Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Vinny on June 17, 2014, 08:32:57 pm
Starting last year I had some foot area jets pop out, I contacted Waterway and their support people gave me the part number for what I need BUT I believe that they didn't give me the whole story. I sent them 2 of these 3 photos and I am thinking that the jet innards (the long part that goes into the body) have broken off and are stuck inside the body - am I correct? If so - how do you remove the rest of the jet from the body? Looking at replacement jets they all have a long stem protruding at the back of the jet.
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2nd part - my whole tub consists of Waterway jets - do the different jet types actually give a different feel or therapy? I have mostly direction/swirl jets and was thinking about getting maybe a different set of jets for one of the seats. Any thoughts?
It would appear that there remains to be part of the jet still in the housing. There should be a plastic cone as you describe that snaps onto the back of the jet. The jet needs to be replaced.
The remaining part in the housing needs to be removed, try using a can opener with a 45° point to extract the remaining cone.
I like to tell people to order one entire jet assembly so you have a model of what they look like and how they work.
Thanks to both of you!
I figured the jet was only 1/2 a jet with the other 1/2 stuck inside the body. I contacted Waterway with the 1st and 3rd photos and they gave me a part number of their jet. I went online to a spa parts dealer and they are telling me that this is not a Waterway jet so I emailed Artesian about what jets they used. I have never had these particular jets out and realized when I took it out that the jet had no way of controlling the amount of water coming from them and the skinny part looked as though they snapped off. I was surprised that all 4 jets snapped the same way but the tub is older and I hadn't taken care of it as I used to ... so the plastic probably got brittle.
I have a bunch of new, larger jets that I have had since the tub was new as some of my jets started falling out because the tabs broke off and Artesian sent me a lot of replacement jets but no smaller jets. I know to rotate one way to remove (left) and increase flow and the other way to lock in and reduce flow.
Once I drain the tub I will attempt to remove the parts in the body, I will try the can opener and if that doesn't work they I'll do plan B whatever that may be! ??? Actually I was thinking of screw removal items but I have to rethink that.
Thanks again and if you have any other ideas - please share them!
A pair of needle nose pliers. Take one of the smaller jets out to see what you are working with.
I looked a little more closer to my jet openings and it does appear that the white housing that gets attached to gray jet face is in the hole. Originally I thought it was just the white nipple on the back of the jet broke off. Of course it's hard to see and it has to be on the bottom of the tub, but I will be prepared for it thanks to the advice!