Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: nikki on June 05, 2004, 01:29:23 pm

Title: calspa
Post by: nikki on June 05, 2004, 01:29:23 pm
ok been looking for a spa.i found a calspa for $3000 a v300.what i was wondering is it a good spa?that is right in my spending amount.any communts on this spa.thanks
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Brewman on June 05, 2004, 02:24:51 pm
Cal Spas have a pretty bad reputation for poor warranty coverage.  Is you spa used?  
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: nikki on June 05, 2004, 02:30:30 pm
no it is from a store called looking for a hot tub that is not used for $3000 and it seemed to be a good price he said it would run $4400 for it if it was not on you have any good ideas for a spa for $3000?
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Steve on June 05, 2004, 02:46:30 pm
Good price and good value are very different.
By suggesting the MSRP is much higher is a weak way of showing value. Ask them to show you a recent sales invoice where this spa was sold at $4400.00. If the last 10 sales were that then it might be a good price. Still far from my favorite spa but it's cheap. ;)

Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Electro on June 05, 2004, 04:27:31 pm

The Calspa is junk.  Its the spa equivalent of a Hugo.  Do you remember anyone buying that piece of junk?
The Calspa organization exists based solely on price.  It sells something that looks like a hot tub but isn't.  It seems to fool folks that want a half price spa.

Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Mendocino101 on June 05, 2004, 05:14:37 pm
You can get a quality spa from some manufactures for 3000.00 the question is what size spa do you want...Marquis spas has a model called the everyday Hot tub model 212 that can normally be brought for 3000.00 it fits 3 but better suited for 2 people....what are your needs and wants....
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Chas on June 07, 2004, 12:51:56 am
Take a glance at the HotSpot line from HotSpring. Twin jet pumps, fully insulated, etc etc.

Title: Re: calspa
Post by: wmccall on June 07, 2004, 06:34:33 am
A friend of mine has had this spa for 2 years now. The only problems he has had is the jets falling out and having to "reglue" them back in. (his words)
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Tubber on June 07, 2004, 07:52:42 am
A friend of mine has had this spa for 2 years now. The only problems he has had is the jets falling out and having to "reglue" them back in. (his words)

Thats a sign of the jets needing to be replaced.
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Electro on June 07, 2004, 01:44:27 pm

Would you be inclined to say that the "only" problem you had with your car was that the engine fell out, like that was no big deal?  I'd think folks wouldn't tolerate that.

Title: Re: calspa
Post by: wmccall on June 07, 2004, 03:39:34 pm

Would you be inclined to say that the "only" problem you had with your car was that the engine fell out, like that was no big deal?  I'd think folks wouldn't tolerate that.

I'm trying to not pass judgement on Cal and let people infer what they want from it.  To my friend this wasn't a big deal and he is happy with the value of his tub and he is generally handy.  He paid less than $2500 for a 4 person tub delivered including cover and he considers himself happy with his purchase.
Title: Avoid CalSpa at any cost!
Post by: dino on June 07, 2004, 05:38:37 pm
Click reviews above and look at the reviews for the various CalSpas - not all of the reviews are written by me!

This is a piece of junk that has cost me $800 in maintenance in 18 months (not chemicals or other such but replacement of parts etc) to say nothing of my labor.  

18 months is less than the thieving dealer who sold it to me will spend in jail for stealling my money.  (looks like he is getting out in 15).

In other words the dealer matters too - someone who offers you something at 25% off sounds fishy.  For this price I would go to Home Depot and get something with a store behind it - not some dealer who will b gone tomorrow.
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: nikki on June 08, 2004, 05:13:38 pm
thanks guys im going to stay away from them.i will just keep looking.i also found out about a viking for that that a good line.

i like they looks of that hot tub where can i find some more info on that tub.thanks for all your guys help.
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: hwimbrow on June 16, 2004, 11:02:47 am

I'm disappointed.

I too am considering a CalSpa, their "entry level" 4 person V-100.

I'm extremely turned off by all the bells and whistles - DVDs, stereo, waterfalls, lights, etc. - I'm simply looking for a small simple tub to soak and relax in. I also have no inclination to have a party in it, so 4 person sounds fine for me and the wife.

So, in the "bottom end" market that I've shopped so far, the CalSpa seems to be the only one that ISN'T junk.

They're offering the V-100 at $2k, it seems that's the absolute floor for the market AND all I'm willing to part with until I prove myself to be a consistent tub user (that it's not a backyard boondoggle)

So, if the CalSpa is also junk, what else is out there as I describe?

Title: Re: calspa
Post by: ZzTop on June 16, 2004, 05:25:18 pm

I'm disappointed.

I too am considering a CalSpa, their "entry level" 4 person V-100.

I'm extremely turned off by all the bells and whistles - DVDs, stereo, waterfalls, lights, etc. - I'm simply looking for a small simple tub to soak and relax in. I also have no inclination to have a party in it, so 4 person sounds fine for me and the wife.

So, in the "bottom end" market that I've shopped so far, the CalSpa seems to be the only one that ISN'T junk.

They're offering the V-100 at $2k, it seems that's the absolute floor for the market AND all I'm willing to part with until I prove myself to be a consistent tub user (that it's not a backyard boondoggle)

So, if the CalSpa is also junk, what else is out there as I describe?


Consider the Marquis Every Day line, much better value.
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Spatech_tuo on June 16, 2004, 07:52:49 pm
If you like the Cal Spas V-series you'll like the Viking spa. Its what Cal Spas copied when coming up with the v-series as I guess they fiuind it easier to copy thatn to design it themselves.
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: Rboehme on June 18, 2004, 10:31:27 pm
Nordic also makes a good round spa.
Title: Re: calspa
Post by: hwimbrow on June 29, 2004, 10:39:08 am
So you all have led me to a Viking dealer.

Funny, the price quoted over the phone is exactly the $2k for the Cal Spa PLUS the $800 complained about repair and maintenance of a Cal spa - $2800.

but I'd rather pay up friont and not have any headaches.

So, Viking is falling within range.

But it seems to be a small company, maybe a good thing, maybe not.

Do you have any additional information you'd like to share with me re: Viking?