Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: sobe on July 09, 2004, 05:00:13 pm

Title: Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: sobe on July 09, 2004, 05:00:13 pm
My total cost not including taxes came to $9800

This includes cover mate 3, ozinator, 36" wood steps, chemicals,sunglow led lights and stereo with snc and remote.

Did I pay too much or is that about right as there is only one Sundance dealer in North Jersey. ??? ???
Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: dazedandconfused on July 09, 2004, 05:10:45 pm
Sobe -

I have been quoted 7450 (without taxes) for the same package with an additional filter, drink holder, and SunScents.  My quote does not include a stereo though.

Is the stereo worth 2350 (9800 - 7450)?  I am not sure.  But I think there is still some room for negotiation for you.

D & C
Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: mjhilb on July 09, 2004, 05:40:56 pm

I just put a deposit down this week on the optima with the same as you are receiving except for the stereo.
After some negotiation I ended up paying $7300 including tax
Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: dazedandconfused on July 09, 2004, 05:55:57 pm
I forgot to mention that the Cameo and Optima are the same price.  I am negotiating on a Cameo.
Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: sobe on July 09, 2004, 05:57:06 pm
Sounds like i paid too much, has any  one bought the optima with the stereo and the optional remote with the snc built in?
Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: cparlf on July 09, 2004, 06:52:35 pm
My offer was for a 2004 Optima, CD ozone, LED lights, cover, cover assiter, basic steps, starter chemicals and 3 micro filter replacements for $8100 plus tax delivered and set up.  The stereo is an additional $900.  I will not pay that much for a stereo, although it is nice and is a good selling point.    

Still looking at the J'Premium 385, a little bigger (not needed) but lacks the foot dome jets that I really like.  Waterfall effect seems like it would be a real mood setter.

Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: CalicoskiesNC on July 10, 2004, 03:43:22 pm
I'm in NC and I paid $7900 last week for a 2004 Optima.  Includes: durasteps, cd ozone, cover, chems, setup/delivery, 7% sales tax.  

Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: SunshyneGyrl on July 10, 2004, 08:42:03 pm
We were looking at the stereo option in our Optima but it was an additional $1300 (with their new remote control) $800 for the stereo and $500 for the remote because it controled the entire spa and stereo.  We got the stereo and love it but decided against the remote.
Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: ndabunka on July 11, 2004, 12:55:18 am
My offer was for a 2004 Optima, CD ozone, LED lights, cover, cover assiter, basic steps, starter chemicals and 3 micro filter replacements for $8100 plus tax delivered and set up.  The stereo is an additional $900.  I will not pay that much for a stereo, although it is nice and is a good selling point.    

Still looking at the J'Premium 385, a little bigger (not needed) but lacks the foot dome jets that I really like.  Waterfall effect seems like it would be a real mood setter.

Did you consider the Jacuzzi J375 which HAS the foot jets in it? Mine was $6,500 with the stereo, ozone, synthetic, etc.
Title: Re:  Put deposit on an OPTIMA with stereo!
Post by: cparlf on July 12, 2004, 06:55:19 pm
I did try the J'Prem with the foot dome, and liked it a lot.  To me the optima felt a little more roomy, and at 6'4" the room is a factor.  I know the J is only I think 8" shorter on the short side, but it felt smaller to me.  The J 365?? was the first model I tested.  In the end, they are similar in many ways.  The optima felt a bit stronger water flow, and I like the whirlpool jets.  

I will say though that both have the filter in the side, a great feature as I don't like the corner filters as they take away a corner seat.