Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: patrickc01 on April 19, 2014, 11:30:42 am
Hi Everyone,
The house my wife and I are buying has a hot-tub option. The current owner has a 2001 Dimension One spa. It might be a Nautilus, but its hard for to tell. It is currently running fine, and from what I can tell it seems to be in good shape. The owner had a lot of work done in 2007, fixing a control panel, ozone generator, head rests, and several other items. Much of the work is said to be under warranty. The asking price is $1500. We dont know anything about hot tubs, and are under a deadline to make a decision on this. Does this seem like a lot for a 13 year old spa? Any thoughts would be awesome.
Good hot tub, D1 is a quality brand but the price does seem high. $500 would be all I would be willing to offer. It is closer to the end of its life than its beginning.
When the spa was 6 years old, a lot of things, that failed after 6 years, were repaired. Seven years have now passed since the repairs. Work was done SEVEN years ago, and is still under warranty????????????
The work was done seven years ago, on a then 6 year old spa. IMHO, these repairs add virtually nothing to the value of the spa (if they were done within the last year, this might be different). Unless the spa, and cover, are in immaculate condition, in my opinion, they're asking 2 to 3 times what it's worth.
If you don't buy it, what are the sellers going to do? Are they going to try and sell it to someone else? (wish them luck if they try. I'd bet it'll still be there when the house closes). Would they take it with them? (the cost of moving and setting it up could be far greater than what they're currently ask for it, and you may be able to explain this to them and get them to just leave it there).
Hi Everyone,
The house my wife and I are buying has a hot-tub option. The current owner has a 2001 Dimension One spa. It might be a Nautilus, but its hard for to tell. It is currently running fine, and from what I can tell it seems to be in good shape. The owner had a lot of work done in 2007, fixing a control panel, ozone generator, head rests, and several other items. Much of the work is said to be under warranty. The asking price is $1500. We dont know anything about hot tubs, and are under a deadline to make a decision on this. Does this seem like a lot for a 13 year old spa? Any thoughts would be awesome.
Nothing on the spa is still under warranty including the work done 7 years ago so $1500 is high but it has two things going for it, you can fully inspect it in operation and it won't have to be moved (and the move itself is not always kind to any spa let alone an older one). If I could see it working and in place I'd be willing to go higher than normal maybe but I agree with one point made, the owner does NOT want to have to move it. He may think he can get that much but that's not realistic or maybe he's just tossing it out there as a starting point but either way I'd call his bluff by countering $500 to put the ball in his court and I'd hold firm for the most part expecting at the midnight hour he'd concede. And if the cover is 7 years old you can expect to need a new one now or very very soon.
When I bought my house, the 4 year old hot tub was a part of the deal. I wouldn't pay any extra for a tub that old.
Just tell them you like the house but you are not interested in paying more for the tub.
My guess is you will end up with it anyway. :)
Thanks for the advice everyone. We ended up putting a bid in it for $500 based on your recommendations.
There was an estate sale, and lots of things had to go. Our bid was accepted!
The spa turns out to be a 2002 D1 Chairman II. The list of replacements was actually quite long.
11-05 replaced LED display
12-06 replaced flow control switch
3-07 replaced headrests
4-10 replaced filters
6-10 replaced cover inserts
9-10 replaced circulation pump
11-12 replaced ozone generator
10-13 replaced control panel.
It also has a fairly new cover
We are really excited, and are going to enjoy it to the fullest (however long that ends up being)!
Thanks again!
Happy soaking Patrick!
By the way, if the last filter change was 4 years ago, that would be the first thing on my list to replace. :)
A friend recommended that too. New owner, new filter. :)
Get 2 sets and change them a couple times a year or more to soak and clean. Get new sets every 3-4 years. Ive gone longer on a couple sets. You shouldn't.