Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 10:28:18 am

Title: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 10:28:18 am
Greetings!  Newbie here  ;D I have been doing alot of reading on this forum the past few months and so I thought i would join. Great Great Forum!!!

 I have had 4 hot tubs since 1993 and loved them all.  BUT this 2014 HS Envoy is the cats meow :).  Anyhow, like everyone who makes a large purchase after a bit you wonder if you made a good deal?   Here is the deal:  I had a 2014 Flair and it just was not enough tub so traded it on the Envoy.  I got 6800.00 for the trade in on the Flair which I thought a little low since I only had the spa for about 5-6 months? The I purchased the 2014 Envoy, what I got in the deal:

Audio system
Pop up speakers
cover cradle
everwood steps
chemical kit
fresh water ionizer
delivery and set of new spa
they took away my old spa
15 months financing

ok so they gave me 6800.00 for the flair and I paid 7900.00 on top of the flair to get the new spa.  I feel I got hosed LOL but I love that envoy so much it makes me feel better everytime I in that thing!

One more thing: while I was scouring the web on info I came across a website; it seems as if it maybe a back door to someones pricing.  This is why I feel I got hosed but maybe it is this dealers pricing on what they paid?
These prices are so much lower than my dealers pricing I was almost temped to call this guy and ship the tub here.
BTW I live in North Dakota.

Thanks, any info would be much appreciated!
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on October 02, 2014, 03:28:27 pm
 Pretty sure that is not a secret  cost/price page..
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 04:00:57 pm
well If you were to leave that cost page and try to get back to it... you can not get back on to that price page... try it

Also from what I read, and I have been reading alot on this forum. for instance there is a guy on this first page who is asking about the cost of a flair.  The website that I posted has a flair for like 6900.00!!!!! The guy inquiring about buying his flair was quoted 8700.00 and people are like that is a pretty good deal.  Now I paid 8000.00 for my fair a few months back with cover cradle, ozone, and steps.  That was a screaming deal.  The price at 6900.00 for a flair that is what you think is what people are paying?
Pretty sure that is not a secret  cost/price page..
that is to say you can negotiate off that price.  I would love to see a HS dealer on this forum say yeah that is right.  because here in ND an envoy NXT is 15GRAND that site has it listed 10400.00 !!!!
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on October 02, 2014, 04:07:52 pm
No other pages on the site link to the price page. My guess is that it's a "hidden" page that the dealer can refer potential customers to.
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 04:21:08 pm
Yeah isn't that crazy and I would think other HS dealers would not want those prices listed as it could be potential deal crushers.  I can not remember what I typed to get that to pop up on google?  But I do remember I found it on the 2nd page?  It was something like HS envoy pricing? 

Anyhow, on my own issue of paying for a 2014 Envoy and not taking into count that strange pricing page. did I get a good deal or not???  because I feel sick to my stomach at looking at those prices!
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Sam on October 02, 2014, 05:35:08 pm
It says basic price for spa and cover, or something like that.  You can easily take that number and add $500 for delivery, $150 for steps, $1300 for stereo, $300 for cover lifter, $75 for chemicals, $300 for removal of old spa.  That's over $2500 right there. 

This is a common thing that I see people do on here.  They ask about prices, but neglect to mention important factors like how many people were required for delivery.  How far away do you live from the dealer?  What options were included?  You can't just say cover lifter, because there are a variety of prices for those and steps, etc...  There are so many factors that effect price on a spa. 

This doesn't account for the different markets around the country as well. You don't get on a worldwide forum and ask what a good price for a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1900 sq. ft. house is.  Why is that?
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 06:00:47 pm
This doesn't account for the different markets around the country as well. You don't get on a worldwide forum and ask what a good price for a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1900 sq. ft. house is.  Why is that?

well that is like comparing an apple to an orange...  hottubs do not have land values they also have a standard price.  I am sure HS dealers go to markets and the price of the spa from HS is a standard price.  HS doesn't say well your in florida your spa is 10,000.00 and the guy in North Dakota your price for the same spa is 12,000.00. where home building the contractor will have his choice of thousands of building supply companies and he also has to pay market pricing for labor. Yeah true different cites will have different pricings.  That is why I did not have a melt down with my dealer about the price!  ND is in an oil boom right now and all prices are throught the ROOF.  I just wanted to join this forum for some good advice and good conversation.  To add, I also listed all the options I  at got on my spa and the pricing of my trade in along with the added cost to upgrade.  so dont beat me up about asking a question i have seen 50 times on this site.  There are multiple threads on the first page alone about pricing. I am shocked that this is the first one you felt annoyed with someone new to the forum asking about pricing?????

