm
Lol the grandee has 100 more gallons than the maax.  Nice comparison  :-\

I really hate deceptive marketing.  The maax guys are known for being dishonest.  Ask any road show veteran.  They'll all tell you the same thing.

They tell customers anything they want to here.  I just went against them in a home show a few weeks ago.  Couldn't believe some of the crap coming out of there mouths.  In my opion the tub isn't bad but it doesn't compete with a bullfrog, marquis, hot spring, caldera, sundance or jacuzzi
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Tman122 on April 18, 2016, 07:49:23 pm
I find MAXX lacking on insulation, which equates to energy hungry. Seems the noise level ends up high because of this also. Their equipment area laid out sloppily. The fit and finish of the cabinet and components sloppy.

But maybe the wet test says it is the tub for you.

Generally less expensive construction can lead to lower prices. Not to say that a lessor life expectancy is necessarily less value. Parts can be easy to find at good prices and changing out parts isn't that hard. Less insulation means easier to work on, maybe that's important to you? You have 4 good choices in front of you. See which is comfortable on your back side first then start looking at construction.

It seems to me that easy to work on means less time being repaired if something goes wrong. Of course, not needing repairs is even better.

In my area I could only wet test the Maax and hot springs envoy. Maax was definitely better in fit and ability to individually control jets. Also the lounge chair was much better since my wife didn't float away. I'd love to wet test the bullfrog or jacuzzi but can't. Is $8900 to much to pay for the Maax? What would be fair? Or are you saying I could get better for the money?

Sorry blueandwhite for riling the guys up but a lot of what they are saying has been said in the past. The spa's, not bad but not good either. The company..............well, you hear some good out of them but they've been passed around a few times? Do your own looking inside and pass on the sales pitches for now. 8900 is to much for that tub.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Hottubguy on April 19, 2016, 11:46:20 pm
I find MAXX lacking on insulation, which equates to energy hungry. Seems the noise level ends up high because of this also. Their equipment area laid out sloppily. The fit and finish of the cabinet and components sloppy.

But maybe the wet test says it is the tub for you.

Generally less expensive construction can lead to lower prices. Not to say that a lessor life expectancy is necessarily less value. Parts can be easy to find at good prices and changing out parts isn't that hard. Less insulation means easier to work on, maybe that's important to you? You have 4 good choices in front of you. See which is comfortable on your back side first then start looking at construction.

It seems to me that easy to work on means less time being repaired if something goes wrong. Of course, not needing repairs is even better.

In my area I could only wet test the Maax and hot springs envoy. Maax was definitely better in fit and ability to individually control jets. Also the lounge chair was much better since my wife didn't float away. I'd love to wet test the bullfrog or jacuzzi but can't. Is $8900 to much to pay for the Maax? What would be fair? Or are you saying I could get better for the money?

Sorry blueandwhite for riling the guys up but a lot of what they are saying has been said in the past. The spa's, not bad but not good either. The company..............well, you hear some good out of them but they've been passed around a few times? Do your own looking inside and pass on the sales pitches for now. 8900 is to much for that tub.
+1. You can get much more hot tub for 9k
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 20, 2016, 06:02:29 pm
Thanks again for all the responses. Can I ask what would you consider a fair price for a Maax 471? Or what other tub could I get for a similar price?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Hottubguy on April 20, 2016, 06:15:48 pm
Thanks again for all the responses. Can I ask what would you consider a fair price for a Maax 471? Or what other tub could I get for a similar price?

I'm not really sure wholesale pricing on those tubs.  If you think you are getting a good deal and are happy with the tub then maybe it's your best option.  Are their any other dealers nearby that you havent mentioned?  Maybe marquis, caldera or dimension one?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 20, 2016, 06:19:10 pm
The same dealer sells jacuzzis. Otherwise it's hot springs or bullfrog. I live in a small town. The jacuzzi seemed nice but couldn't wet test it.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Hottubguy on April 20, 2016, 07:53:54 pm
He wouldn't fill a jacuzzi for you. The 300 series should be priced about the same?  That doesn't make a ton of sense that he would only fill a maax. Is the deal on a floor model?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Blueandwhite on April 20, 2016, 09:44:38 pm
He actually had none to wet test. We had to drive 1 1/2 hours to wet test it. They both had similar pricing. So a jacuzzi 300 is a better tub at that price? Anything specific about the jacuzzi?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Hottubguy on April 20, 2016, 10:10:13 pm
I think they are better built, more energy efficient and more therapeutic. Again that's my opinion. I don't think maax makes a bad tub just to me I wouldn't spend that amount of money on one. It's too bad you couldn't wet test more brands. Is the dealer you are looking at a bigger dealer, how long has he sold maax and does he service them?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: MarKee on April 21, 2016, 01:29:34 am
A funny thing I noticed on the diagram that shows the cross-section of a MAAX spa.  It shows the back side of a few jets with clamped plumbing connections.  MAAX does not use any clamped connections on the plumbing.
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: BullFrogSpasMN on April 21, 2016, 11:29:02 am
The same dealer sells jacuzzis. Otherwise it's hot springs or bullfrog. I live in a small town. The jacuzzi seemed nice but couldn't wet test it.

Do you have the ability to wet test the Bullfrog R7/A7 locally?
Title: Re: Hot springs vs bullfrog vs jacuzzi vs Maax
Post by: Tman122 on April 21, 2016, 07:42:13 pm
Why have you crossed off HS or BF? Seems to me both those brands should have similar tubs in that price range or close. They will be quality built and last a long time.

Look for yourself. You will see it. Don't be wowed by lights and moving water. Or energy use claims and sales pitches. You will be the only one who can see a quality difference, fit and finish.

Look at the cabinet and shell and how the two meet on the top and how the cabinet meets the base on the bottom. Tell him to turn the jets off. See how the jets mate to the shell surface there's a lot of ways to do these, so check it out closely. Is it going to be comfortable?

See how the controls are laid out and how solid they look/feel.

Is it comfortable to step up, sit on the edge, does it feel solid? Spin around and get into the bottom of the tub. How easy was it? Stand on the bottom and bounce a bit, it's not yours. Is it solid or bouncy? Are the seats the right height so it's easy to turn and sit anywhere, not to low, not to high. Easy to get up?

You can get a lot of this for 8-10gs

Feel free to print this to bring to the store.

Forgot, listen to it. Louder than you expected or quieter?