Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Hot Rod 953 on September 17, 2015, 11:29:34 pm

Title: D1 Lotus or D1 Nautilus*** PLEASE LEAVE INPUT ***
Post by: Hot Rod 953 on September 17, 2015, 11:29:34 pm
Im looking for advice from some D 1 owners that may own either one of these spas maybe you could share your likes and dislikes ? Also I see on the Lotus Bay they use 3 smaller motors and on the Nautilus they use 2 larger motors wher it seams all the power could be diverted to 1 seat. With that would the smaller motors not have the same power as larger. ones. I will mostly be using the spa by myself and occasional with the wife. I was able to wet test a Californian and I loved the neck jets and do like the deeper seats for the ability to get the neck jet pillow jet up higher on my neck. There is a $1200 difference as the Lotus Bay is a new in stock unit with Sterio and the Nautilus would have to be ordered. what would the experienced D1 owner buy and why. I know that I get the better UV system on the Lotus so what ever else you could share or advise.
Thank you new D1 owner soon since they already have my deposit
Title: Re: D1 Lotus or D1 Nautilus*** PLEASE LEAVE INPUT ***
Post by: Hottubguy on September 18, 2015, 10:11:17 pm
Lotus Bay all day for only a $1200 price difference. The bay collection is a very nice series of tubs and I like them much more then there other series both aesthetically and performance wise
Title: Re: D1 Lotus or D1 Nautilus*** PLEASE LEAVE INPUT ***
Post by: Tman122 on September 19, 2015, 11:42:09 am
Never owned a Lotus Bay but have owned a Nautilus, Aurora and Chairman 2. Loved the Nautilus the best. Don't think you could go wrong with either but for sure wet test and test again to get something that feels right for you. They have a great record of longevity. So it will be around a while.