How about a hey welcome to the forum glad you joined.  right now I think maybe I made a mistake about joining this forum because I am getting a bad vibe....
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Sam on October 02, 2014, 06:19:28 pm
This doesn't account for the different markets around the country as well. You don't get on a worldwide forum and ask what a good price for a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1900 sq. ft. house is.  Why is that?

well that is like comparing an apple to an orange...  hottubs do not have land values they also have a standard price.  I am sure HS dealers go to markets and the price of the spa from HS is a standard price.  HS doesn't say well your in florida your spa is 10,000.00 and the guy in North Dakota your price for the same spa is 12,000.00. where home building the contractor will have his choice of thousands of building supply companies and he also has to pay market pricing for labor. Yeah true different cites will have different pricings.  That is why I did not have a melt down with my dealer about the price!  ND is in an oil boom right now and all prices are throught the ROOF.  I just wanted to join this forum for some good advice and good conversation.  To add, I also listed all the options I  at got on my spa and the pricing of my trade in along with the added cost to upgrade.  so dont beat me up about asking a question i have seen 50 times on this site.  There are multiple threads on the first page alone about pricing. I am shocked that this is the first one you felt annoyed with someone new to the forum asking about pricing?????

How about a hey welcome to the forum glad you joined.  right now I think maybe I made a mistake about joining this forum because I am getting a bad vibe....

Unfortunately, tone does not convey well on message boards.  I wasn't trying to beat you up.  Just adding my thoughts on your post.  I am very glad to have you.  This is a great community and generally very helpful and civil.  If you read my posts, I usually try to be as helpful as I can on topics that I am familiar with.  Opinions do vary though.

Part of the thing about different areas of the country is shipping.  It costs quite a bit more to ship a spa made in Mexico to New York than it does to California.  Hot tubs are very expensive to ship.  Shipping also depends on the "lane" that it comes through.  It's expensive to ship out of Las Vegas because most trucks coming through there are already loaded.  There isn't much manufacturing there. 

You also have different commercial real estate markets which means rent or mortgage is for the showroom is much higher in Seattle, than Cleveland.  You also have different numbers of competing dealers.  These minutiae all add up and create different prices in different regions.  These are things that are not obvious to most people.  I get that.  The pricing thing just comes up all of the time.  We try to explain to people that you shouldn't worry too much about what people pay in other areas.  If the spa was right for you and you felt comfortable with the price, that's what matters.

Please know that I did not mean to sound like a jerk.  I was just offering my 2 cents.  I apologize if it came across in a negative way.  It certainly was not my intention.  Hopefully you will stick around and add your own input and experiences.  We need more people like you.  Us old timer industry guys sometimes feel like an echo chamber  :o
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 08:38:43 pm
Please know that I did not mean to sound like a jerk.  I was just offering my 2 cents.  I apologize if it came across in a negative way.  It certainly was not my intention.  Hopefully you will stick around and add your own input and experiences.  We need more people like you.  Us old timer industry guys sometimes feel like an echo chamber

      It's all good thank you for your reply!  I just find it surprising these price differences. I mean that website I posted is a dealer 90 miles north of Kansas City, MO.  So that is not some high priced market. I live in Bismarck, ND So to see differences of 3500.00 is VERY shocking to me.  A price on an Envoy here in Bismarck is 13242.00 that includes, the wire panel, a chemical kit, and delivery. (not an envoy NXT here in bismarck that is 15,000.00) According to that dealer in kansas city his reg Envoy is 9726.00 he may charge extra for the wire panel, chems, and delivery?  I have seen dealers post other prices on HS spas on this site and I have never seen prices as low as the dealer in KC?  That is why I asked or posted that link. I think his web designer may have messed up?  Because once you leave that pricing page you can not get back into it?

So I just thought I would ask if people thought if I got a decent deal along with showing that odd website and pricing from the dealer in KC?
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on October 02, 2014, 09:02:27 pm
You're not supposed to "get back in". The pricing page isn't supposed to be found. It's probably there only to refer potential customers to....or possibly for employees to look up prices.
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 09:10:00 pm
I know that is why I said I believe this is a mess up by the web designer...

Like I stated earlier i found this on a google search.  the link I got off of Google took me directly to this pricing page.  I am not a hacker or anything like that.  SO that is why I posted it on this forum.  I believe this is a mistake by the web designer and I believe the public is not to have access to this page. 

Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on October 02, 2014, 09:35:40 pm
The web designer didn't WANT you to find it, it's all intentional, hence there's NO WAY to get to it. This is COMPLETELY intentional the way it is. There was no mistake in the design of the site. The page is NOT intended for web surfers to find. Think of it as a hidden "back door". Google is just smart enough to have found it.
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on October 02, 2014, 10:27:18 pm
FYI, there was no "web designer" for this site. It was a "self made" site....

