Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Letran on January 25, 2016, 10:56:38 am
Disclosure: Very Very new at this practically clueless
I live in Toronto, Ontario
The tub had a cover on the whole time
Temp ranged between +7 to -11
Delivered: Dec 11
1st Time Filled the Tub: Brand New Dec 12th (Crystal Clean)
1st Time Turned ON (power): Dec 15th
Used it about 4-5 times
Water Tested (Passed): Dec 20 (clear)
Left for Holiday vacation: Dec 22nd (Still Clear)
Be gone for three weeks, added 2 capfulls of Lithium and 2 capfulls of SpaShock before leaving
Came back: Jan 12th (water a little dark)
added 1 capfulls of Lithium and 1 capfulls of SpaShock
Water Tested (Passed): Jan 23 (water still dark)
Squirted Defoamer: Jan 26
I have not switched out the filters to be cleaned yet. But I'm thinking after a month I wasn't expecting the water to be dark. specially since its only been us 4 within the family we have been very clean before going in and only been in the water max 5 times.
Either which way, the weather won't let me change the water till March -April
I would appreciate some advice. Thanks
You need to test your water better than you are. After that you need to have routine on your water care. It sounds difficult but once you get the hang of it it is fairly easy.
What you should be shooting for is 3 PPM free chlorine 20 minutes after adding the chlorine ... at this point you need to be shocking the tub with chlorine to get the water clear. You also need to know what your pH is as well as some other parameters; you need a test kit. Most people recommend either the Taylor K-2005 or the Taylor K-2006 as far as test kits; the K-2006 is more accurate.
Start with water testing, maybe pick up a spare set of filters to be able to swap them out.
Western Canada here, prairies. I check my water every Sun and Wed. Is it too much? Probably, but I like my water to be as close to balanced as possible. You could do once a week and adjust from there for sure. You should be testing FC/TA/PH in no particular order. Get a taylor test kit 2006 from ebay then adjust. One capful doesn't sound like much of what you are adding. I am not familiar with lithium and spashock so I am probably way off base. It may be enough. Hopefully chem geek can chime in on this.
More details you can give us the better. It sounds like you don't have enough sanitizer but without more info it's tough. Dark water.. like as in brown? A picture may help as well.
What kind of tub, how many gallons, etc? Water passed.. what does that mean? Did you get your water tested at the dealer? What were the numbers for FC/TA/PH/CH if they gave you the print out??
I re-read your post. I agree with Vinny in that your sanitizer is more than likely the culprit.
Western Canada here, prairies. I check my water every Sun and Wed. Is it too much?.
To the question of is it too much, I think that can vary for many people. Our water is fairly close to what it should be out of the tap and its just my wife and I using it for 20 minutes 5-6 days a week. After a number of years of this, I can frequently get away with not checking it for a few weeks. I can tell when my PH drops to the point I need to adjust.
But other people over my years year have some really odd water that requires much more monitoring or they have heavier usage in smaller tubs.
To me the only time I've over tested is not allowing enough time to recheck PH after making an adjustment.
i have that crazy tri-chlor mini puck floater in my tub so my PH is always under attack. My water is pretty good out of the tap as well but with the ph always dropping I like to keep on top of it :P :P
Thanks for the input guys.
I have an Artesian Grand Bahama 450gl
The only water testing that the dealer instructed me on is with test strips (CAPO CHLORINE AND BROMINE TEST STRIPS)
it tests the Chlorine , Alkalinity, and pH of the hot tub water. I compare the color and its between what the test strips say is ideal.
First time I hear of Taylor, at $60 that will lasts for a year sounds like a better deal than the $12 for 50 strips.
Its not brown but but it is not as clear as the first week, and I've literally used this less than 5 times and we have doubly clean before stepping in to this tub. no cosmetics, lotion etc.
I'm just concerned and I don't think it should be this unclear after a month and 5 time usage.
And by the way did I read somewhere that it is okay to put clorox bleach?
I also bought SpaClear and Defoamer both by SpaBoss from the dealer but even these he said I really wouldn't need as long as i maintain the water properly with Lithium and SpaShock both also from SpaBoss.
Again I have yet to Swap out the filters, I'm imagining its just a matter of unscrewing them and replacing with a new one one by one. The dealer recommended putting it in a dishwasher cycle.
I want to maintain this water as best and as low maintenance as possible. I'm very new at this. Need help and advice
Did you not get the Crystal ProPure system on it? if not, too bad. That system is fantastic.
You need to test your water better than you are. After that you need to have routine on your water care. It sounds difficult but once you get the hang of it it is fairly easy.
What you should be shooting for is 3 PPM free chlorine 20 minutes after adding the chlorine ... at this point you need to be shocking the tub with chlorine to get the water clear. You also need to know what your pH is as well as some other parameters; you need a test kit. Most people recommend either the Taylor K-2005 or the Taylor K-2006 as far as test kits; the K-2006 is more accurate.
Start with water testing, maybe pick up a spare set of filters to be able to swap them out.
+1. I use bromine concentrate and when I'm home I don't use a floater. I just add some after every soak and on days I don't use the spa I add a bit to keep water levels right.
And when I go away on vacation then I'll place my floater in the tub set on 1, full of pucks. this way every time it cycles it sanitizes and is crystal clear when I get home. This is what I've found works best for me.
Another thing when water discolors & you add what you need to get it right. It still may take a few days to get clear again. @ least that's what I've found here with Wisconsin Water.
Yes, Clorox Bleach is liquid chlorine in disguise and is vastly cheaper than lithium if I remember right.
I have been using the BBB method (Borax, Baking Soda, and Bleach) to maintain my tub with the addition of Ph minus and some CYA as I don't use dichlor at all.
