Hot Tub Forum
Brand Specific Forums => Hot Spring Spas => Topic started by: dagboi on May 23, 2014, 11:18:11 am
I've had my HS Limelight Pulse for going on two years.
Works great when the outdoor temperature is cool to fall and winter. When the outdoor temp warms up like now, say around 70degrees, the tub will shut down entirely after about 10-15 minutes of run time. Lights, pumps, everything. It then goes through the reset cycle of blinking lights and resets itself. Turn it on again, and the same thing happens within a minute or two.
Now I'm no spa technician, but I do know a bit about how things operate. To me, this is clearly a function of the outdoor temp as it never happens when it's cool outside. Furthermore, for the life of me, I can not see any way this thing is vented to control heat build up inside the cabinet. Sure there are cheap looking "dryer" vent type hoses coming off the pumps but thos just go down into the floor, not to the exterior. The service guy told me there are screen vents underneath the corners...uuhhmm, no there are not.
I've got to assume there is some sort of sensor under there that is triggering this. I've had the service tech out and he says that the problem can not be related to the outdoor temperature.
Their solution is to start throwing parts at it and see what happens. I'm not sure this is the way to go.
Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.
If it is under warranty which it should be, let the dealer handle it. They should be able to resolve the problem one would think, but give them a chance. If not then take the steps that Erica suggested..
I agree with letting the dealer handle it under warranty, but maybe remove the skirting in the summer months...
I agree with letting the dealer handle it under warranty, but maybe remove the skirting in the summer months...
He shouldn't have to..
I wouldn't recommend removing the skirting...that's an incorrect patch even if it don't want your internals exposed to uv's prematurely destroying the tubs lines and insulation. Who wants to look at that anyways. Let service do their job and sit back and have a drink...that's why you bought a reputable product with a warranty.