Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: treggert on July 11, 2004, 08:42:08 pm

Title: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: treggert on July 11, 2004, 08:42:08 pm
I am shopping for my first hot tub. need some thoughts on masterspa.  they have 4 pumps and 13.5 hp. the guy there told me more pumps and more horsepower was important for powerful jets. I have spent HOURS reading all of the many opinions on this forum and have heard just about nothing on masterspas.  I also have not heard much talk about pumps and horsepower-are they as important as masterspas are implying????
No i have not wet tested yet , and yes i am going to.
   Nervous about buying my first,
  treggert :
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: Spatech_tuo on July 11, 2004, 08:48:44 pm
Master has a few owners here and I have nothing negative to say about them. As far as what the salesman said, the "more HP" is better theory isn't one I buy into necessarily. A well designed spa does the job with the proper amount of HP and keeps the electric bill down so you can't just throw as much HP as you want and simply claim more is always better. Also, be sure they are always talking about continuous HP and NOT brake horsepower (BHP, meaning the momentary surge you get when it starts) when they're quoting numbers. If the quote the BHP ALONE (some will quote both to educate you which is good) they're being deceptive IMO.
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: treggert on July 11, 2004, 09:13:23 pm
what about the number of pumps??? Does that matter?I have heard from masterspas this is important and from other dealers that 4 pumps is excessive.
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: johnnythunders on July 11, 2004, 09:14:53 pm
I am looking at a ad one of my area dealers getting rid of his Diamante Mojave Supreme spas with 60 jets 18hp 5 pumps 6person 8X8 for only $5999.....With 5 pumps and 60 jets how can you go wrong?I am thinking of getting rid of my Jacuzzi J-355 and getting one of those lol.I love these ads.johnny Thunders :D
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: treggert on July 11, 2004, 09:32:41 pm
Hey johnny thunders,
I wasnt sure if you are being sarcastic about the number of pumps or if you are being serious!!  So tell me what you think!!
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: johnnythunders on July 11, 2004, 09:42:50 pm
Yep the Diamante has 60 jets and 5pumps 8X8 6 person 18hp spa for $5999.Dealer close by is not selling them anymore.I saw that spa before i bought my Jacuzzi.I like to have peace of mind with a 5 year warranty by a company that stands behind their products.Spending $6000 i would get a Jacuzzi Hotsprings or any of the other top 10 spas.....Johnny Thunders
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: Chas on July 11, 2004, 10:04:15 pm
Too much horsepower makes painful jets, and painful electric bills. Look at what the big-name players do: one or two jets pumps, maybe a circ pump to boot, and they work great.

In my opinion, a tub maker can go two ways: engineer it well or throw horsepower at it.
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: windsurfdog on July 12, 2004, 12:30:08 am
After one day with my new Master Spa LSX, I will tell you this....the control I have over the therapy is outstanding.  Here is how the LSX is engineered....I assume other Master Spa and Down East models are similar:
24/7 circ others
Pump 1....2 speed.....dedicated to the Extreme Therapy seat.
Pump 2....2 speed.....shared by the shoulder/neck seat (located by the Extreme Therapy seat) and the waterfall seat.  BTW, the waterfall on the waterfall seat is the only lame feature I found on the LSX but it is certainly not anything I'll lose sleep over.......
Pump 3.....1 speed.....shared by the 2 Master Blaster foot jets and the lounger jets.....controlled by a diverter.
The best option I've found on the LSX is the individual control one has over each jet.  Each can be either on, off, or continuously variable in between by turning the trim ring.  This is a major consideration when rigorous massage is needed on one area but light massage is desired elsewhere.  This is a major selling factor to me.  Not all "major" manufacturers have this......that is why wet testing is so important.  I wet tested Master Spa, Hot Springs, and Sundance and one of these did not offer individually adjustable jets.  So, are more pumps an indication of poor spa design as infered by others here?  Possibly but not in the case of Master Spa, IMHO.
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: ndabunka on July 12, 2004, 12:40:49 am
Worthy spa but the cabinets look "Plastic" to me so I don't like that aspect.  I also don't have a high opinion of the Masterspa ownership as I believe they try to suck every last dime they can get out of a client rather than looking after the clients best interest. Other than that they are noce spas with lots of features. Sometimes priced right and other times WAY overpriced (Depends on the local dealer).
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: Mendocino101 on July 12, 2004, 01:14:44 am
Master might make a decent spa....but the way they sell...they cheapen them selfs and cast a bad shadow on the spa industry....out here in SO Cal this summer they have promoted 2 shows, advertising them to be "spa spectaculars"....with many manufactures being there....( Hot springs, Coleman,Caldera) among others....only to go to the show and find out it is all master and the road traveling sales team who did not seem to know the product well at all and just one big lie about the others being there...also they do rate HP at start up not usable or continuous HP....again it is sad to me because they might be a good product but they ( in my opinion )......really disgrace them self with the way they sell......
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: IonHeaven on July 12, 2004, 08:04:44 am
I wet tested the Masterspa. Bear in mind I'm a novice at this too and am mainly going by what 'feels good'. The MS massage was very good, but I was not impressed with all the pumps necessary to achieve what seems comprable from other spas with 2-3 pumps. I am mainly interested in shoulder and neck therapy so of course I assumed the MS 'captains seat' would be the ultimate. However, I didn't like it. Water shooting down from above the water line added noise and didn't provide a better massage that other more reasonbly priced tubs.

