Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: observer on April 04, 2014, 09:33:22 am
I'm looking for advice on hot tub covers. My hot tub is outdoors (no shelter). A bit of snow where I live but a LOT of rain.
I replace my cover every 2 years for about 5-600 dollars; this seems exhorbitant.
No sunlight problem because I never have a cover long enough to have any sun damage.
One problem is that the covers allow rain to enter and overflow the tub; do there exist watertight covers?
Also there are birds who peck at the cover and make holes; every hole grows huge in a few weeks and looks awful.
Where can I find a good cover? Should resist rain, have a thick layer to resist birds. The websites never give enough information on the composition of the cover. Also the WEIGHT is important: they should tell me the weight so I can decide if I can lift the cover or I need a lift device.
Any suggestions?
Hi Observer,
What tub do you own, where do you live and what brand covers are you using?
I just picked up a "cover" for my cover. I had problems with sap and tulip poplar "flowers" dropping on my old Coleman spa and getting the cover dirty/sappy. So, with my new Artic Klondiker, I decided to get a cover to protect the cover. It cost around $60 and I'll be putting it on, tomorrow. If the birds attack it, it is a lot cheaper to replace than the insulated cover. :)
I'm not the expert in this forum but I think I've seen a couple of cool covers.
The Cover Store at has a number of very good covers that will add years to your hard cover. :)
Maybe look at getting a smart top from leisure concepts. They are expensive but should last 10 years plus
But remember with hard covers like the smart top and the other plastic one from strong you give up almost all of your insulating ability of your cover.
Do you know this for a fact tman? Have you seen a smart top in person? They claim to be as energy efficient as a regular cover. I have wondered about that with the smart top myself.
Hi Observer,
What tub do you own, where do you live and what brand covers are you using?
I just picked up a "cover" for my cover. I had problems with sap and tulip poplar "flowers" dropping on my old Coleman spa and getting the cover dirty/sappy. So, with my new Artic Klondiker, I decided to get a cover to protect the cover. It cost around $60 and I'll be putting it on, tomorrow. If the birds attack it, it is a lot cheaper to replace than the insulated cover. :)
Rosewood, what cover for the cover did you get? That is pretty reasonable for $60. Just curious so maybe I can recommend that to others in the future if you are happy with it.
Observer, tell us about the covers you have bought, internet? dealer? cost?
When ordering a cover, there are things you should include which will increase cost, and are commonly neglected when consumers order, i.e. double wrap, heat sealed foam insert cores.
When using a cover, there are thing you shouldn't do.
Birds are pecking holes in the cover? Can you see or feel the foam insert?
[/quote] Rosewood, what cover for the cover did you get? That is pretty reasonable for $60. Just curious so maybe I can recommend that to others in the future if you are happy with it.
Water Boy,
I picked it up on Amazon for $62 and some change. Here is the link:
Just to add, my total price was $62.11. That including shipping.
Do you know this for a fact tman? Have you seen a smart top in person? They claim to be as energy efficient as a regular cover. I have wondered about that with the smart top myself.
It's pretty logical to speculate that 1/2" of foam will insulate 1/5th as good as 3 inches of foam.
We have sold the smart top and this winter we had to go out and work on the tub. the smart top had no noticeable heat loss or steam loss. I am not saying that it insulates as well as a 6 inch cover but i have had some thin covers before and did notice any usage change after a certain point it is just over kill. Case in point Watkins covers are fairly thin from the factory and they work great.
What is considered "noticeable heat loss"?
Here in Northern Minnesota 6" of foam insulates better than 3" and 3" better than 1/2" Might be different where you live? We build our walls out of 2x6's rather than 2x4's so we can get more insulation in our walls. And we put 24'-36" in our attics.
Following the logic of a 1/2" is enough, I wonder why we do this?