I used to use the Mineraluxe system sold by my dealer but it was $90/mo and the "cleaning cube" really didn't agree with my sinuses. Irritated my eyes and stuffed me up big time. Since I switched to the BBB method life has been much cheaper and great!
Depending on the amount of testing you do that taylor kit will need reagents sooner than later. I have been through hunting on ebay for the reagents so that's why I recommend to just get the 2oz refill right away. Keep it in a cupboard at home inside, out of the sun, and it will be ok..
Your water will slowly get "less clear" after some use and the bubbles will stay longer. That is the nature of using the same water for months on end. Once I do a water change after 6 months the difference is very visible in the spring when i dump my water. It isn't a certain colour per se, but it is definitely not as clear as day one.
Trust the advice you get here from the people that know water.These are the good guys but a lot of dealers don't know what they are doing and just sell you product that may have other implications depending on what the computerized water testing system tells them.
There was a thread on here I think last fall(?) where someone took their water to three different dealers. Guess what, he got three different results and three different recommend actions to correct his water. Lol.
In talyor test kit we trust..
Thanks for the input guys.
I have an Artesian Grand Bahama 450gl
The only water testing that the dealer instructed me on is with test strips (CAPO CHLORINE AND BROMINE TEST STRIPS)
it tests the Chlorine , Alkalinity, and pH of the hot tub water. I compare the color and its between what the test strips say is ideal.
First time I hear of Taylor, at $60 that will lasts for a year sounds like a better deal than the $12 for 50 strips.
Its not brown but but it is not as clear as the first week, and I've literally used this less than 5 times and we have doubly clean before stepping in to this tub. no cosmetics, lotion etc.
I'm just concerned and I don't think it should be this unclear after a month and 5 time usage.
And by the way did I read somewhere that it is okay to put clorox bleach?
I also bought SpaClear and Defoamer both by SpaBoss from the dealer but even these he said I really wouldn't need as long as i maintain the water properly with Lithium and SpaShock both also from SpaBoss.
Again I have yet to Swap out the filters, I'm imagining its just a matter of unscrewing them and replacing with a new one one by one. The dealer recommended putting it in a dishwasher cycle.
I want to maintain this water as best and as low maintenance as possible. I'm very new at this. Need help and advice
I have a 2005 Grand Cayman with a circulation pump and if the new tubs are still made like the one I have it is a great tub.
As mentioned you can use bleach but you need to get your stabilizer up to 30 PPM before you can safely use it and it may be possible that a dealer might void the warranty if they knew you are using bleach. How to get stabilizer into the water? - Either use about 40 PPM total of dichlor or get stabilzer and add it to your water (I think they sell it in liquid form these days). My tub is 400 gallons not 450 but 2 oz of 8 1/4% bleach typically gives me 3 PPM chlorine, I usually put in 3 oz for good measure.
It will stay clear once you get into the water maintenance routine. You may need to get the chlorine in the tub to about 10 PPM to put an extra kill and oxidize power to clear it up. BTW, the less of the non essential chemicals you add the better you'll be. Defoamers - use very very sparingly - you are better off getting the water to foam up (all jets on with the air on) and scoop out the foam with a pool skimmer. Clarifiers - use little squirts of it to do the job, once the water clears up - clean the filter! As water gets older (not 1 month old unless you are having parties and masses of people) it will lose something and gets harder to maintain.
And as far as bleach - you want unscented regular bleach. Some stores are selling splashless bleach - stay far away. You don't need Clorox brand just any bleach that is not perfumed or has anything else that regular Clorox bleach has - I buy store brands including Walmart and I buy 1/2 gallon at a time, 2-3 oz isn't that much and bleach can lose potency if kept in a hot, sunny place.
Did you not get the Crystal ProPure system on it? if not, too bad. That system is fantastic.
Late response. i had to look it up. The dealer insisting that the ozonator it will come with is better.
Advanced Plasma Gap
Del Ozone
Advance Sanitation Solutions
Hopefully, somebody familiar with this would chime in.
Is there a normal loss of water through evaporation?
I did leave my tub cover open for a couple of hours yesterday and I noticed a lower water level. I'm scared of having a leak. The concrete pad around the tub seems dry.
If so do you just pour water directly in the tub?
Yes and yes
I’ve used the BBB method for almost a year with good results but if I don’t sanitize every 2-3 days the water smells stale and gets slightly cloudy, this is not optimum as I like to vacation.
I’ve read many articles on this board and there are many opinions/options for water maintenance.
Silverbullet has an interesting routine to add bromine concentrate after each use and use a floater while on vacation. Does this require use of MPS or dichlor for shocking?
My local supply shop recommends a mineral stick and MPS after each use and doesn’t use dichlor, does this sanitize or only oxidize?
I have a BF A7L with circulation pump and ozonator so chlorine may not be my best option as I’ve read the ozonator uses chlorine faster.
Just looking for advice on how to best maintain the water and be able to vacation without needing someone to tend my spa.
Late response. i had to look it up. The dealer insisting that the ozonator it will come with is better.
Advanced Plasma Gap
Del Ozone
Advance Sanitation Solutions
Hopefully, somebody familiar with this would chime in.
Anybody familiar with this?
I've been good with my weekly maintenance and water is keeping clear although there is a very evident rust color surrounding one of the vents in the bottom of the tub. Not sure where that is coming from
My monthly filter cleaning changes is a bit behind though but I've only used it 2 or three times in the last 30 days. I would have thrown it in the dishwasher again but the wife did not like the smell of the dishwasher after that so filter cleaning is now banned from the dishwasher. I find it did really clean it that well anyway. I do have a power washer that I'm going to use to blast this thing clean but the winter weather would not be perfect for that.
I might end up bringing in the car wash at least for the winter months.