Good luck and everyone is so right about needing to wet test each and every spa your interested in.

Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: doodoo on July 12, 2004, 09:18:20 am
Ya know somthin'!

It ain't the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean. To mean that greater size and power is not necessarily the best  therapy. You are far better to look at tubs that offer a better product by having better engineering. Also in the final analysis, wet testing is what will tell you if the tub in question is the right one for you. My neighbour who has a big box tub (paid 5K for his and has no warranty, service) is actually a terrible spa experience for me because the jets are very powerfull and non adjustable. He on the other hand raves about the blasting efect in one spot. He moves is back around the jets to get therapy. I would never knock his tub, but I did mention the benefits of mine a couple of weekends ago while enjoying a soak in my Optima to which he stayed in nearly an hour. Personally I think that he is jealous of our tub.

Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: spaguyohio on July 12, 2004, 10:01:16 am
One persons junk is another man's treasure. I have a Master Spa and aboslutely love it. My electric bill even in winter was less than 25.00 increase, and that was using it 4-5 days a week, at least 45 mins at a time.  I happen to enjoy the reverse molded neck therapy, others cant stand it. Thats why wet testing is so important.
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: doodoo on July 12, 2004, 10:07:20 am
I happen to enjoy the reverse molded neck therapy, others cant stand it. Thats why wet testing is so important.

Wet test! wet test! and, wet test some more.  You are absolutely correct spaguy, that is what tell you which tub is right for you.
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: Drifter on July 12, 2004, 03:19:41 pm
As a master spa owner I can tell you I am pleased with my product. I did tons of research and for me master was the best choice. I looked at Sundance and Hotsprings, which came in 2nd place to my choice for the master. One of the big reasons was the Master spas lack of diverters and their use of 4 pumps. I figured I was spending around 8k and didn't want to have to decide which seats get therapy and which ones don't if I have a full tub! In the other major manufactures you have to cut power to some seats to get full therapy for others! Not Master. They also offered me the choice of full foam or thermal pane. I went with termal and hardly noticed any increase in my electric bill this winter. (I'm in NJ and it was very cold)  The only downside is that I don't like the neck jets as much as I thought I would. They make 2 of the corner seats somewhat  size restrictive becuase either you fit well or you don't. Otherwise they are a great company and from what I hear #3 in sales behind Sundance and Hotsprings. I feel they are doing some things to try and move up the ladder. I feel with HS and Sundance you are paying a bit of a premium for the name. Therefore if all 3 are the same price you are getting more for your money with Master, since you pay less of a premium for their name. Good Luck!
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: wmccall on July 12, 2004, 03:27:02 pm
Ask how many filters the spa your look at has, how often they need replacing, and the total cost.  I only ask because I know one Master Spa owner and his tub has 5 filters that cost over $200 to replace.  
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: stuart on July 12, 2004, 09:49:07 pm
Here is a post from another board that I commented on the Downeast Hamptons made by Master Spa. I applies here and I didn't feel like re-typing it.

Author: stuart (63.227.141.---)
Date:   07-08-04 12:56

The hamptons this year has a very light gauge metal frame that can and will bend with the sheer size of that spa. If that happens the shell will crack.

Also go around it in the showroom and push on any panel with your knee and you will not only feel it give you might hear it crack.

I would have them pull all of the panels for you in the showroom and look at the construction then compare that to other brands. If they will pull the panels look at the sheer amount of blue glue splashed and dripped around under the spa in addition to spare pieces of cut plumbing and torn insulation laying about, this won't really cause a problem but will show you a bit about their craftsmanship and pride of work. While the panels are off get a hold of one of the metal frame supports and pull on it, with a good tug you should be able to feel the flexing in the frame and might even bend it.

Look at the bottom corners of any of the models in the showroom and you will see where the sharp metal frame is cutting through the rubber base and leaving open tears for pests to get into along with moisture. I would look at several other brands and give them the same scrutiny without just looking at the WOW factor. Discount the salesmanship and open your eyes to engineering, you might be surprised….
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: johnnythunders on July 12, 2004, 09:52:38 pm
If you are happy with your master spa who are we to say...Hope it will last 20 or more years.Good luck JT
Title: Re: masterspa-any opinions
Post by: spaguyohio on July 13, 2004, 10:29:36 am
Yes they do have 5 filters. One flat, two micro, and two eco pur filters. The flat and outer round filters can last at least 2 yrs with proper cleaning, the eco pur filters can last 12-18 months if you rinse them in clear water.