Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Adam_Mc on October 21, 2015, 04:43:57 pm

Title: Please help!!! What should it sell for?
Post by: Adam_Mc on October 21, 2015, 04:43:57 pm
Hello everyone. I recently lost my job so I'm forced to part with my beloved hot tub. It's a 2005 sundance altamar that was purchased new for $6400. It's in overall good condition with the exception of the pump housing which cracked last winter. However I'm not sure if anything is damaged within the pump itself. We also bought a new cover for it 2 years ago. My neighbor is interested in buying it but I have no idea how much I should ask for it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!  Thanks and have a wonderful day  :)
Title: Re: Please help!!! What should it sell for?
Post by: BullFrogSpasMN on October 21, 2015, 04:57:12 pm
maybe $500...if it froze to the point of cracking the pump housing, it could potentially have more in-foam leaks in which case it's landfill material unless you can find a DIY'er who wouldn't mind a "project"
Title: Re: Please help!!! What should it sell for?
Post by: Sam on October 21, 2015, 05:45:41 pm
maybe $500...if it froze to the point of cracking the pump housing, it could potentially have more in-foam leaks in which case it's landfill material unless you can find a DIY'er who wouldn't mind a "project"

Exactly this.  If the pump housing cracked, I would bet that there are other leaks, which are probably buried in the foam and a nightmare to get to.  I hate to say, but you probably have a worthless hot tub at this point.  Less than worthless because you have to pay someone to dispose of it. 

I tell people all the time, do not buy a used hot tub unless you see it up and running.  People will say "it worked fine when we last had it up and running a year or 2 ago".  The problem is that they didn't evacuate the water from the plumbing, it froze, and there are 5 leaks that are difficult to fix.
Title: Re: Please help!!! What should it sell for?
Post by: Tman122 on October 21, 2015, 07:00:51 pm
The only way to know if it has more leaks than the pump is to fill it and heat it. So to me it's worth 0 until that's done. This is one of the primary ways I get tubs for free for rebuilding or recycling.
Title: Re: Please help!!! What should it sell for?
Post by: Adam_Mc on October 21, 2015, 07:19:33 pm
Well that's not great news, but I really appreciate your thoughts on it. I'll bring it all up to him and see what he thinks. He's a good guy so I don't want to screw him on it. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Please help!!! What should it sell for?
Post by: dishdude on October 25, 2015, 09:58:53 pm
$6400 ten years ago? You got your money out of it. If you can find someone to haul it away for a couple hundred bucks I'd consider it well worth it.