"HTML generated by Network Solutions Website Builder"
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 10:33:39 pm
well whatever the case is, the prices are LOW and the page is a mistake!
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on October 02, 2014, 10:42:23 pm
The page is not a mistake. Why does it seem so difficult to understand that?
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 11:03:38 pm
find the page from here:

you can't, so it was not in their wed design for anyone to access the page.  somehow when google searching for pricing, google links people up with the hidden page.  Therefore it is a mistake by someone, why is that difficult for you to understand?

Yes I understand the actual page is NOT a mistake, it is used for whatever purpose.  BUT if you access their website properly a person would never get access to the page.  I am at a loss why this is not a mistake by someone?  or why would it not be listed on their home page?

Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 11:08:11 pm
I would guarantee if someone calls the owner of this place and tells them anyone can access this pricing page, he will make sure it isn't.  Therefore imo it is a mistake that google has let people have access to it or whomever designed the page messed up...
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 11:21:04 pm
No other pages on the site link to the price page. My guess is that it's a "hidden" page that the dealer can refer potential customers to.

you state that it is your 'quess' that it is hidden page the dealer can refer potential customers to.

now you are absolutely convinced this in not a mistake...  your guess has turned into judge and jury case closed.  wow
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 02, 2014, 11:36:23 pm
The problem I have found on forums like this.. the people who are on here 24/7 for years and years. think they know everything and new people are not worthy.  Well whatever I have lived on this earth for 40 years and did not need this site. I really haven't gotten any good info off of it. so I am out of here...
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on October 03, 2014, 11:46:45 am

Yes I understand the actual page is NOT a mistake, it is used for whatever purpose.  BUT if you access their website properly a person would never get access to the page.  I am at a loss why this is not a mistake by someone?

*sigh*. It was intentionally done that way as they don't want random web surfers to access the page. It's a page used for internal purposes. It was supposed to be a "secret".
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Spatech_tuo on October 03, 2014, 12:00:49 pm
the people who are on here 24/7 for years and years. think they know everything and new people are not worthy. 

That is complete B.S.

Well whatever I have lived on this earth for 40 years and did not need this site.

And I've been here 50 but I'm not sure what age even matters. I hope you're here for another 40+ but no one here is going to discriminate against you for your young age and lack of experience.

I really haven't gotten any good info off of it. so I am out of here...

From the tone I question whether you were ever open to what others had to say in the first place but then again since you're gone I guess it doesn't matter.
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: DaveMc on October 03, 2014, 12:23:44 pm
I have found that you usually get out of an organization the equivalent of what you put in-------so nothing ventured nothing gained comes to mind---also  a little Karma goes a long ways---what you sow you will reap---cast your bread and so on--
The message here is ---little given--- little received
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 04, 2014, 06:20:22 pm
I would guarantee if someone calls the owner of this place and tells them anyone can access this pricing page, he will make sure it isn't.  Therefore imo it is a mistake that google has let people have access to it or whomever designed the page messed up...

The page has now been removed.  this is exactly what I stated from the first post. The public access to this page from Google was a MISTAKE!
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on October 04, 2014, 08:11:15 pm
There was no mistake.

Welcome, can I get you a chair? Margarita? Bourbon?
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: KCDreamer on October 04, 2014, 08:27:54 pm
we have really gotten off on the wrong foot here...  I just was saying from the get go that the page should not be accessible from the link google had listed.  of course the page was made by the person who created the site.  I was just saying it was a mistake that we had access to it? I am sorry you just seemed to be pushing my buttons on the issue?  I really did not want to argue about how or why the page was accessible at all.  I just wanted some feedback on pricing.  I guess I misinterpreted alot of people on here, I apologize. Just wanted to talk tubs not argue..... 
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: Mangarr on October 07, 2014, 05:05:04 pm
The prices that you saw on that page might have been the 'wholesale' or 'dealer' pricing, but I doubt it was 'intended' for customers. If it was a self built website then the dealer probably made a mistake and made it visible (albeit briefly) to the public. The best way to view hot tub pricing is to compare it to car dealers. Why can you go across town to another dealer and get a different price? Yes, there is a huge disparity between the dealer cost and the ''retail"'s really the wild west when it comes to pricing and you need to do your research to avoid being taken advantage of by unscrupulous people. Do the same kind of homework that you should do when you buy a car and you'll be fine. The only problem is that there is a lot more information available on car pricing these days. Most spa dealers go out of their way to be opaque on pricing so stop you from doing online price comparisons.

Hot Springs doesn't directly prevent their dealers from getting into price wars with each other, but it does tell dealers that they must service any tubs that they sell which puts a huge damper on them selling outside of their normal territory. If you move and take the tub with you, you could be asked by the dealer in the new area to show when/where you purchased it...Apparently they are allowed to refuse service if they didn't sell it, but that mainly is done to prevent people from price shopping with other dealers. If it was a legitimate move then there shouldn't be a problem with getting service.
Title: Re: HS 2014 Enovy
Post by: libertyforall on October 20, 2014, 01:11:40 pm
Well the page is down, but still viewable here  ;)