Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: huh? on July 13, 2004, 06:59:22 pm
Long time reader, first time typer...Has anybody else heard of this. I had a customer come to my showroom and asked all sorts of questions about ozonators. After patiently answering all of his question he hit me with a curve ball. Appearently a competitor (no names) told him the ozonator would help his
Just wondering if anyone out there has come across this before. First time in my career.
:-X i just threw up a little in my mouth :-X
sorry no doctor here...
You didn't know that? It will also cause one leg to grow if shorter than the other, strengthen your fingernails, put an end to bad breath, increase the alcohol content of near beer and end your problems with split ends (not if you're blond though, but then it will prevent your hair from turning green............ possibly not a side effect wanted by little old ladies.......... oh wait, that would be with pink). It can also help if your dog has fleas, or you want to lighten the color of the paint on your house (if your spa is close enough). Don't even get me started on the aviation bennifits......
Seriously, that's the biggest crock I've ever heard.
Now this could work. Just crank the chlorine level up a bit - I think 2,000 ppm might do it.
In the alternative, take the pH to either 0.5 or 13.5 (your choice). But, don't leave it there for long or you'll get the China effect.
Thanks for the early morning laugh. And I pressume that the steam rising from the tub on a cold winter night can be read like tea leaves and you can see your fortune in it?
the ozonator would help his
I have only one thing to say ........ewwwww!