Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: bpb53 on May 09, 2014, 08:59:13 am

Title: advice on Tiger River
Post by: bpb53 on May 09, 2014, 08:59:13 am
My 15 year old Tiger River Bengal tub has done sterling service but is likely to die soon, I am looking for a replacement but technology has moved on so far since we bought this baby that I don't know where to start.  Can anyone fill me in on where Tiger River fits with regard to quality compared to other makes?  Clearly I am very happy with it.  Are there other makes I should be looking at?  Are there makes I should avoid?
Title: Re: advice on Tiger River
Post by: hottubdan on May 09, 2014, 10:20:32 am
You should start with your local Hot Spring dealer.  As you probably know, Hot spring (Watkins) made your Tiger River.  Check out the Limelight Collection. Which model do you have?
Title: Re: advice on Tiger River
Post by: dunecritter on May 09, 2014, 11:03:47 am
I think you kinda answered your own question in a sense...15 years with great service! Stick with what has treated you so well and stay with a Hot Springs product (Watkins). Ask for a loyalty discount on your next HS product purchase. We love happy return clients and always offer the best price for loyalty! Like Hottubdan said...The HS Limelight edition is equal or above with new technology to your Tiger River. My $.02
Title: Re: advice on Tiger River
Post by: bpb53 on May 10, 2014, 07:59:39 am
Many thanks, its a Bengal, I live in UK and I can't seem to find new Tiger River spas here any more.  As you can imagine things have moved on so much in the intervening years, we don't want the bells and whistles of sound systems or waterfalls as my husband and I mainly use it to make time to talk and plot and dream, but we really enjoy the therapeutic jets and I love the jets in the foot well.  We don't really use the lounger (he doesn't like it and I'm too short!)
Title: Re: advice on Tiger River
Post by: dunecritter on May 10, 2014, 10:07:56 am
Basically the Tiger River line has been replaced by the Limelight series and is no longer made under that label. Rest assure it is of same quality and features. The bells and whistles such as Audio, Video, ACE salt system, and Chiller are all options. So simply do not buy any options if they are not wanted.
Title: Re: advice on Tiger River
Post by: bpb53 on May 10, 2014, 01:10:43 pm
perfect, thank you so much!