Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: wt21 on September 18, 2015, 08:03:16 pm

Title: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: wt21 on September 18, 2015, 08:03:16 pm
I thought we'd do a large tub, but the site prep cost is more than we thought, which pushed us out of the Chelsee we were looking at. (thanks to folks who gave me feedback before on the Chelsee)

Refurb doesn't seem to be the way to go based on posts I've read on this forum, so I'm back at looking at new.

My question:

What hot tub should I look at, given the following:

Must haves

Much prefer

Not important to us

So, I want a quality, basic tub with ozone and circ pump around $7-7,500 (lower price is OK too :). I realize the list price will be higher, so I'll need to negotiate and be patient. I mean a tub that I should be able to negotiation to around $7-7,500.

My closest dealer that has good service ratings sells Jacuzzi, SunDance, Hot Springs and FreeFlow. They service their own spas.

A more distant dealer sells Bull Frog (they are the closest BullFrog dealer), but they no longer service spas. They only sell. They spun their service out to an independent owner, and that worries me a bit.

Any recommendations given the above?
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: av8r on September 18, 2015, 09:03:06 pm
Why are circ pump and ozone a must have?

Both can be added to any tub, BTW.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: wt21 on September 18, 2015, 09:09:34 pm
They can be added? Didn't know that.

Circ, for two reasons:

1) as I understand it, less wear and tear
2) Spouse and I do not want to hear the jets come on at night

Ozone to allow us to reduce chemical, which is the one thing we like least about hut tubs.

Am I off here??

Where do you go to add these? If I got, say, a Hotspring 680 model, can I add both, but if I did, would it just be the cost of a 780 anyway?
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: mzinga on September 18, 2015, 09:11:57 pm
Hot springs had amazing pricing currently.  You should be able to get a flair with ozone or a sovereign .
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: Hottubguy on September 18, 2015, 09:18:16 pm
Hot springs had amazing pricing currently.  You should be able to get a flair with ozone or a sovereign .

Hot springs doesn't dictate pricing. It's up to the dealer. I have 2 hot springs dealers within 40 minutes of me. One is super cheap the other super expensive
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: av8r on September 18, 2015, 09:32:07 pm
They can be added? Didn't know that.

Circ, for two reasons:

1) as I understand it, less wear and tear
2) Spouse and I do not want to hear the jets come on at night

Ozone to allow us to reduce chemical, which is the one thing we like least about hut tubs.

Am I off here??

Where do you go to add these? If I got, say, a Hotspring 680 model, can I add both, but if I did, would it just be the cost of a 780 anyway?

Less wear and tear?  Doubtful.  To my way of thinking its another pump to go bad.  I've read a lot of posts about people replacing a circ pump.  I don't think you'll save any energy either.  A larger pump running at slow speed (quiet) for a couple hours vs a small pump running 24/7.  With the cover on I don't think you'll hear the pump come on for a filter cycle unless it's right outside your window and the window is open and you're a very light sleeper.

Ozone is a chemical (gas) that has its own list of things it can do to harm people, plastics, etc.  Sounds like you need to do a bit more research.

Lots of companies sell aftermarket circ pumps, ozonators, UV systems, etc.  Read up on the BBB method to keep the tub water nice.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: wt21 on September 18, 2015, 09:57:53 pm
Ozone is a chemical (gas) that has its own list of things it can do to harm people, plastics, etc.  Sounds like you need to do a bit more research.

Lots of companies sell aftermarket circ pumps, ozonators, UV systems, etc.  Read up on the BBB method to keep the tub water nice.

Are you saying that if I read up on Ozone and circ pumps that I would come to the conclusion they aren't necessary? I have read a lot about them, and in what I've read I've never seen a consensus or definitive answer. Add to that the bewildering amount of vendors out there. You are close to it, so to you it looks like "just read some on it." But to a newbie, it's nothing but tons of vendors, marketing claims, and diametrically opposed opinions on the same topic.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: Hottubguy on September 18, 2015, 10:07:17 pm
Ozone is a chemical (gas) that has its own list of things it can do to harm people, plastics, etc.  Sounds like you need to do a bit more research.

Lots of companies sell aftermarket circ pumps, ozonators, UV systems, etc.  Read up on the BBB method to keep the tub water nice.

Are you saying that if I read up on Ozone and circ pumps that I would come to the conclusion they aren't necessary? I have read a lot about them, and in what I've read I've never seen a consensus or definitive answer. Add to that the bewildering amount of vendors out there. You are close to it, so to you it looks like "just read some on it." But to a newbie, it's nothing but tons of vendors, marketing claims, and diametrically opposed opinions on the same topic.

Pros and cons to both. I wouldn't either of those play any part of my decision on what to purchase
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: d00nut on September 18, 2015, 11:29:10 pm
Ozone is a chemical (gas) that has its own list of things it can do to harm people, plastics, etc.  Sounds like you need to do a bit more research.

