Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: seabeece2 on May 20, 2015, 10:42:40 pm

Title: ring around the tub??
Post by: seabeece2 on May 20, 2015, 10:42:40 pm
Hi there, New to hot tubbing, just got a Sundance optima. Been using it for about a week and loving it, last two nights while in the tub I've noticed a soapy oily dirty ring form around it while in there with the jets on , I wipe it down and it reappeared, was wondering if anyone else has ever had this happened and if there is anything I can do to remedy the situation, thanks again for all your help!!!
Title: Re: ring around the tub??
Post by: TwinCitiesHotSpring on May 21, 2015, 06:25:51 pm
you've already found the cause...oil, soap, oil based beauty products/lotions/etc. and yes 90% of brand new hot tub owners experience this in the first few months because that is when everyone is using it and your probably inviting over a few guests as well. First thing is to try and limit the amount of those products that go into the water, try and reuse swimsuits as much as possible, and always keep your filter clean as possible...if none of that works there are over the counter products you can try.

1.  There are liquid enzyme products that break down oil and organics and can be used "as needed" usually 1-2 ounces at a time depending on brand.
2.  Scumballs/Dirty Ducks/etc. are small floating "sponges" that typically float in your filter "area" or "compartment" and there purpose is to absorb oil
3.  foam down/foam gone/etc can be also used "as needed" (typically only a few drops needed) to instantly disperse foam.
Title: Re: ring around the tub??
Post by: Quickbeam on May 21, 2015, 06:57:57 pm
When we bought our tub, we had a light brown ring that would keep appearing around the tub. Found out later it was from all the gunk that was still left in the lines. Yes, even in a new tub the lines were dirty. Apparently not all that uncommon. You might want to flush your lines out with a product called Ahh-Some. You might be surprised at what comes out.
Title: Re: ring around the tub??
Post by: seabeece2 on May 22, 2015, 10:56:26 am
Roger that , thanks for the good advice.