Lots of companies sell aftermarket circ pumps, ozonators, UV systems, etc.  Read up on the BBB method to keep the tub water nice.

Are you saying that if I read up on Ozone and circ pumps that I would come to the conclusion they aren't necessary? I have read a lot about them, and in what I've read I've never seen a consensus or definitive answer. Add to that the bewildering amount of vendors out there. You are close to it, so to you it looks like "just read some on it." But to a newbie, it's nothing but tons of vendors, marketing claims, and diametrically opposed opinions on the same topic.

Generally, new hot tub owners are concerned primarily with water care maintenance over anything else.  No one wants to come home to a green body of water.  I've been around hot tubs my whole life, and my personal opinion is the circ pump makes it easier to take care of the water.  Noise isn't necessarily an issue unless it's on a deck close to your bedroom.  I also am a huge believer in ozone.  You are probably exposed to more ozone during a thunderstorm than the ozone in a hot tub, so I certainly don't think it would cause any issue with your health.  It may stain your cover in a certain spot, but other than that, I wouldn't worry about anything being damaged from it.  You are far worse off regarding the plastics of your hot tub with using a floater of some kind for water care treatment.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: mzinga on September 19, 2015, 12:20:19 am
They may not dictate pricing but their corporate website shows $1000 rebates currently.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: Tman122 on September 19, 2015, 11:36:47 am
Ozone is a chemical (gas) that has its own list of things it can do to harm people, plastics, etc.  Sounds like you need to do a bit more research.

Lots of companies sell aftermarket circ pumps, ozonators, UV systems, etc.  Read up on the BBB method to keep the tub water nice.

Are you saying that if I read up on Ozone and circ pumps that I would come to the conclusion they aren't necessary? I have read a lot about them, and in what I've read I've never seen a consensus or definitive answer. Add to that the bewildering amount of vendors out there. You are close to it, so to you it looks like "just read some on it." But to a newbie, it's nothing but tons of vendors, marketing claims, and diametrically opposed opinions on the same topic.

Generally, new hot tub owners are concerned primarily with water care maintenance over anything else.  No one wants to come home to a green body of water.  I've been around hot tubs my whole life, and my personal opinion is the circ pump makes it easier to take care of the water.  Noise isn't necessarily an issue unless it's on a deck close to your bedroom.  I also am a huge believer in ozone.  You are probably exposed to more ozone during a thunderstorm than the ozone in a hot tub, so I certainly don't think it would cause any issue with your health.  It may stain your cover in a certain spot, but other than that, I wouldn't worry about anything being damaged from it.  You are far worse off regarding the plastics of your hot tub with using a floater of some kind for water care treatment.

I agree with the part of being exposed to more O3 in a thunderstorm. Same with all the "chemicals" everyone always trys to avoid because they think that the health hazards are to great. Chlorine in our drinking water, on no!!! Bacteria is worse and causes more health hazards than anything put in your hot tub to kill bacteria.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: wt21 on September 19, 2015, 02:33:42 pm
Bullfrog r6 is the only one coming close in features and price but I don't have dealers very near me. If I drop the circ pump then a lot more options open up.

Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: Racenut on September 19, 2015, 03:09:05 pm
I'm waiting for my new Bullfrog tub to get here, so of course I'd say just get the R6... but a no service dealer would be a concern there... not sure how they handle warranty work.  You'd want to find that out, and maybe get something in writing.

One of the other tubs that I really liked was the Sundance Edison/Jacuzzi J245.  Good open layout, no lounge(I've had a lounge taking up space in my old tub for 15+ years... I'm over it lol).  And I had a quote for $6800 complete.. delivered and taxed.  So well inside your budget.  But... no circ pump option on the Sundance, not sure if the Jacuzzi version makes one available. Also, only a 2 year component warranty on those models.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: Hottubguy on September 19, 2015, 03:19:08 pm
Bullfrog r6 is the only one coming close in features and price but I don't have dealers very near me. If I drop the circ pump then a lot more options open up.


How close to you is the dealer?  I know on another thread you had said the BF dealer contracts out warranty work.  That's not always a bad thing.  I contract out probably half of my spa repair work and the inependent tech I use is a better tech then anybody I have as a employee.  In your area there is a few real good independent tech's so hopefully it's one of them
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: wt21 on September 19, 2015, 03:40:00 pm
The closer dealer at 25 miles away spun off their service 2 years ago. One guy does the service now, and there is 3 more years on his contract with this dealer. No idea what happens after that.

The other dealer is 45 miles away across state lines.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: hottubdan on September 19, 2015, 05:37:21 pm
I would suggest when issue is budget vs features, you might have to sacrifice ozone and circa pump.  That would open up the options.

If sticking with the ozone and circa pump, consider the Limelight Bolt or Highlife Prodigy, both Hot Spring.
Title: Re: Need some help in finding a more affordable spa
Post by: Hottubguy on September 20, 2015, 11:23:57 pm
Contract with the dealer?  That's a little different. One of the important questions to ask is about trip charges both under warranty and out of warranty